Professor of Law and Clapp Public Service Scholar. (Constitutional
Litigation Clinic; Negotiation, Mediation, and Alternate Dispute
Resolution; Contracts.) Professor Hyman earned his A.B. from Harvard
and his LL.B. from Yale. He specializes in litigation and alternative
dispute resolution. He was codirector of the legal clinic at
Northwestern before joining the Rutgers faculty in 1975. He has
litigated civil rights and civil liberties cases with students in the
Constitutional Litigation Clinic, including cases that provided for
equal employment opportunities in police and fire departments.
Professor Hyman is an arbitrator and mediator, and serves as associate
director of the Rutgers Certificate Program in Conflict Management. He
has lectured on alternate dispute resolution to judges and lawyers, has
trained mediators, and has written about lawyers` settlement practices
and other conflict resolution issues. When on leave from the law
school, Professor Hyman has been of counsel to a large law firm, and
has taught at UCLA Law School and at the University of Essex, England.
He served on the board of editors of the Clinical Law Review.