Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures 013
Africana Studies 014
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Animal Science 067
Anthropology 070
Archaeology 075
Architectural Studies 076
Armenian 078
Art 080
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrobiology 101
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Biotechnology 126
Business Analytics and Information Technolgy 136
Business Law 140
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Communication 192
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Criminology 204
Dance 203
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Economics 220
Education 300
Entomology 370
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Certificates
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Environmental Studies 381
European Studies 360
Exercise Science 377
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
French 420
Gender and Media 438
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
Health Administration 501
Health and Society 502
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Holocaust Studies 564
Human Resource Management 533
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major 555
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Interdisciplinary Studies, SAS 556
International and Global Studies 558
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies and Employment Relations 575
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Latino and Caribbean Studies 595
Leadership and Management 605
Life Sciences
Linguistics 615
Management and Global Business 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Learning Goals
Major Requirements
Minor Requirements
Program Courses
Courses Originating in Middle Eastern Studies
Middle Eastern Studies Courses Offered by Other Departments
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Military Education, Naval 692
Military Science Minor (Military Science 691N, Naval Science 692N, Aerospace Science 693N, Non-Commissioning 695N)
Molecular Biology
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Organizational Leadership 713
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Plant Biology 776
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health 832
Public Policy 833
Religion 840
Russian 860
Sexualities Studies 888
Social Justice 904
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Sport Management 955
Statistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Supply Chain Management 799
Theater 965
Ukrainian 967
Urban Planning and Design 971
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 988
World Language Proficiency Certificates
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses Middle Eastern Studies 685 Courses Originating in Middle Eastern Studies  

Courses Originating in Middle Eastern Studies

01:685:100 Introduction to the Modern Middle East (3) Introduction to the languages and cultures of the Middle East and facilities of cross-cultural communication and understanding between the people of the West and of the Middle East. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:100.
01:685:200 Ancient Near East (3) Origins and development of the societies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Asia Minor, and the Levant, through the period of the Persian Empire. Credit not given for both this course and 01:508:200, 01:190:200 and 01:563:200.
01:685:201 Islamic Civilization (3) Survey of Islamic societies from seventh-century Arabia to modern times. Religious, political, military, social, economic, and cultural institutions and organizational patterns. Credit not given for this course and 01:489:220, 01:510:222, 01:667:220, or 01:190:220.
01:685:220 Greek Food from Antiquity to Today (3) Food and foodways of Greek-speaking peoples from ancient times to the present, with special emphasis on problems of continuity and change. Credit not given for this course and 01:489:220, 01:510:222, 01:667:220, or 01:190:220.
01:685:225 Global Arabic (3) Traces the historical development of Arabic as a global language, the various meanings Arabic has come to acquire in various parts of world, and the functions it has come to serve in different periods and different global spaces. Arabic's interactions with other languages and their sociolinguistic implications. Taught in English. Credit not given for this course and 01:013:225.
01:685:226 Islam (3) Muhammad and the development of Muslim beliefs and practices; major movements and their effects on historical and current events. Credit not given for both this course and 01:840:226.
01:685:230 Introduction to Third World Cinema: Middle East and North Africa (3) Analyze Third World cinema in the context of sociopolitical issues such as race, class, and gender; relation between Third World cinema and the West; roles of women, youth, and marginal groups. Examine and compare cultural understandings of the concepts of modern and traditional.
01:685:236 History and Cultures of Iran (3) Introduction to Iranian civilization through its historical, material, and intellectual cultures. A diachronic view of cultural tropes, intellectual and nationalist movements, and political governing systems that transformed Iran over the course of the three significant historical periods: the ancient and medieval dynasties, the period from the 19th century to the end of the Pahlavis Monarchy, and the Islamic Republic of the post-1979 Revolution.
01:685:240 Muslims and Islamic Institutions in America (3) Explores the bonds of Muslim community, the meaning of Muslim-American identity, how immigrant groups are assimilated into American society, and institutional frameworks being adopted for national integration.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:014:356 or 01:685:355.
01:685:282 Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (3) Overview of the hundred-year old Arab-Israeli conflict, the controversies it has generated, the attempts to resolve it, and how outsiders to the conflict learn about it and experience it. Credit not given for both this course and 01:508:212, 01:508:300; 01:563:282; 01:563:300; or 01:685:300.
01:685:295 Special Topics in Middle Eastern Studies (3) Study of a specifically defined subject of Middle Eastern studies. Subjects vary according to individual instructors; contact the undergraduate director for information.
01:685:306 Minorities of the Middle East (3) Survey of peoples, languages, and religions found in the contemporary Middle East, with a focus upon underrepresented groups and transnational issues. Emphasizes their histories, their roles in the contemporary Middle East, and their evolving relationships with the dominant group of the nations in which they are found. Credit not given for both this course and 01:013:308 or 01:840:306.
01:685:324 Women Writers of the Arab World (3) Comprehensive overview of emergence and development of fiction by Middle Eastern women through translated works with emphasis on comparative feminisms in literature. Taught in English. Credit not given for this course and 01:013:325 or 01:988:315.
01:685:330 Major Themes in Contemporary Iranian Cinema (3) Examines major films from postrevolutionary Iranian cinema. Major themes: the role of religion in film, art, feminism, children in adult roles, city versus rural and tribal spaces, and the gradual erosion of political and cultural restrictions.
01:685:331 Impacts of Media Technologies and Globalization on the Middle East (3) Examines how media, especially information technology, have changed societies in the modern Middle East. Tensions between traditional values and modernity as they manifest in the widespread application of computer technology. Challenges to authoritarian governments in the Middle East by the proliferation and democratization of public access to technology. Introduction to the languages and cultures of the Middle East and facilitation of cross-cultural communication and understanding between the people of the West and of the Middle East.
01:685:335 Ta'zieh (Passion Play): Religious Rituals, History, and Shi'ite Culture (3) Examination of the Persian passion play Ta'zieh, its roots in Shi'ite history, and its ritual and aesthetic dimensions.
01:685:336 History and Cultures of Iran (3) Introduction to Iranian history through its social, cultural, and political developments.
01:685:346 Media in the Arab World (3) Examines media in the Arab world from mid-19th century print sources to modern electronic media. The role that satellite channels, such as al Jazeera, play in contemporary political discourse in Arabic.
01:685:353 Islamic Law and Jurisprudence (3) Introduction to Islamic legal theory in its historical and modern contexts. Contrasts Islamic law and legal theory with Western legal theory and constitutional thought.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:790:457.
01:685:357 Islam and Democracy in the Arab World (3)

Current debates about why the Arab world is reluctant to embrace democracy and why some governments in the Arab world remain authoritarian. Includes the role of Islam in political, economic, and cultural discourse.

Credit not given for both this course and 01:790:367.
01:685:395,396 Special Topics in Middle Eastern Studies (3,3) Study, in a discussion-oriented format, of a specifically defined subject of Middle Eastern studies. Subjects vary according to individual instructors; contact the undergraduate director for information.
01:685:447 Twentieth-Century Social Movements in Iran (3) The Constitutional Revolution of 1906-09; impact of the Russian Revolution on social movements in Iran and the emergence of nationalist movements in Iran's Azerbaijan, Gilan, and Kurdistan provinces; Mossaddegh's oil nationalization effort and its aftermath; the 1979 Revolution in Iran; and the ongoing struggle for social and political freedoms.
01:685:480,481,482 Internship in Middle Eastern Studies (3,3,3) Students work in outreach projects or with a designated agency concerned with Middle Eastern affairs; requires an appropriately designed academic project, resulting in a paper. Prerequisite: Permission of program director.
01:685:495,496 Advanced Topics in Middle Eastern Studies (3,3) Intensive study, in a discussion-oriented format, of a specifically defined subject of Middle Eastern studies. Subjects vary according to individual instructors; contact the center director for information. Prerequisite: 01:685:100.
01:685:497,498 Honors Thesis (3,3) Research for and writing of an original work of scholarship. Prerequisite: Permission of program.
01:685:499 Senior Seminar in Middle Eastern Studies (3) Ways of looking at and interpreting Middle Eastern societies, cultures, histories, languages, religions, etc. Examines popular scholarly materials including artwork, films, fiction, and essays using modern methods of critical analysis. Prerequisites: 01:685:100 or 01:563:100. Open to seniors only.
For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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