Introduction to Naval Science (2)
Introduction to the organization and culture of the U.S. Department of Defense and the naval
service. Customs and traditions of the
service, basic leadership, ethics and character development, junior officer
duties, and basic shipboard procedures and safety.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Sea Power and Maritime Affairs (2)
U.S. historical evolution of sea power, its concepts,
theories, and applications, and relationships to current trends. Impact of world situation, U.S. national
interest, changing technology, and naval leadership on the evolving concept of
sea power.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Science Laboratory (0,0)
Instruction and practical application in leadership and
associated military skills. Topics may include drill and ceremonies, physical
fitness and swimming testing, cruise preparation, cruise evaluation, safety awareness, preparation for commissioning, personal finances,
insurance, and applied exercises in naval ship systems, navigation, naval
operations, naval administration, and military justice.
Graded pass/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Leadership and Management (3)
Basic management, decision-making, and moral leadership. Goal
establishment, prioritization, planning and forecasting in a task-centered
organization. Measures of organizational
effectiveness, overcoming resistance to change, effective communications,
counseling, team building, and resolution of disciplinary and personnel
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Navigation (3)
Theory, principles, procedures, and application of plotting,
piloting, and electronic navigation, and an introduction to maneuvering
boards. Piloting techniques, the use of
charts, the use of visual and electronic aids, and the theory of operation of
both magnetic and gyrocompasses. Other
topics include tides, currents, effects of wind/weather, voyage planning, and
the international/inland rules of navigation.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Science Laboratory (0,0)
Instruction and practical application in leadership and
associated military skills. Topics may include drill and ceremonies, physical
fitness and swimming testing, cruise preparation, cruise evaluation, safety awareness, preparation for commissioning, personal finances,
insurance, and applied exercises in naval ship systems, navigation, naval
operations, naval administration, and military justice.
Graded pass/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
The Evolution of Warfare (3)
Traces the development of warfare to the present day. Causes of continuity and change in the means
and methods of warfare. Influence of
political, economic, and societal factors on the conduct of war, with
significant attention on the role of technological innovation in changing the
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Fundamentals of Maneuver Warfare (3)
Political, strategic, operational, and tactical/technical
aspects of amphibious warfare, and the evolution of the U.S. Marine Corps. Structure and capabilities of the present day U.S. Marine Corps as a
forward deployed and rapid deployment force and development of Expeditionary
Maneuver Warfare concepts.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Ship Systems I: Engineering (3)
Principles of design and operation of ships. Description and analysis of major types of
propulsion plants, both conventional and nuclear. Principles of thermodynamic
cycles, electrical theory, power generation and distribution, auxiliary
machinery systems. Ship construction, strength, and stability in intact and
damaged conditions. Factors and design criteria for seaworthiness, structural
integrity, and operational employment.
Course may be repeated for credit with consent of department. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Ship Systems II: Weapons (3)
Introduction to the physical theory of acoustic and
electromagnetic wave generation and propagation; the design and use of
electronic, electromechanical, and pneumatic systems; and the combination of
these systems to perform detection and analysis of objects sharing and traversing common environments.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Science Laboratory (0,0)
Instruction and practical application in leadership and
associated military skills. Topics may include drill and ceremonies, physical
fitness and swimming testing, cruise preparation, cruise evaluation, safety awareness, preparation for commissioning, personal finances,
insurance, and applied exercises in naval ship systems, navigation, naval
operations, naval administration, and military justice.
Graded pass/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Operations and Seamanship (3)
Introduction to ship operations at sea. Principles of navigation including the rules of the road for prevention of
collisions at sea, vector analysis of relative motion, ship behavior and characteristics
in maneuvering, precise ship positioning, use of aids to navigation,
meteorology, and electronic navigation.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Naval Science Laboratory (0,0)
Instruction and practical application in leadership and
associated military skills. Topics may include drill and ceremonies, physical
fitness and swimming testing, cruise preparation, cruise evaluation, safety awareness, preparation for commissioning, personal finances,
insurance, and applied exercises in naval ship systems, navigation, naval
operations, naval administration, and military justice.
Graded pass/no credit. Prerequisite: Permission of department.
Leadership and Ethics (3)
Capstone. Prepares
for leadership in the naval service of the 21st century through integration of
Western moral traditions and ethical philosophy with topics such as military
leadership, core values, and professional ethics; the Uniform Code of Military
Justice and Navy regulations; and the roles of enlisted members, junior
and senior officers, command relationships, and the conduct of warfare.
Prerequisite: Permission of department.