List of Elective Courses for the Architectural Studies Minor or Certificate
Students may petition the Department of Art History to request credit for courses not on this list, including study abroad classes, courses from other universities, and relevant internships.
01:070:342 Urban Ecologies (3) Relationships among culture, ecology, and the city; histories of capitalism, urbanization, and globalization; case studies from world cities of contemporary urban environmental issues, including resources and their distribution, disasters and responses, and planning and sustainability.
Art History
01:082:205 Introduction to Asian Art (3) Survey of the history of art across Asia, with particular emphasis on India, China, and Japan, and with forays into Southeast Asia. Strong emphasis on parallel developments, important cultural connections, and moments of cultural contact through pilgrimage.
01:082:206 Art of India (3) Introduction to the history of art in the Indian subcontinent, from the rise of early empires through the grandeur of the Taj Mahal and up to the challenges of globalization today. No background in Asian art is necessary for the successful completion of this course.
01:082:275 Cinema and the City (3) Urbanism and architecture as read through film, urban planning, and social history associated with 20th-century cities.
01:082:329 The South Asian Temple: Art and Devotion in South Asia (3) History of South Asian temples from their inception to present day. Stylistic, anthropological, and ethnographic analysis reading of the temple architecture as communal living space.
01:082:378 Nineteenth-Century Architecture in Europe (3) Overview of the social and intellectual history of architecture in Great Britain, France, and present-day Germany to 1900. Role of architecture in societal transformations (the development of nationhood, industrialization, and urbanization). Emphasis on the invention of new building types, including universities, government buildings, prisons, hospitals, railroad stations, and the architecture of World's Fairs.
01:082:392 Twentieth-Century Architecture (3) European and American architecture and planning from 1900 to the present.
01:082:428 The Modern City (3) Architecture and urban design in select European and American cities from the 18th century to the present. Attention to political, socioeconomic, and cultural contexts.
01:082:430 Foundations in Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies (3) Examines historic preservation and heritage conservation issues within a global and transcultural context. Topics include the illicit trade in historic material, looting and pillage of monuments and sites, national and international preservation laws and treaties, and model historic preservation projects.
01:082:431 Theories and Methods of Architectural Preservation (3) Political, social, and cultural significance of historic buildings and sites throughout the United States and abroad. Overview of the origins of architectural conservation in Europe. Contemporary theories, methods, techniques, and problems in the field of historic preservation.
01:082:394-395 Study Abroad in Paris (6) Development of architecture, sculpture, and painting in the city from the time of the Caesars through the present. Changes in art in relation to political and social conditions. Taught on site.
01:082:339-340 Study Abroad in Rome (6) Architecture, sculpture, and painting of the Eternal City from Antiquity to the present. Emphasis on historical context with all classes taught on site. 339: From Antiquity through the Middle Ages; 340: From the Renaissance to the Present.
01:082:446 Studies in American Architecture (3) The role of North American architecture in art history. Contribution of individual architects, periods, and styles from Federalist beginnings through the 19th and early 20th century.
01:450:241 The City: Introduction to Urban Geography (3) The
role of cities in the world and overview of various aspects of the
city, spanning geographical, political, climactic, psychological, and
socioeconomic analysis. Credit not given for both this course and
01:450:240 or 01:450:250.
01:450:250 Cities (4) Spatial
organization and functioning of cities in different world regions.
Emphasis on societal system factors that influence urban development. Credit not given for both this course and 01:450:240 or 01:450:241.
History 01:508:424 African Cities Past and Present (3) Social, cultural, economic, and political history of African cities with focus on student-led comparative research. Not open to first-year students. Prerequisite recommended: one course on Africa.
01:510:311 Cities of the Classical World (3) Study of urban development in antiquity, focusing on Athens and Rome, and synthesizing the evidence of literary, historical, and archaeological sources. Credit not given for both this course and 01:190:372.
01:512:314 The City in American History (3) Urbanization from the colonial city to the 20th-century metropolis; urban population, institutions, problems, and planning; urbanism in American culture.
01:512:319 Nineteenth-Century Architecture and Society in the United States (3) Overview of the social and intellectual history of architecture in the United States to 1900. Role of architecture in societal transformations (the development of nationhood, industrialization, and urbanization). Emphasis on the invention of new building types, including universities, government buildings, prisons, hospitals, railroad stations, and the architecture of World's Fairs. Credit not given for both this course and 01:082:391.
Landscape Architecture
11:550:237 Visualization I - Drawing and Drafting (3) A drawing is not just a personal expression but also a tool for observing the world, developing design ideas, and exploring spatial issues. The student will learn to depict three-dimensional objects and spaces in a two-dimensional drawing format.
11:550:230 Environmental Design Analysis (3) Students will learn about the evolution of designed spaces in a global and local context. Design, by its very nature, is multidisciplinary, incorporating the creative arts, social sciences, environmental science, political science, and other perspectives
11:550:301 Social and Cultural Aspects of Design (3) This course engages students in the complex relationship of people and the environment. Our discussions focus on the design and use of everyday environments as expressions of the individual, community, and civic society. We consider how our environment shapes our everyday life and how we shape the environment.
11:550:480 Topology Seminar (3)
The term "topology" derives from the Greek words for "place," "space," and "study," "word," "sense". It comprises a theory of place (concept of "genius loci") and a method of presenting arguments in a discourse. As a design approach, topology advocates to pay attention to deeper spatial, physical, poetic, and philosophical values in a long tradition of designed nature.
Latino and Caribbean Studies
01:595:305 Caribbean Urbanism and Urban Policy (3) Urbanism
in the Caribbean since the colonial period; the social, economic, and
political dynamics that have shaped the urban form and the experiences
of those who inhabit these cities. Not open to first-year students. Urban Planning and Design
10:971:201 Introduction to Urban Planning and Design (3) Introduction to the purpose of plans and planning including planning domains such as housing, land use, and transportation with an emphasis on solutions to local problems. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:201.
10:971:202 Designing Healthy Cities (3) A review of the nature of America's cities and suburbs from their original planning stage to their ultimate reality and how it affects human health and well-being. Digital camera required. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:202 or 10:832:202.
10:971:314 Graphics Communications for Planners (3) Development of basic graphic skills necessary to communicate the visual and spatial characteristics of streets, buildings, and neighborhoods using Autocad, Sketchup, and Photosimulations. Credit not given for both this course and 10:971:314.
01:971:316 Introduction to Site Planning and City Design Understanding the impact of physical design on quality of life with a focus on analytic processes for the basic elements of human environments. Fieldwork is required. Prerequisite: 10:971:201. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:316.
10:971:318 History and Theory of Urban Planning and Design (3) Assessment of major ideas in city and regional planning since the early 19th century. Origin, growth, and impact of these ideas on the evolution of planning in the context of intellectual, social, and technological change. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:318.
10:762:448 Historic Preservation Overview of historical evolution of the preservation movement in the United States, examining important public preservation regulations and programs and the economics of historic preservation. Credit not given for both this course and 10:082:431 or 34:970:521.
10:762:484 Special Topics in International Historic Preservation (3) Overview of the evolution of the historic preservation movement in an international context, examining the regulations, programs, and economics impacting historic preservation.