Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
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School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
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Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
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Ralph W. Voorhees Public Service and Civic Engagement Fellowship Programs
Course Listing
Explanation of Three-Part Course Numbers
Health Administration 501 Course Listing
Medical Ethics and Policy 652 Course Listing
Planning and Public Policy 762 Course Listing
Policy, Health, and Administration 775 Course Listing
Public Health 832 Course Listing
Public Policy 833 Course Listing
Public Administration and Management 843 Course Listing
Urban Planning and Design 971 Course Listing
Urban Studies 975 Course Listing
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Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Course Listing Public Policy 833 Course Listing  

Public Policy 833 Course Listing

This list includes the undergraduate public policy (833) courses offered at the Bloustein School as of September 1, 2022. Courses are taught by multiple instructors and may not be offered each semester. Please refer to WebReg for information about special topics courses. Students also should check the public health (832), urban planning and design (971), and planning and public policy (762) listings for additional courses applicable to the public policy major.
10:833:102 Introduction to Public Policy (3) Introduction to policy analysis by applying concepts from political science, economics, sociology, statistics, and science to current policy issues affecting the country and the world. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:102 and 10:843:102.
10:833:210 Principles of Public Policy (3) Implementation of public policy including federal, state, and intergovernmental decision-making. Policy areas examined include environment, health care, development, labor, and others. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:210 and 10:843:210.
10:833:215 Writing, Reasoning, and Public Policy (3)  Understanding how to use words accurately, think and write logically, and formulate valid and true arguments for the creation of evaluation of public policy. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:215.
10:833:220 Public Economic Policy (3) Evaluation of government decision-making and its effects on economic markets large and small from cars to textbooks. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:220 and 10:843:220.
10:833:230 Global Poverty (3) Introduction to the causes and governmental responses to urban poverty in developing nations: economic, historical, and cultural factors Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:230.
10:833:231 Poverty in the United States (3) Assessment of causes and consequences of poverty in the United States: economic, historical, and cultural factors, plus governmental solutions. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:231.
10:833:296, 297 Special Topics (3,3) Topics vary. See WebReg for current offerings. These courses are designed to address current issues in public policy
10:833:298,299 Independent Study (BA,BA) Prerequisites: A contract with a faculty sponsor and permission of the program director.
10:833:302 Sexual and Reproductive Health Policy (3) Assessment of the health, political, and moral influences that impact current sexual and reproductive health policies including their origins and the ramification of their implementation. Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:302.
10:833:310 U.S. Housing Policy (3) Exploration of major issues in housing: historical, economic, and social factors. Political and regulatory dimensions of housing decision-making: housing codes and the landlord-tenant relationship. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:310 and 10:975:310.
10:833:323 Demography and Population Studies (3) Review of demographic concepts, history, methods, and applications, from an interdisciplinary perspective. Global population studies, with a historical focus on distributions of wealth and power. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:323 and 10:832:323.
10:833:324 Social Movements (3) Investigation of how social movements translate changing social values into political forces. Issues include democracy, environment, health, human rights, labor, peace, and women. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:324.
10:833:325 Education Policy and Social Justice Explores the complexities of the United States education system while connecting to broader themes like social justice, equity, and inequality.
10:833:331 U.S. Social Policy (3) Examination of the historical emergence of social policy in the United States with a focus on housing, welfare, race relations, education, intergovernmental, and environmental issues. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:331.
10:833:335 Women, Inequality, and Public Policy (3) Exploration of women's evolving role in both the family and the labor market, including contemporary public policy debates around these changes. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:335.
10:832:338 Health and Public Policy (3) Investigation of the basic machinery of policymaking and the legal processes that underpin the U.S. health care and public health systems with an emphasis on recent health care reform. Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:338.
10:833:340 Aging and Public Policy (3) Assessment of aging for society. Topics include ageism, cultural and racial-ethnic diversity as it pertains to aging, and the impact of longevity on national health and social service policy. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:340.
10:833:351 Addictions Policy (3) Review of basic pharmacology and scientific nature of addiction as public health issue. Exposure to treatment facilities, mutual aid meetings, and discussions of substance abuse policies. Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:351.
10:833:353 Disability Policy & Law (3) Examines the laws that impact disability rights in the United States, how they were implemented and interpreted by courts, and the lived experiences of individuals with disabilities and others involved with the implementation of these laws.
10:833:354 Immigration Policy (3) Examines the roots of current immigration policy, including border and citizenship policy, local immigration campaigns, and the successful tactics and strategies employed to secure major policy wins.
10:833:360 Managing Public Sector Organizations Overview of fundamental management practices in public health settings including leadership, team building, credentialing and standards, regulatory oversight budgeting, and professionalism. Credit not given for both this course and 10:501:360 and 10:843:360.
10:833:361 Managing People and Organizations (3) Introduction to organizational theory and concepts of management. Explores approaches that promote and hinder effective management.
Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:361 and 10:843:361.
10:833:362 Nonprofit Management (3) Overview of the wide-ranging administrative skills needed to manage nonprofits effectively while meeting mission and fiduciary responsibilities. Credit not given for both this course and 10:501:362.
10:833:381(1 credit),382(4 credits); 383,384,385,386, 387 (3 credits) Special Topics (as shown)

Topics vary. See WebReg for current offerings. These courses are designed to address current issues in public policy.

10:833:416 Mental Health and Society (3) Exploration of historical and contemporary policies regarding mental health care in the United States. Deinstitutionalization, public versus private care facilities, patient and consumer empowerment. Credit not given for both this course and 10:832:416.
10:833:418 Political Communications for Public Policy (3)

Examines how to frame proposed policies, test messages through focus groups and polling, and win public approval through public statements and on social media.

10:833:473 Transportation Policy (3) Review of major policy issues in urban transportation including historical development and current characteristics. Problems and alternative solutions analyzed in the context of political and institutional constraints. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:473.
10:833:480 Ethics for Planning and Public Policy (3) Reflection upon various ethical dilemmas facing professionals and staff who serve in the public and private sectors. The ethics codes of professional societies and government agencies are reviewed and compared.
10:833:483,484 Special Topics (3,3) Topics vary. See WebReg for current offerings. These courses are designed to address current issues in public policy.
10:833:485,486 Independent Study (BA,BA) Open to public policy (833) majors only. Prerequisites: Students must contract with a faculty sponsor and be granted permission by the program director.
10:833:495,496 Public Policy Thesis I,II (3,3) Develop, complete, and defend a thesis topic under the supervision of a faculty mentor. Open to students with GPAs over 3.4 and a faculty supervisor.
10:833:497,498 Bloustein Honors Research (3,3) Participation of advanced undergraduates as research assistants at one of the institutes or centers at the Bloustein School. Students contract with and are supervised by the principal investigator of the project. Open to students enrolled in the Bloustein School only.
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