Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
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School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
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Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
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Health Administration for Transfer Students (Direct Admit to EJBSPPP)
Health Administration - School of Arts and Sciences Students
Health Administration Minor
Planning and Public Policy
Planning and Public Policy for Transfer Students (Direct Admit to EJBSPPP)
Planning and Public Policy Minor
Public Health
Public Health for Transfer Students (Direct Admit to EJBSPPP)
Public Health Minor
Public Policy for Transfer Students (Direct Admit to EJBSPPP)
Public Policy - School of Arts and Sciences Students
Public Policy Minor
Urban Planning and Design
Urban Planning and Design (Direct Admit to EJBSPPP)
Urban Planning and Design Minor
Disability Studies Minor
Medical Ethics and Health Policy Minor
Public Administration and Management Minor
Urban Studies Minor
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Programs of Study Planning and Public Policy  

Planning and Public Policy

The planning and public policy major prepares students for entry-level jobs in the public and private sectors, especially in the fields of community development, government service, land use, real estate, transportation, and health policy; as well as for graduate education in public administration, public policy, urban planning, and urban studies. To pursue the major, students must apply and be admitted to the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy. The major leads to the bachelor of arts (B.A.) degree jointly awarded by the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and School of Arts and Sciences.

Students in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) and School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) who wish to remain in their primary unit must apply for admission prior to declaring the major. Successful applicants will have achieved a minimum grade of C or better in each of the prerequisite courses and be in good academic standing. Applications to the Bloustein School may be obtained from the school's website at

Only courses with a C or better may be counted toward the major. For the most current configuration of courses for this major, please see the school's website.

The awarding of the B.A. degree requires successful completion of all major requirements, completion of the SAS core curriculum, and 120 credits. The degree is awarded jointly by the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy and the School of Arts and Sciences.


Prerequisites for the Major in Planning and Public Policy (9-10 credits)
01:355:101  Expository Writing (3)
10:775:205  Basic Statistical Methods (4) or equivalent (3-4)
01:220:102  Introduction to Microeconomics (3)

Major Requirements (37 credits)

Core Courses (16 credits)
One of the following (3):

           01:220:103  Introduction to Macroeconomics (3)
           01:790:104  American Government (3)
One of the following intensive writing courses (3):
           10:775:300  Writing for Professionals (3)
           01:355:302  Scientific and Technical Writing (3)
           01:355:303  Writing for Business and the Professions (3)
           01:355:315  Writing Grant Proposals (3)
10:775:395  Research Methods (4) (Open to majors only)
10:762:400  Internship with Seminar (3) (Open to majors only)*
10:762:499  Senior Seminar (3) (Open to majors only with at least 100 credits and no outstanding core requirements)*

*Students qualifying for departmental honors may replace 10:762:400 and 10:762:499 with 10:762:497, 498 Bloustein Honors Research.

Required Electives (21 credits of additional 762 courses, 12 credits of which must be at the 300 level or higher)

Students interested in specific career paths should consider clustering their electives and seek advising early in their program of study.


Certificate programs are open to students in any major and are awarded only with, or subsequent to receiving a bachelor's degree. Only courses with a C or better may be applied toward a certificate program. Students must declare their intention to pursue a certificate program with the Bloustein School prior to their last semester of study in order to qualify to receive a certificate. Awarded certificates will appear on the student transcript. For further information visit the school's website at

A. Community Development Certificate

Core (6 credits)
10:762:307  Community Development (3)
10:762:310  U.S. Housing Policy (3)
Required Electives (at least 18 credits)
10:762:210  Principles of Public Policy (3)
10:762:250  Introduction to GIS (3)
10:762:317  Urban Municipal Management (3)
10:762:353  Local Economic Development (3)
10:762:413  Urban Revitalization (3)
10:762:440  Principles of Real Estate (3)
10:762:473  Transportation Policy (3)
Other elective courses may be substituted with permission of the program director.

B. Community Sustainability Certificate

Core  (6 credits)
10:762:201  Introduction to Urban Planning and Design (3)
10:762:202  Designing Healthy Cities (3)

Required Electives (12 credits)
Students must complete one course in at least four of the five areas of sustainability listed below. Courses may be selected from various majors, but each course must be preapproved by the program director in order to fulfill the areas of sustainability listed below. Seek advising to discuss preapproved electives. 
  • Energy
  • Environment and Climate Change
  • Transportation
  • Urban Redevelopment
  • International and Global
C. Urban Planning Certificate (24 credit minimum)

Core (6 credits)
10:762:201  Introduction to Urban Planning and Design (3)
10:762:316  Introduction to Site Planning and City Design (3) - Prerequisites 10:762:201 and 10:971:314

Required Electives (18 credits)
10:762:202  Designing Healthy Cities (3)
10:762:250  Introduction to GIS (3)
10:762:307  Community Development (3)
10:762:310  U.S. Housing Policy (3)
10:762:314  Graphic Communication for Planning (3)
10:762:317  Urban Municipal Management (3)
10:762:352  Technology in the City (3)
10:762:413  Urban Revitalization (3)
10:762:448  Historic Preservation (3)
10:762:472  Transportation Planning (3)
10:762:474  Tourism Planning (3)
Other elective courses may be substituted with permission of the program director.

Articulated 3-1-1 Program (B.A. or B.S./M.C.R.P.)

Exceptional, well-prepared students from any Rutgers University-New Brunswick matriculating unit who wish to study urban planning are encouraged to seek advising about the 3-1-1 master of city and regional planning (M.C.R.P.) program.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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