Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Availability of Majors
Course Notation Information
Accounting 010
African Area Studies 016
African, Middle Eastern, and South Asian Languages and Literatures 013
Africana Studies 014
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
American History 512
American Literature
American Studies 050
Departmental Major and Minor Goals
Major Requirements
American Studies Minor Requirements
Minor in Comparative and Critical Race and Ethnic Studies (CCRES)
Asian American Studies Initiative
Minor in Asian American Studies 051
Undergraduate Certificate in Asian/Asian American Studies
Certificate in Curation and Cultural Programming (CCP)
Departmental Honors Program
The American Studies Prize
The New Jersey Folk Festival
Animal Science 067
Anthropology 070
Archaeology 075
Architectural Studies 076
Armenian 078
Art 080
Art History 082
Arts and Sciences 090
Asian Studies 098
Astrobiology 101
Astrophysics 105
Biological Sciences
Biomedical Sciences
Biotechnology 126
Business Analytics and Information Technolgy 136
Business Law 140
Cell Biology
Chemistry 160
Chinese 165
Cinema Studies 175
Cognitive Science 185
Communication 192
Community Development
Comparative Literature 195
Computer Science 198
Criminal Justice 202
Criminology 204
Dance 203
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Economics 220
Education 300
Entomology 370
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Certificates
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Environmental Studies 381
European Studies 360
Exercise Science 377
Film Studies
Finance 390
Food Science 400
French 420
Gender and Media 438
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
German 470
Greek 490
Greek, Modern Greek Studies 489
Health Administration 501
Health and Society 502
History/French Joint Major 513
History/Political Science Joint Major 514
Holocaust Studies 564
Human Resource Management 533
Hungarian 535
Individualized Major 555
Information Technology and Informatics 547
Interdisciplinary Studies, SAS 556
International and Global Studies 558
Italian 560
Japanese 565
Jewish Studies 563
Journalism and Media Studies 567
Junior Year Abroad
Korean 574
Labor Studies and Employment Relations 575
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin 580
Latin American Studies 590
Latino and Caribbean Studies 595
Leadership and Management 605
Life Sciences
Linguistics 615
Management and Global Business 620
Marine Sciences 628
Marketing 630
Mathematics 640
Medicine and Dentistry
Medieval Studies 667
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Middle Eastern Studies 685
Military Education, Air Force 690
Military Education, Army 691
Military Education, Naval 692
Military Science Minor (Military Science 691N, Naval Science 692N, Aerospace Science 693N, Non-Commissioning 695N)
Molecular Biology
Nutritional Sciences 709
Operations Research 711
Organizational Leadership 713
Philosophy 730
Physics 750
Physiology and Neurobiology
Planning and Public Policy 762
Plant Biology 776
Polish 787
Political Science 790
Portuguese 810
Psychology 830
Public Health 832
Public Policy 833
Religion 840
Russian 860
Sexualities Studies 888
Social Justice 904
Social Work 910
Sociology 920
South Asian Studies 925
Spanish 940
Sport Management 955
Statistics 960
Study Abroad 959
Supply Chain Management 799
Theater 965
Ukrainian 967
Urban Planning and Design 971
Urban Studies
Visual Arts
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies 988
World Language Proficiency Certificates
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students Programs, Faculty, and Courses American Studies 050 Courses  


01:050:101 Introduction to American Studies (3) Introduces the American studies method through the use of primary documents including novels, autobiographies, paintings, photographs, and films.
01:050:102 Introduction to Race and Ethnicity in America (3) Examines the logics of race and racism within political, legal, and cultural discourses both in and beyond the United States.
01:050:200,201 Topics in American Studies (3,3) Varied field topics in American studies that lend themselves to interdisciplinary treatment.  
May be repeated for credit when topic differs.
01:050:202 American Regionalism (3) Multidisciplinary study of the regions of the United States, with focus on their literature, folklore, music, and other arts.
01:050:203 The American West (3) Introduction to the American West through the classic Western film genre, Native American literature, and American Western writers.
01:050:204 American Environmental History and Thought (3)
Connections among America's natural environment, its national development, and how Americans thought about both. Classic readings to understand the formation of environmental ideas and their influence on environmental action.
Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:297:01.
01:050:210 The American Dream (4) The change in the "American Dream" over time and the stories we tell about it. How our assumptions about American identity shape challenges on such broad issues as democracy, freedom, and social justice.
01:050:215 Springsteen's American Vision (3) The changing persona of Bruce Springsteen and his representation in photography, documentary, and autobiography.
01:050:216 America in the Arts (3) What is "American" about American art and design; examination of the architecture as well as fine, folk, and industrial arts and artifacts of the United States. Normally a craft project required of students.
01:050:218 Visual Culture in the United States (3) Examination of visual culture in the United States in terms of picture theory including print, advertising, and digital media.
01:050:223 Learning from the Past: Early America and the 21st Century (3) Twenty-first century challenges--climate change, income inequality, epidemic disease, border disputes, identities, new technologies--were faced by early America (c. 1500-1865), where diverse peoples navigated a rapidly changing world.
01:050:225 Thought and Society in the American Past (3) Examines American cultural constructions from the Revolutionary era to the eve of World War I. Analyzes a variety of historical, visual, literary, and performance texts from the era.
01:050:227 Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture (3) Examines classic 19th-century texts written by Emerson, Thoreau, Melville, Hawthorne, Twain, Whitman, and Dickinson, among others, with attention paid to the social and cultural context of these writings, including Transcendentalism, the Abolitionist movement, and the whaling industry. Credit not given for both this course and 01:350:227.
01:050:228 The Contemporary American (3) The emerging American of our times. Forces shaping American culture as revealed in literature, the media, social criticism, and psychology.
01:050:230 Transforming Bodies and American Identities (3) Examines identities through the lens of gender, sexuality, race, socioeconomic class, ability, and culture. Social media, film, art, comics, fashion, and pop culture as sites and spaces of American body formations.
01:050:240 Latina/o Literature and Culture (3) Survey of Latino/a literary voices drawn from the Mexican, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Cuban, and other Latin American migrations to the United States. Discussion of exile, resistance, and assimilation; political presence and identity formation; race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality; and examination of literary modes and genres (autobiography, poetry, novel, film, music). Credit not given for both this course and 01:595:240.
01:050:244 American Land Patterns (3) Exploring the diverse connections between America's national development and its land environment. This is essentially a course in ecological history. Credit not given for both this course and 10:762:244.
01:050:245 Asian American Experience: Identity and Ethnicity (3) General introduction to history and culture of Asian America and major debates in Asian American studies.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:098:262.
01:050:247 History and Culture of Hip-Hop (3)

Historical, social, political, and aesthetic roots of hip-hop culture and music. The place of hip-hop in a larger global commercial exchange, advertising, fashion, cinema, music video, and popular literature.

01:050:248 Native American Experience (3) Introductory survey of Native American history, cultures, literature, language, and current issues. Themes include colonialism, racism, and federal Indian policy but especially Indian political activism, resistance, and cultural continuity and revitalization.
01:050:250 Cultures of the Portuguese-Speaking Communities in the United States (3) Discussion of sociocultural issues concerning the diverse Portuguese-speaking communities of the United States. Course taught in English; will count for the Portuguese major or minor if all written work is done in Portuguese. Credit not given for both this course and 01:810:250.
01:050:253 Asian American History (3) Introduction to the political, economic, and sociocultural aspects of immigrants from Asia and their descendants in the United States from the 16th to the 21st century.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:512:253.
01:050:259 Popular Culture (3) How popular culture shapes and reflects society in advertising, music, popular entertainment, fads, fashion, radio, television, sports, and games.
01:050:260 On the Road: Mobility in America (3) Considers mobility, mainly physical but also social, as a singularly American trait if not obsession. Includes films as well as literature (both fiction and nonfiction) and music.
01:050:261 The American Best Seller (3) Representative best-selling novels of recent decades and what they and their popularity indicate about American values and assumptions.
01:050:262 American Film and American Myth (3) American film and its relationship to American myths, society, and culture. Representative classic films screened.
01:050:263 American Folklore (3) Traditional verbal and material lore. American folk narratives, myths, legends, tales, ballads, and songs. How folklore functions in American society and institutions. One field trip: $10.
01:050:264 American Folklife (3) Examination of the lifestyles of American folk groups with emphasis on artifacts: folk architecture, handicrafts, art, costume, and foods. One field trip: $10.
01:050:265 American Experimental Film and Video (3) Survey course on history and development of American experimental cinema movements from beginning to present. Filmmakers include Andy Warhol, Maya Deren, Stan Brakhage, Sidney Peterson, Kenneth Anger, Yoko Ono, and others. Credit not given for both this course and 01:175:265.
01:050:266 Cult Films in American Culture (3) Focus on the American "cult" film from its origins in the 1920s and its evolution in American culture. Close analyses of cult films will be paired with critical readings in film, theory, and cultural history.  This course previously given as a 300-level topics course. Credit not given for that course and 01:175:266.
01:050:267 American Film Directors (3) In-depth analyses of the structure and content of films of Stanley Kubrick, Orson Welles, John Frankenheimer, David Lynch, Val Lewton, Andy Warhol, and others. Emphasis on the mise-en-scène, narrative form, set design, sound, and special effects in the films of these celebrated filmmakers. Credit not given for both this course and 01:175:267.
01:050:268 David Lynch and the American Film Avant-Garde (3) Focuses on the surreal films of David Lynch and the American Film Avant-Garde. Includes in-depth analyses of the structure and content of many of Lynch's bizarre and unique films, including Eraserhead, Mulholland Drive, and Blue Velvet. Credit not given for both this course and 01:175:268.
01:050:269 The Concept of Home (3) Examination of the concept of "home" in the United States, and the competing cultural, political, and economic meanings that have been attached to American domesticity. Historical examination of the place of "home" in the way Americans think about gender, sexuality, race, legal rights, and the organization of labor.
01:050:272 American Food, Past and Present (3) A history of the collision of people, animals, plants, recipes, and flavors from all over the globe and encounters between Native American, enslaved Africans, and immigrants that created a national cuisine that is as diverse and varied as its people.
01:050:281,282,283,284 Topics in American Studies (1.5,1.5,1.5,1.5) Half-semester minicourses given each year on topics of contemporary interest that lend themselves to interdisciplinary treatment. May be repeated for credit when topic differs.
01:050:285 Independent Study/Project: Media Culture (1.5) For students undertaking an independent study project in media culture.
01:050:291 Jerseyana: New Jersey as a Culture (3) Interdisciplinary, regional approach to New Jersey, examining its landscape, the peculiarities of its history, its folklore and myths, arts and architecture, music, and literature.
01:050:295 Latino and Caribbean Cultural Studies (3) Comparative study of Latino and Caribbean cultures by reviewing key definitions of culture, paying attention to the historical and disciplinary development of the term, as well as the key debates on cultural studies in the humanities. Reading knowledge of Spanish recommended. Credit not given for both this course and 01:595:295 or 01:195:295.         
01:050:300,301,302 Topics in American Studies (3,3,3) Topics of contemporary interest that lend themselves to interdisciplinary treatment. May be repeated for credit when topic differs.
01:050:303 A Decade in American Culture (3) Interdisciplinary approach to understanding a particular decade in American culture, employing the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Decade studied depends on the instructor.
01:050:304 The American City (3) Interdisciplinary approach to the origin, development, and problems of the American city.
01:050:305 Images and Narratives of War (3) Examination of the various ways that wars, post-WWII (such as Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars, and others), have been represented in American popular culture. Material includes films, novels, memoirs, reportage, and histories.
01:050:306 American Detective Fiction and Film (3) Examination of the distinctively American literary genre of the hard-boiled detective novel and the many films that this genre has inspired, including a look at film noir.
01:050:307 The Culture of the 1960s (3) Examination of the culture of the 1960s, with emphasis on the civil rights movement, the war in Vietnam and student radicalism, Woodstock, women's liberation, and the sexual revolution, using social history, literature, music, and film.
01:050:308 The Culture of Metropolis (3) Examination of the urban culture of New York City in the 19th and 20th centuries, emphasizing the impact of race, class, gender, and ethnicity on developing subcultures.
01:050:309 Nineteenth-Century Architecture in the United States (3)
Overview of the social and intellectual history of architecture in the United States to 1900. Role of architecture in societal transformations (the development of nationhood, industrialization, and urbanization). Emphasis on the invention of new building types, including universities, government buildings, prisons, hospitals, railroad stations, and the architecture of World's Fairs.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:082:391.
01:050:310 Approaches to American Studies (3) Introduction to interdisciplinary approaches in American studies. Examination and analysis of debates that have shaped and transformed the discipline. Prerequisite: 01:050:101. Required for the major. Restricted to majors, or with special permission.
01:050:311 Seminar in Black Diasporic Media (3) Examines a range of visual media by black cultural producers. Offers a diasporic framework as an opportunity to trace how technologies, genres, styles, and issues circulate through various historical moments, media, conceptualizations of blackness, and locations. Credit not given for both this course and 01:014:303.
01:050:312 Sports in American Culture (3) Examines the place of sports in American life and how sports may be thought of as "the American religion," as a metaphor for American ideals and values. Figures from the world of sports (players and coaches) will be regular guest speakers.
01:050:313 America as a Business Culture (3) Interdisciplinary approach explaining how living in a market-based society impacts various aspects of everyday life--spending, savings, and investing. Examine social, cultural, and political underpinnings of economic constructs such as money, the market, and consumption.
01:050:314 Technology and Culture in America (3) Cultural responses to the growth and elaboration of American technology as reflected in literature, art, and popular culture.
01:050:315 Documentary Expression in America (3) Relationship between the social and aesthetic functions of documentary in film, photography, journalism, biography, and the nonfiction novel.
01:050:316 Twenty-First Century Expression: On and Off the Net (3) Introduction to new genres of writing--blogs, graphic novels, and Twitter feeds--that characterize the 21st century, along with a consideration of some familiar genres that remain strong, such as postmodern fiction, writings around 9/11, and the memoir.
01:050:317 Law and American Culture (3) Exploration of law in the United States in literature, popular culture, feminism, postmodernism, and political philosophy.
01:050:318 Money and Modern America (3) Cultures of materialism and ostentatious displays of consumption; the ethics of money, from the meaning of an "honest day's work" to the gray areas of bribery, insider dealing, and profiting from the misery of others; recent financial crises and their impact on American life.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:790:332.
01:050:320 American Life During the Cold War (3) Examines American domestic life during the Cold War (roughly 1945-1991), when U.S. culture was shaped decisively by its geopolitical rivalry with the Soviet Union.
01:050:321 American Conservatism (3) Exploration of the conservative tradition in U.S. politics and culture, from the American Revolution to the present day. Investigation of the major impulses and ideas associated with the political right and discussion of how conservatism has been manifested in American politics, government, literature, and culture.
01:050:322 Science Fiction Film (4) Introduction to science fiction cinema that explores the relationship between the human and the inhuman, the fantastic and the realistic, the familiar and the "other", and the present and the future.
Credit not given for this course and 01:1775:322 or 01:354:374.
01:050:324 Wayward Americans (3) Exploration various normal/abnormal dichotomies within American culture and how normal is determined.  Examination of groups that have been described as different, weird, deviant, strange, abnormal, disobedient or unnatural and the historical, sociological and psychological underpinnings of the cultural norms from which these groups are/were excluded.
01:050:325 Women on the Fringe: Perceptions of Women as Social and Sex-Role Deviants in American Civilization (3) Societal reaction to female behavior deviating from social and feminine norms. Use of historical narratives, literature, and film to treat such themes as heresy, madness, prostitution, adultery, criminality, political protest, and lesbianism.
01:050:326 The Culture of American Women (3) Construction of feminine culture as distinct from the dominant patriarchal culture, examining social history, religion, psychology, sociology, oral history, literature, and film.
01:050:327 Latino Ethnography (3) Cultural description of U.S. Latinos and their communities; introduction to reading, writing, and theorizing ethnography; ethnographic film; ethnography of migration and diaspora; testimonio as ethnography; locating anthropology within Latino studies. Credit not given for both this course and 01:070:321 or 01:595:307.
01:050:329 The United States as Seen from Abroad (3) United States as perceived by foreign commentators, such as Dickens, Trollope, and Waugh, and American expatriate intellectuals and artists, such as James, Hemingway, and Baldwin.
01:050:330 American Cults and Communes (3) Examination of historic and fictional communal and religious experiments, illuminating their surprising similarities and what they tell us about American society and culture. From the Shakers and the Oneida community through Jonestown and the Hare Krishnas. Texts include novels and feature films.
01:050:331 Ethnic America (3) Examination of cultural pluralism and the means by which ethnic groups such as Irish, Italians, Jews, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanics have constructed their ethnic identities and the political and cultural forces that shaped those constructions.
01:050:332 American Jewish Culture (3) Examination of the evolution of Jewish identities through the prisms of acculturation, religion, race, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality though literature, film, and other visual media. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:332.
01:050:333 The Cultures of Consumption (3) Examination of the development of mass society, mass production, and consumption from the 1880s to the present. Areas considered may include industrialization and the development of work in relation to leisure, the development of the advertising industry, television, technology, and popular and mass production and consumption. Credit not given for both this course and 01:512:333.
01:050:335 Jewish-American Women: Contested Lives (3) Explores the Jewish-American female identity in autobiography and memoir, social history, literature, and film. Examines interplay of religious belief, secularism, social mobility, and acculturating influences within American experience. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:335 or 01:988:334.
01:050:336 American Jews and the Media (3) Examines the roles that the news media (film, recordings, radio, television, and computers) played in American Jewish life throughout the 20th century.  Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:306.
01:050:337 Contemporary Jewish Culture (3) Study of contemporary Jewish life, especially in America--in communities, institutions, rituals, personal histories, etc.--through the approach of fieldwork and ethnographic writing. Credit not given for both this course and 01:563:346.
01:050:340 Race Matters (3) How "race" is represented and narrated as a political, cultural, and critical category. Discussions on racial formations in contemporary American culture; race as social construction; race as "natural" and as a "performance"; inquiry and debate on self-hatred, racisms, whiteness, Orientalism; race, gender, and queer intersectionality; and color.
01:050:341 American Childhoods (3) Evolution of concepts of childhood and adolescence in America and of child-rearing practices through an examination of social history, religious tracts, novels, poetry, film, and child care manuals.
01:050:342 American Sexuality (3) Changing American attitudes toward sexual expression and changes in sexual behavior. Examination of literature, film, 19th- and 20th-century advice manuals, and reports on sexual behavior such as the Kinsey Report and the works of Masters and Johnson.
01:050:344 Islam in/and America (3) Explores the polycultural presence of Islam in the Americas from the early colonial period to the present, issues of gender and sexuality, U.S. foreign policy and its consequences, pre- and post-9/11 racializing practices, and the contemporary terrains of Muslim-American culture.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:840:373 or 01:988:315.
01:050:350 Festival Curation Seminar (3) Fundamentals of public humanities curation and communication to multiple audiences through original research that will provide the basis for curation of a future New Jersey Folk Festival.
01:050:351 American Art, 1776-1913 (3) Visual and material culture of the United States from the American Revolution to the Armory Show. Survey of painting, sculpture, photography, and print culture in relation to American social, political, and cultural history. Prerequisite: 01:082:105 or 106 or permission of instructor. Credit not given for this course and 01:082:351.
01:050:353 American Animated Cinema (4) Explores how American animated films by everyone from Winsor McCay in the early 1900s to Walt Disney and Tim Burton have shaped and been shaped by national and international visual cultures. Reflects essential questions about the medium's potential as an art of movement and transformation, an art of time, and an art of dreams.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:175:353.
01:050:355 Museums, Monuments, and American Culture (3) Introduction to museum studies. Theories of societal roles of museums, monuments, and historical sites: history versus heritage, preservation laws, restoration, and governmental censorship. Includes field trips and collaborative projects.
01:050:359 Race, Culture, and Politics: Blacks and Jews in America (3) How black and Jewish identities have evolved in relationship to one another through an examination of social and political history, literature, and film. Credit not given for both this course and 01:512:359 or 01:014:359 or 01:563:359.
01:050:365 American Folk Song and Ballad (3) Social concerns in folk songs--sources and circulation in oral tradition, with reference to lyrical folk songs, narrative folk songs, traditional ballads, broadside ballads, and Native American ballads.
01:050:366 Folklore of American Occupational and Regional Groups (3) Folklore of occupational groups such as sailors, lumbermen, cowboys, and miners, and of regional groups such as southern mountaineers, Mississippi Delta blacks, Louisiana Cajuns, and Jersey Pineys.
01:050:370 The Black Community and Social Issues (3) Examines a variety of social issues that impact the life chances of African Americans in the United States. Credit not given for both this course and 01:014:384.
01:050:376 Native American Literatures in English (3) Fiction, poetry, and autobiography by such writers as Apes, Momaday, Welch, Silko, and Erdrich. Attention to issues of Native American representation. Credit not given for both this course and 01:351:376 or 01:358:388.
01:050:377 Asian-American Literatures in English (3) Theme or genre-based study of selected Asian-American writing in English. Topics chosen by individual instructors; consult departmental announcement. Credit not given for both this course and 01:351:377 or 01:358:389.
01:050:380,381 Internship in American Studies (3,3) Professional, supervised work in an approved organization or agency; an appropriately designed academic project required.  Prerequisite: Permission of the department before registration. No more than one internship can count toward the major or minor.
01:050:389 Junior Seminar in American Studies (3) A required interdisciplinary seminar for majors. Theme dependent on instructor. Prerequisites: Two 300-level American studies courses, or one American studies 300-level course and one approved section of 01:355:201 (Research in the Disciplines). To be taken by American studies majors in their junior year.
01:050:390,391 Special Problems in American Culture (3,3) Independent study of an interdisciplinary nature, which may be expressed in a paper, audiovisual project, or other creative enterprise. Prerequisite: Permission of department during preceding semester required. May be repeated for credit with permission of department.
01:050:400,401 Advanced Topics in American Studies (3,3) Advanced topics and readings in American studies. May be repeated for credit when topic differs.
01:050:449 Principles of Folk Festival Management (3) Introduction to the folk festival's organizational structure, approaches to project management, technical skills, and key processes and philosophies of the project. Students learn to develop project plan.
Prerequisite for the 3 credit spring semester course Folk Festival Management (01:050:450).
01:050:450 Seminar: Folk Festival Management (3) Designed to accompany presentation of the New Jersey Folk Festival. Readings in histories of folk performance and fieldwork in folklore, as well as planning and production of public event. Prerequisite: 01:050:449 or Permission of instructor during preceding semester required.
01:050:455 Maritime Culture (3) Uses a number of disciplines to explore the influence of the sea on American life. A study of marine policy that embraces both economic and environmental issues, as well as current policy regarding world trade and regulatory reform, conservation and fisheries, national defense, and admiralty law.
01:050:465 Cultures of U.S. Imperialism (3) An exploration of American nation-building through the imperial projections of the United States. Topics include the economic, political, social, and cultural dynamics between the United States and its colonies, both formal and informal. Focus might be on a single location or on a comparative approach to imperialist projects.
01:050:487,488,489 Seminars in American Studies (3,3,3) Interdisciplinary seminars for majors. Themes dependent on instructor. Prerequisite: For American studies majors who have completed 01:050:389.
01:050:490 Senior Essay or Senior Project in American Studies (3) Independent study of an interdisciplinary nature, which may be expressed in a paper, audiovisual project, or other creative enterprise. Prerequisites: Permission of department and instructor during preceding semester required. May be repeated for credit with permission of department.
01:050:491 Independent Study/Project in American Culture (BA) For students undertaking an independent study project.
01:050:495 and 496 Honors in American Studies (3,3) Research essay or project, designed by the student and prepared under faculty supervision. An oral defense is required. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Open only to seniors.
For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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