Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures 013
Africana Studies 014
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Animal Science 067
Anthropology 070
Archaeology 075
Architectural Studies 076
Armenian 078
Art 080
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrobiology 101
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Biotechnology 126
Business Analytics and Information Technolgy 136
Business Law 140
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Communication 192
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Criminology 204
Dance 203
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Economics 220
Education 300
Entomology 370
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Certificates
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Environmental Studies 381
European Studies 360
Exercise Science 377
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
French 420
Gender and Media 438
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
Health Administration 501
Health and Society 502
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Holocaust Studies 564
Human Resource Management 533
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major 555
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Interdisciplinary Studies, SAS 556
International and Global Studies 558
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies and Employment Relations 575
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Latino and Caribbean Studies 595
Leadership and Management 605
Life Sciences
Life Sciences Core Curriculum
Biological Sciences 119
Learning Goals
Entry Requirements of the Major
Major Requirements
Minor Requirements
Independent Study and Research in Biology
Joint B.A./M.D. Program (Rutgers Undergraduate-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School)
Joint B.A./M.D. Program (Rutgers Undergraduate-New Jersey Medical School)
Joint B.A./D.M.D. Program (Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences-Rutgers School of Dental Medicine)
Joint B.A./M.S. Physician Assistant Program (Rutgers School of Arts and Sciences-School of Health Professions)
Departmental Honors Program
Cell Biology and Neuroscience 146
Exercise Science 377
Genetics 447
Molecular Biology and Biochemistry 694
Sport Management 955
Linguistics 615
Management and Global Business 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Military Education, Naval 692
Military Science Minor (Military Science 691N, Naval Science 692N, Aerospace Science 693N, Non-Commissioning 695N)
Molecular Biology
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Organizational Leadership 713
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Plant Biology 776
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health 832
Public Policy 833
Religion 840
Russian 860
Sexualities Studies 888
Social Justice 904
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Sport Management 955
Statistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Supply Chain Management 799
Theater 965
Ukrainian 967
Urban Planning and Design 971
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 988
World Language Proficiency Certificates
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses Life Sciences Biological Sciences 119 Joint B.A./M.D. Program (Rutgers Undergraduate-New Jersey Medical School)  

Joint B.A./M.D. Program (Rutgers Undergraduate-New Jersey Medical School)

Rutgers Undergraduate/New Jersey Medical School Joint Bachelor of Arts/Medical Degree (B.A./M.D.) Program

The Rutgers Undergraduate/New Jersey Medical School joint program started in the fall of 2003. The purpose of the program is to permit students to begin their medical education after their third year or at least 96 degree credits at Rutgers. Specially selected students will obtain bachelor's and medical degrees in a seven-year program of study taken at Rutgers undergraduate units and New Jersey Medical School (NJMS).

This program is only open to students enrolled in Rutgers University-New Brunswick schools.

Admission is a two-phase and highly competitive process. In the first phase, undergraduate students are admitted into the program by the Joint Program Executive Committee consisting of faculty from the appropriate units. Eligible applicants are sophomores at any of the undergraduate schools at the New Brunswick location of Rutgers University who have been enrolled here for at least one year. The executive committee reviews applications and selects those students who are deemed most qualified for the program. The second phase occurs typically after the third year of study. It is the responsibility of the NJMS Admissions Committee to review the credentials of students recommended by the Joint Program Executive Committee. The purpose of this second review is to ascertain that the student has maintained adequate academic and nonacademic qualities appropriate for retention in the medical school. It is expected that students will have grades of A or B in courses taken at Rutgers. Students must complete the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) by January of the junior year before matriculating at NJMS and be required to be in the competitive range of other accepted NJMS students.  This second review is noncompetitive. Students who are deemed to have met the academic and nonacademic standards of the program will be recommended to the NJMS Admissions Committee. However, recommendation is not automatic. The final decision rests with the Medical School Admissions Committee. Upon approval by the Medical School Admissions Committee, the student will be permitted to continue into the next year of study and will be matriculated formally as a candidate for the M.D. degree at the New Jersey Medical School.

Applicants for the program must be in their fourth semester at Rutgers-New Brunswick. Applications are available in the Health Professions Office after spring break; they are due by the end of May. There is no rolling admissions policy. Decisions are expected to be made in July. By the end of the semester of application, applicants must have completed a minimum of 60 credits of which at least 30 credits must be at Rutgers, and they must have been in attendance at Rutgers a minimum of one year. Additionally, applicants must have a minimum cumulative and science grade-point average of 3.5 by the end of the third semester which must be maintained through the end of the fourth. The applicant must have completed, or be in the process of completing by the end of the fourth semester, two semesters of biology with lab, two semesters of general chemistry with lab, two semesters of organic chemistry, one semester of college-level mathematics, and one semester of English. Applicants who have not taken General Biology I and II and lab at Rutgers, either because they have been awarded advanced placement biology credits or because they have transferred equivalent courses from another institution, must have at least one year of upper-division biology courses at Rutgers (i.e., two courses of at least 3 or more credits each at the 200 level or higher). Those students who are admitted to the program without having two semesters of physics, organic chemistry lab, and two semesters of English must complete these requirements by the end of the third year of study. An application form has been developed that allows the student to provide the committee with information the committee deems useful for its deliberations.

Students will be admitted at the end of the spring semester of year two and be formal members of the program beginning with year three. Prior to leaving the Rutgers undergraduate unit, students must satisfy all college and major requirements, except for the credits which they will receive from NJMS (please see next paragraph). For a student at Rutgers-New Brunswick who has elected to major in biological sciences, 15 credits from NJMS will be applied toward the major.

The baccalaureate degree will be awarded upon completion of the undergraduate college requirements and major requirements by the end of year four. Upon satisfactory completion of year seven or eight, as well as all New Jersey Medical School requirements, the student will receive the medical degree.

A student enrolled in the program completing a major in biological sciences at Rutgers-New Brunswick is required to complete remaining Life Science Core Curriculum coursework and three approved life sciences electives (3- or 4-credit courses) at Rutgers-New Brunswick. Students who have not taken General Biology I and II at Rutgers, either because they have been awarded AP biology credit or because they have transferred equivalent courses from another institution, must take Genetics 01:447:380, and four approved life sciences electives (3- or 4-credit courses) at Rutgers-New Brunswick.  No more than one independent study/research course may be applied toward the biological sciences major for students in the B.A./M.D. program. Please be sure to meet with a biological sciences adviser when selecting life science elective courses because not all course combinations are allowed given overlap in subject matter taught at Rutgers and NJMS.

For further information on this program, you may contact the Division of Life Sciences, Health Professions Office, Nelson Biological Laboratories, 604 Allison Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8082, at 848-445-5667.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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