Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Degree Programs Offered: Master of Engineering, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor Charles Roth, Engineering Building C2226B, Busch Campus (848-445-6686)
Website: http://cbe.rutgers.edu/graduate-program
Members of the Graduate Faculty Ioannis (Yannis) P. Androulakis, Professor of Biomedical and Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Purdue Systems biology; bioinformatics; transcription; complex
reaction modeling; optimization; inflammation Tewodros (Teddy) Asefa, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SAS/SE; Ph.D., Toronto Development of novel
multifunctional nanostructured and nanoporous materials for catalysis; biocatalysis,
sensors, and biosensors; solar cells and renewable energy; nanomedicine for
cancer treatment
Helen M. Buettner, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE;
Ph.D., Pennsylvania Neurobiology; cell motility; microfabrication; microscopy; neural circuitry
Fuat E. Celik, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Heterogeneous catalysis for energy applications
Suzie Chen, Professor of Chemical Biology, EMSP; Ph.D., Albert Einstein College of Medicine Glutamatergic signaling and cancer; transgenic mouse model system for melanoma development; regulation of cell signaling by
G-protein-coupled receptor
Yee C. Chiew, Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Thermodynamic and statistical mechanics of complex fluids; polymers; thermodynamics and physico-chemical properties of
pharmaceutical materials; nanopolymeric systems for drug delivery; interfacial
nanoparticles and colloidal systems
Shishir P. S. Chundawat, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Michigan State Cellulosic biofuels; biomass processing; glycol engineering; protein engineering; glycan biopolymer
William Craelius, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE;
Ph.D., Northwestern Prosthetic limb restoration; motor control and polymers for
tissue engineering; designing of controllers; robotic devices; signal
processing and instrumentation; entrepreneurial and regulatory experience with
medical devices
Alberto Cuitiño, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Brown Pharmaceutical manufacturing; material modeling and
simulations; dislocation mechanics; fracture in metal single crystals; granular
materials; mechanical behavior of solid foams and folding patterns in thin
German Drazer, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Cuyo and Instituto Balseiro (Argentina) Transport phenomena; fluid mechanics and statistical physics; stochastic processes to investigate the transport of suspended particles in complex systems
Meenakshi Dutt, Assistant Professor of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Duke
Particle technology; multifunctional biohybrid materials;
nanoparticle-cell membrane interactions
Panagiotis (Panos) G. Georgopoulos, Professor of Environmental
and Occupational Medicine, RWJMS; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology Environmental chemical engineering; turbulent transport;
reactive flows
Benjamin J. Glasser, Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Princeton Mechanics of fluidized beds; multiphase flows and
reactors; flow and segregation of granular materials; nonlinear dynamics of
transport processes in fluid-particle systems; pharmaceutical engineering
Masanori Hara, Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Kyoto (Japan) Solution behavior of ionic polymers; development and study
of novel polymers; polymer blends and composites
via ionic interactions; inorganic polymers based on silicates made from minerals;
ionic polymers and ionic liquids
Marianthi G. Ierapetritou, Professor of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Imperial College (UK) Process operations involving scheduling, planning, and supply chain management comprising deterministic and stochastic approaches
Joachim Kohn, Board of Governors Director Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, SAS; Ph.D.,
Weizmann Institute of Science (Israel) Novel biomaterials design; orthopedic and cardiovascular
biomaterials; drug delivery; polymeric implants
Bozena Michniak-Kohn, Professor of Pharmaceutics, EMSP; Ph.D.,
Leicester (UK) Topical and transdermal drug delivery
Tamara Minko, Distinguished Professor of Pharmaceutics, EMSP; Ph.D., Ukrainian Academy of Science Biopharmaceutics; nanotechnology; molecular targeting;
antisense oligonucleotides, siRNA, and peptide delivery; mechanisms of multidrug
resistance; intracellular fate and molecular mechanisms of action of anticancer
Prabhas V. Moghe, Distinguished Professor of Biomedical
Engineering and Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Minnesota Cell and tissue engineering, biomimetic drugs
Gaetano Montelione, Distinguished Professor of Molecular Biology and
Biochemistry, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell Cancer biology; influenza virus; structural biology; structural bioinformatics
Fernando J. Muzzio, Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts (Amherst) Pharmaceutical engineering; chaos and mixing of viscous
fluids; mixing and segregation of powders
Alexander V. Neimark, Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., D.Sc., Moscow State
Molecular modeling of nanoscale processes and materials;
thermodynamics and transport in chemical and biochemical engineering
Ronke Olabisi, Assistant Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison) Tissue repair; regenerative medicine for injury and disease
Wilma Olson, Mary I. Bunting Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, SAS; Ph.D., Stanford Theoretical
studies of nucleic acid structure and properties; molecular biophysics
Henrik Pedersen, Associate Dean for Lifelong Learning and Professional Education and Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Yale Plant cell culture; chemical and biochemical fiber optic
sensors; applications of biophotonics in bioprocess technology
Rohit Ramachandran, Associate Professor of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Imperial College (UK) Process systems engineering; process control; process simulation;
process optimization; mathematical modelling; population balance modeling; experimental
studies and validation; pharmaceutical engineering; particulate and chemical processes;
nonlinear identification and control; nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory
Richard Riman, Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Processing (low temperature hydrothermal methods, dispersion;
particulate mixedness, and solution crystallization of ceramics); functional
materials (structural ceramics, electro-ceramics, optics, and biomaterials)
Charles M. Roth, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Delaware Nanomedicine; gene silencing
Jerry I. Scheinbeim, Distinguished Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pittsburgh Polymer electroprocessing; structure-electroactive
properties relationships in electroactive polymeric material; ferroelectric, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, dielectric, and
electrostrictive properties of polymers
Nina C. Shapley, Associate Professor of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Multiphase fluid mechanics and rheology; imaging (nuclear
magnetic resonance imaging); micro- and nanoencapsulation; biopolymer colloids;
health and environmental applications
Troy Shinbrot, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE;
Ph.D., Maryland Mechanisms for self-assembly in cells and in mixing problems
Shahab Shojaei-Zadeh, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Colloids and surface science; soft matter; microfluidics and complex fluids
David Shreiber, Professor of Biomedical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Central nervous system injury, repair, and regeneration
Stavroula Sofou, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Columbia Biomembranes and drug delivery systems
Paul Takhistov, Associate Professor of Food Science,
SEBS; Ph.D., Ukraine National Academy of Sciences
Engineering (development of microfluidic devices and biosensors for microorganism's detection; nonthermal [pulse-electric field]
pathogens inactivation; nanotechnology in food processing, packaging, and
M. Silvina Tomassone, Associate Professor of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Northeastern Molecular dynamics; thermodynamics and statistical mechanics
of fluids; nanoparticles; nanotribology; self-assembly and dynamics of surfactants;
spreading of fluids
George Tsilomelekis, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Patras (Greece)
Structure-reactivity relationships as they pertain to complex catalytic reactions; Operando spectroscopy
Kathryn E. Uhrich, Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, SAS; Ph.D.,
Cornell Polymeric bioactives; specifically, the design of
biocompatible, biodegradable polymers that can improve human health
Martin L. Yarmush, Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE;
Ph.D., Rockefeller; M.D., Yale Tissue engineering and regenerative medicine; mesenchymal stem
cell therapeutics; BioMEMS and bio nanotechnology; medical devices
Haoran Zhang, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Tufts
Engineering microorganisms and complex microbial systems for bioproduction of value-added molecules
Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty
C. Dismukes, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, SAS; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison) Biological and chemical methods for renewable solar-based
fuel production; catalysis; photosynthesis; metals in biological systems and
tools for investigating these systems
Ashutosh Goel, Assistant Professor of Materials Science Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Aveiro (Portugal) Structure-property relationships in glassesJing Li, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell Development of solid-state inorganic and inorganic-organic
hybrid materials that are both fundamentally important and relevant for
practical applicationsRavendra Singh, Assistant Research Professor of Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Technical University of
Denmark Control and optimization of downstream pharmaceutical processesAleksey M. Vishnyakov, Associate Research Professor of
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., St. Petersburg Computation chemistry and molecular simulation techniques