Horticulture and turfgrass science is offered as a concentration within the professional science master's program described under Business and Science 137. The objective of the master of business and science degree with a concentration in horticulture and turfgrass science is to prepare students to work in fields where an applied knowledge of horticulture is needed. The concentration is designed to prepare students to work as private consultants or to be directly hired by institutions to design, manage, and provide direct services related to horticulture.
All students in the horticulture and turfgrass science concentration must take three core courses from the following list:
11:776:450 Horticultural Topics (2) 11:776:451 Fine and Sports Turf (3) 16:765:502 Advanced Plant Physiology (3) 16:765:522 Applied Plant Science Statistics (3) 16:765:536 Plant Disease Clinic (3) or 16:765:531 Principles of Plant Pathology (3) 16:765:699 Plant Biology Graduate: Nonthesis Study (3) (Internship)
The following course is mandatory for all (to be taken after completion of the three core courses listed above):
16:137:604 Case Studies in Horticulture and Turfgrass Applications (3)
Full course descriptions and electives can be found at http://mbs.rutgers.edu.
Concentration Coordinator:
Professor James White white@rci.rutgers.edu