Concepts of Physics for Humanities and Social Science Students (3)
Concepts of physics and astronomy in their scientific, social, historical, and current technological context, with no mathematical problem solving. How the physical universe works, from mechanics and the solar system to relativity, quantum behavior, and the big bang. Contributions of scientists from Aristotle, Galileo, and Newton through Einstein, Bohr, and up to the present time.
May not be taken for major or minor credit.
Astronomy and Cosmology (3,3)
Predominantly descriptive introduction to current ideas concerning the nature and origin of the earth, the solar system, the galaxy, and the universe; neutron stars and black holes; the big-bang; the possibility of life outside the earth. 109: Development of our understanding of the solar system from the time of the Greeks to the present day. 110: Current understanding of stars, galaxies, and the universe.
For nonscience majors. No prerequisite. May not be taken for major credit. Courses are independent and may be taken in either order or concurrently.
Extended Analytical Physics I (3,3)
Together with 01:750:227, 228 forms a thorough introductory sequence.
First semester: graphs, orders of magnitude, units, dimensions, errors and
precision, review of mathematics useful to physics, kinematics,
vectors, force, and Newton's laws. Second semester: energy, momentum,
rotational motion, oscillations, liquids, and thermal physics,
including the laws of thermodynamics and the kinetic theory of gases.
Lec. 2 hrs., workshop 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:750:115 or 01:750:123 for second semester 01:750:116.
Corequisites: 01:640:112 or 115 (first semester), 01:640:CALC1 (second semester). Sequence 01:750:115-116 is equivalent to 01:750:123-124, if both 01:750:115 and 116 are taken. Intended for engineering students who need extra help in preparing for 01:750:227, 228.
Analyzing the X-Ray Universe (3)
Astrophysical analysis of stellar properties and evolution; hands-on techniques for understanding cosmic x-ray sources, utilizing NASA data archives. Online course. This course is currently not offered.
Prerequisite: 01:640:112 or higher or placement.
Analytical Physics I (2,2)
Forms a thorough introductory sequence together with 01:750:227, 228. Kinematics, dynamics, energy, momentum, angular momentum, heat, and kinetic theory.
Lec. 1 hr., rec. 1 hr. Corequisites: 01:640:151-152. Primarily for engineering and physics majors. This course should be followed by 01:750:227, 228 (or 204 if changing major). Prerequisites: 01:750:115 or 01:750:123 for second semester 01:750:124
The Greenhouse Effect (3)
Physical and chemical bases of the "greenhouse effect" and its global impact: biological, climatic, economic, and political. Reducing the emission of "greenhouse" gases; nuclear energy, and other alternative energy sources.
For nonscience majors; may not be taken for major or minor credit in science or engineering. Credit not given for both this course and 01:160:140, 01:450:140, or 01:556:140.
Elements of Physics (4)
Survey of major topics in physics, such as motion, fluids, waves, electricity, electrical circuits, radioactivity, relativity, and atomic structure, with emphasis on developing laboratory and problem-solving skills.
Lec. 3 hrs., workshop/lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:640:112 or 115. Primarily for pharmacy students
Physics for the Sciences and Physics for the Sciences Laboratory (4,4)
Introduction to physics with biological, ecological, and chemical applications. Selected topics in mechanics, thermodynamics, fluids, waves, electricity, magnetism, optics, and modern physics. Integrated laboratory experiments.
Lec. 2 hrs., workshop 1.5 hrs., lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite for 01:750:193: 01:640:112 or 115 or equivalent. Prerequisite for 01:750:194: 750:193. Credit not given for more than one of 01:750:203, 01:750:193, or 01:750:201. Credit not given for more than one of 01:750:204, 01:750:194, or 01:750:202.
Extended General Physics and Extended General Physics Laboratory (5,5)
Elementary but detailed analysis of fundamental topics. First semester:
review of mathematical skills useful for physics, vectors, kinematics; Newton's laws including gravitation, conservation laws, fluids, thermal
physics. Second semester: electricity and magnetism, geometrical and
wave optics, relativity and modern physics.
Two 80-min. lecs., one 80-min. workshop, lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:640:112 or 115. Sequence 01:750:201-202 is an integrated program equivalent to 01:750:203-204 and 01:750:205-206. Intended for science, science teaching, and prehealth profession majors with a nontraditional background or who would benefit from additional support. Credit not given for more than one out of 01:750:203, 01:750:193, or 01:750:201. Credit not given for more than one of 01:750:204, 01:750:194, or 01:750:202.
General Physics (3,3)
Elementary but detailed analysis of fundamental topics: motion, gravitation, momentum, energy, electromagnetism, waves, heat, kinetic theory, quantum effects, and atomic and nuclear structures.
Lec. 2 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Corequisites: 01:750:205-206. Primarily for students in scientific curricula other than physics. Credit not given for more than one out of 01:750:203, 01:750:193, or 01:750:201. Credit not given for more than one of 01:750:204, 01:750:194, or 01:750:202.
General Physics Laboratory (1,1)
Laboratory to complement 01:750:203-204.
Corequisites: 01:750:203-204.
Analytical Physics IIA (3)
Electrostatics, particles in electric and magnetic fields,
electromagnetism, circuits, Maxwell's equations, electromagnetic
Prerequisites: [(01:750:116 or 01:750:124) and (01:640:152)]. Corequisite: (01:640:251 or 01:640:291) and (01:750:229). Primarily for engineering and physics majors.
Analytical Physics IIB (3)
Waves and optics, relativity, quantum properties of electrons and photons, wave mechanics, atomic, solid state, nuclear, and elementary particle physics.
Prerequisite: [(01:750:227 or 21:750:214 or 50:750:132 or 01:750:204 or 50:750:204 or 21:750:204 or 01:750:272) and (01:640:152)]. Corequisite: 01:750:230. Primarily for engineering and physics majors.
Analytical Physics II Laboratory (1,1)
Laboratory to complement 01:750:227 and 228.
Corequisites: 01:750:227 and 228.
Honors Physics I,II (3,3)
Introduction to classical physics, covering mechanics, fluids, thermodynamics, waves, electricity, magnetism, and optics.
Prerequisites: For 271: 01:640:112 or higher placement; For 272: 01:640:151 or higher and 750:271. Corequisites: For 271: 01:640:151 or higher and 01:750:275; For 272: 01:640:252 or higher and 01:750:276. H section for honors students only. Special permission of program director.
Honors Physics III (3)
Relativity, wave, and quantum properties of photons and electrons; the structure of atoms, molecules, and solids; nuclear physics; elementary particles.
Prerequisites: 01:750:272, or permission of department and 01:640:CALC2.
Classical Physics Laboratory (1,1)
Experiments in classical physics.
Prerequisite: (01:640:151 or higher) and 01:750:275 (for 276).
Corequisites: 01:750:271 (for 275); 01:750:272 (for 276). H sections for Honors students online. Special permission of program director.
Physics of Sound (3)
Scientific basis of sound: waves, vibrating systems, normal modes,
Fourier analysis and synthesis, perception and measurement of sound,
noise, musical instruments, room acoustics, sound recording and
reproduction, electronic synthesizers, and digital sound.
Prerequisites: Two semesters of introductory physics and two semesters of calculus. Primarily for science majors.
Modern Optics (3)
Geometrical optics; electromagnetic waves and the wave equation; superposition, interference, diffraction, polarization, and coherence; holography; multilayer films, Fresnel equations; blackbody radiation, Einstein coefficients, and lasers; waveguides and fiber optics; and optical properties of materials.
Prerequisites: 01:640:CALC3; 01:750:227 or 272; or permission of instructor.
Modern Physics (3)
Relativistic mechanics, wave and quantum properties of photons and electrons; Schrödinger equation and its application to the structure of atoms, molecules, and solids; nuclear physics; elementary particles.
Prerequisites: 01:640:CALC2; 01:750:202 or 204 or 228.
Advanced General Physics (3,3)
For students in the general physics program and others who wish a course in classical mechanics (323) and a course in electromagnetism (324) beyond the introductory level.
Prerequisites: 01:750:202 or 204 or 228 (for 01:750:323); 01:750:323 or 381 (for 01:750:324).
Computer-Based Experimentation and Physics Computing (4)
Experiments in mechanics, electromagnetism, and modern physics, emphasizing error analysis. Uses the computer as a laboratory tool for symbolic manipulation, data collection, data analysis, simulation, and report writing.
Prerequisites: ((01:750:202 or 01:750:204) and 01:750:206) or (01:750:228 and 01:750:230) or (01:750:273 and 01:750:276).
Modern Instrumentation (3)
Theory and use of integrated circuits and their interconnection to produce measuring devices, control apparatus, and interfaces for such devices to microcomputers.
Prerequisites: ((01:750:202 or 01:750:204) and 01:750:206) or (01:750:227 and 01:750:229) or (01:750:272 and 01:750:276) or (01:750:194). Required for physics majors, but also suitable for psychology, biological sciences, and other physical science majors.
Principles of Astrophysics (3,3)
Properties and processes of the solar system, the stars, and the galaxies; origin of the elements; evolution of the stars and the universe; neutron stars and black holes.
Prerequisites: For 341: ((01:750:201 or 01:750:203 or 01:750:116 or 01:750:124 or 01:750:271) and 01:640:152). For 342: ((01:750:202 or 01:750:204 or 01:750:228 or 01:750:273) and 01:640:152).
Computational Astrophysics (3)
Introduction to computational astrophysics, including key algorithms, their implementation in code, and their application to current research in astrophysics. Extended projects feature analysis of real data and simulations.
Prerequisites: 01:750:341,342, or permission of instructor.
Observational Astronomy (3)
Introduction to the tools and techniques of observational astronomy across the electromagnetic spectrum, and to their application in the context of current research in astrophysics. Extended projects offer each student an opportunity to work with astronomical data from at least two wavelength regimes (among radio, optical/infrared, and X-ray), and in the two core modes of astronomical observations (imaging and spectroscopy).
Prerequisites: 01:750:341, 01:750:342, and 01:750:345, or permission of instructor.
Thermal Physics (3)
Principles of thermodynamics with physical and chemical applications: energy, entropy and temperature, the three laws of thermodynamics, cycles, open systems, critical phenomena, chemical equilibrium, ideal gas reactions, phase rule, phase diagrams, kinetic theory, and introduction to statistical mechanics.
Prerequisites: [(01:640:251 or 01:640:291)] and [(01:750:204 or 01:750:227 or 01:750:272 or 01:750:194 or 01:750:202)].
Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics (3)
Introductory quantum mechanics: matter waves, uncertainty principle, stationary states and operators; the Schrödinger equation and its solutions for simple potentials; the hydrogen atom, quantization of angular momentum, spin; complex atoms and molecules.
Prerequisites: 01:640:CALC4; 01:750:228 or 273; or permission of instructor.
Junior Seminar (1)
Development of communication skills needed by professionals in physics and related fields. Oral and written reports, discussions of topics of current interest, and career options.
For physics majors only.
Mechanics (3,3)
Intermediate treatment of Newtonian mechanics, including particle
dynamics, rigid body motion, accelerated and rotating reference frames,
and Lagrange's and Hamilton's equations.
For 381: Prerequisites: 01:750:124 or 01:750:203 or 01:750:271; two semesters of calculus. Corequisite: 01:640:CALC3 or permission of instructor. For 382: 01:750:381. A theoretical course, primarily for physics majors.
Electromagnetism (3,3)
Intermediate course for physics majors and others who wish a thorough
discussion of the fundamental laws of electromagnetism; electric and
magnetic fields; dielectric and magnetic materials; DC and AC circuits; Maxwell's equations; and electromagnetic radiation.
Prerequisites: For 385: 01:640:CALC3; 01:750:227 or 272 or 324; or permission of instructor. For 386: 01:750:385. A theoretical course, primarily for physics majors.
Experimental Modern Physics (3,3)
Experiments in atomic, nuclear, condensed matter, and surface physics.
Prerequisites: 01:750:326 and 01:750:327 and (01:750:313 or 01:750:361 or 01:750:417). Credit not given for both 01:750:387 and 01:750:389.
Experimental Applied Physics (3)
Experiments in classical and modern physics emphasizing techniques useful for applications.
Prerequisites: 01:750:326, 327. Corequisite: 01:750:313 or 361 or permission of instructor. Credit not given for both 01:750:387-388, and 389.
Physics of Modern Devices (3)
Physical laws and principles underlying modern devices and processes; examples including motors, generators, refrigerators, vacuum tubes, transistors, radio and television receivers, computers, rockets, nuclear reactors, radiation detectors, lasers, and holograms.
Prerequisites: Two semesters of introductory physics and a course in calculus.
Introductory Solid State Physics (3)
Fundamental properties of metals, insulators, and semiconductors; dielectrics; magnetism; and superconductivity.
Prerequisites: (01:750:361 or 01:750:417) and 01:750:386.
Intermediate Quantum Mechanics (3)
Vector space formulation, operators, eigenfunctions, bound states, angular momentum, central potentials, approximation methods, scattering.
Prerequisite: 01:750:361.
Nuclei and Particles (3)
Nuclear forces and models; classification and interactions of elementary particles.
Prerequisite: 01:750:361.
Introduction to Quantum Computing (3)
Introduction to quantum computing including qubits, entanglement, quantum gates, quantum algorithms, applications to quantum chemistry and quantum information theory.
rerequisites: (01:750:228 or 01:750:273) and (01:640:244 or 01:640:250 or 01:640:252).
Introduction to Computational Biology for Physicists (3)
Introduction to analytical and computational methods applied to biological data and phenomena. Concepts of biology explained using techniques
from physics, such as partition functions, mean field theory, and fixed point theory. Methods such as Bayesian analysis, parametric and nonparametric tests, sequence alignment, phylogenetic analysis, pattern recognition, and neural networks applied to big data to solve problems of current research interest using Matlab programming.
Prerequisites: (01:750:202 or 01:750:204 or 01:750:227 or 01:750:272) and 01:640:244. Corequisite: 01:750:351.
Stars and Star Formation (3)
Observed properties of stars. Internal structure of stars, energy generation and transport, neutrinos, solar oscillations. Evolution of isolated and double stars, red giants, white dwarfs, variable stars, supernovae. Challenges presented by formation of stars, importance of magnetic fields. Pre-main sequence stellar evolution.
Prerequisites: 01:750:342 or (01:750:351 and 01:750:361).
High Energy Astrophysics and Radiative Processes (3)
Radiation and scattering processes in plasma. Detection of X and gamma rays. Supernovae and remnants, pulsars. Gamma-ray bursts, accretion disks, and binary star outbursts. Quasars and active galactic nuclei, cosmic rays.
Prerequisites: 01:750:342 or (01:750:361 and 01:790:386).
Galaxies and the Milky Way (3)
Properties of galaxies: photometry, kinematics, and masses. Disk galaxies: spiral patterns, bars and warps, gas content, star formation rates, chemical evolution. Elliptical galaxies: shapes. Structure of the Milky Way. Nature of dark matter.
Prerequisites: (01:750:342) or [(01:750:351 and 01:750:361 and 01:750:381)].
Introduction to Cosmology (3)
Expansion of the universe, techniques for distance estimation. Large-scale structure of the universe. Cosmological models: open, closed, flat, and accelerating universes. Microwave background: observations, properties, and origin. Problems of standard cosmology and preliminary concept of inflation.
Prerequisites: (01:750:341 and 342) or (01:750:351 and 361).
Physical Oceanography (4)
Principles of ocean physics. Mass, momentum, heat, and freshwater
conservation and atmospheric exchange. Influence of Earth's rotation.
The ocean's role in climate. Tides, waves, and currents. Effects of
ocean circulation on its biology and chemistry.
Two 80-min. lecs., one 55-min. rec. Prerequisite: 01:750:204. Credit not given for both this course and 11:628:451 or 16:712:501.
Mathematical Physics (3)
Physical applications of linear algebra, the exterior calculus,
differential forms, complexes and cohomology. Applications include
Hamiltonian dynamics, normal mode analysis, Markov processes,
thermodynamics, Schrödinger's equation, special relativity,
electrostatics, magnetostatics, Maxwell's equations, and wave
Prerequisite: 01:640:423 or equivalent.
Special Topics in Physics (3,3)
Study of selected areas in physics.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Research in Physics (BA,BA)
Independent research supervised by a member of the department.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Independent Study in Physics (1-4,1-4)
Independent study supervised by a member of the department.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Honors in Physics (1-4,1-4)
Supervised independent research or reading in experimental or theoretical physics, culminating in a seminar conducted by the student.
Prerequisite: Invitation of chair.
Honors in Astronomy (1-6,1-6)
Supervised independent research or reading in astronomy, culminating in a seminar conducted by the student.
Prerequisite: Invitation of chair.