Major in Comparative Literature: 34 credits
All majors take the three core courses in the discipline of comparative literature. They organize the rest of their courses, taken in both comparative literature and in related fields, into a coherent, individualized program, in regular consultation with and subject to the approval of the undergraduate director.
Core Courses (7 credits)
01:195:201 Literature across Borders (3)
01:195:301 Introduction to Literary Theory (3)
01:195:497 Capstone Seminar Workshop (1)
Foreign Literature Requirement (9 credits)
Two courses at the 200 level or above in a
national or regional literature (6)
One course on a literature from outside the European and Anglo-American literary traditions (3)
Major Focus (18 credits)
further courses at the 200 level or above in a foreign language, a foreign literature, film, or cultural studies, including two courses at the 300 level or above in comparative literature (18).
Grades of C or better must be earned in the above courses used to fulfill the requirements of the major.
Advanced Studies in Comparative Literature: 43 credits
Students wishing to achieve a wide knowledge of world literatures and cultural theories may choose this option. All students in the Advanced Studies in Comparative Literature option take five core courses in comparative literature. They organize the rest of their courses, taken in both comparative literature and related fields, into a coherent,
individualized program, in regular consultation with and subject to the
approval of the undergraduate director.
Core Courses (13 credits)
01:195:201 Literature across Borders (3)
01:195:203 Masterworks of Western Literature (3)
01:195:301 Introduction to Literary Theory (3)
Introduction to Postcolonial Literatures and Theories or one course on the 200 or 300 level in a non-European literature: examples are African, Caribbean, East Asian, Latin American, Middle Eastern, South Asian (3)
01:195:497 Capstone Seminar Workshop (1)
Foreign Languages and Literature Requirement (at least 15 credits)
Three literature courses (9 credits) from a single national or regional literary tradition other than English or American. At least two of these must be taught in the original language.
Two courses (or at least 6 credits) in either language or literature taught in a language other than English.
Major Focus (9 credits)
Students select an area of concentration, such as period, region, theoretical approach, or theme (for example: gender/sexuality, colonialism/decoloniality, migration, translation, etc.) and choose a group of at least three courses (9 credits) in this area. One of these must be a comparative literature course at the 300 level or above. Two additional relevant courses may be chosen from other departments in the humanities or social sciences.
Grades of C or better must be earned in the above courses used to fulfill the requirements of the major.
Senior Thesis (6 credits)
Students write a final thesis related to the area of concentration and enroll in 01:195:495,496 Honors in Comparative Literature (3,3). Grades of B+ or better must be earned in the two Honors courses.