(F) Advanced Transport Phenomena I (3)
Momentum transport processes in laminar- and
turbulent-flow systems. Development and application of steady and unsteady
boundary-layer processes, including growth, similitude principles, and
separation. Potential flow theory coupled with viscous dissipation at boundaries.
Momentum transport in fixed- and fluid-bed exchangers and reactors.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate transport phenomena.
(S) Advanced Transport Phenomena II (3)
Energy balances derived from first- and second-law
approaches to open systems, with reaction. Conduction in fluids and solids,
both steady and unsteady examples. Convection in laminar- and turbulent-flow
systems. Diffusion and its treatment in stagnant and flowing media. Two-phase
systems, coupled reaction, and mass transfer. Interphase transport.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
(F) Analytical Methods in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (3)
Analytical solutions to deterministic mathematical models
encountered in chemical and biochemical engineering, including environmental
and safety systems. Emphasis is on purpose, philosophy, classification,
development, and analytical solutions of models occurring in transport
phenomena, thermochemical, and reactor systems.
Prerequisites: Undergraduate differential and integral calculus and differential equations or permission of the graduate director.
(F) Chemical Engineering Analysis (3)
Mathematical modeling and simulation of chemical and
biochemical systems; numerical methods. Solution of ordinary and partial differential
equations. Statistical methods of linear and nonlinear regression analysis;
optimization methods. Extensive use of digital computers.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate or graduate degree in chemical engineering or in the biological or physical sciences.
(F) Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics (3)
Basic principles of classical chemical thermodynamics.
Chemical and physical equilibria and their relationships in simple and reactive
systems. Estimation and correlation of thermodynamic functions, applications of
thermodynamic principles to transport and rate processes. Irreversible and
statistical thermodynamic topics also introduced.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate or graduate degree in engineering or chemistry.
Advanced Chemical Engineering Molecular Thermodynamics (3)
Statistical ensembles; ideal and nonideal gases; liquids;
distribution function theories; Ornstein-Zernike equation; computer simulation
methods; perturbation theories; engineering semiempirical equations of state;
applications to chemical engineering systems.
Prerequisite: 16:155:511 or equivalent.
(F) Fundamentals of Nanoscale Thermodynamics and Transport (3)
Introduction to theoretical and multiscale simulation
methods applied to thermodynamics and transport in nanoscale chemical and
biological systems, including nanoparticles and nanocomposites, porous
materials, nanostructured colloids and surfaces, self-assembled surfactant and
polymeric systems, lipid bilayers, and cell membranes.
Prerequisites: Basic courses on thermodynamics and transport or permission of instructor.
(S) Kinetics, Catalysis, and Reactor Design (3)
Principles of applied chemical kinetics,
reaction mechanisms and rate laws, and engineering design of reactor vessels.
Applications to homogeneous and heterogeneous process reaction systems with
internal, transphase, and external mass transfer. Noncatalytic gas-solid
reaction and gas-liquid absorption with reaction. Micromixing and macromixing
in reactor systems.
Prerequisites: 16:155:501 and 507, or equivalent.
Advanced Process Control (3)
Review of analysis and design of feedback control systems.
Advanced process control systems. Control systems for multivariable processes.
Process control systems, using computers and artificial intelligence
techniques. Intelligent control laboratory.
Prerequisite: Process control or permission of instructor.
(S) Process Systems Engineering (3)
Key issues in process synthesis and design and process
operations. Mathematical modeling, algorithmic development, and optimization.
Computer-aided tools. Applications: planning and scheduling of batch/continuous
processes, energy integration in industrial plants, and uncertainty evaluation and
consideration in plant design. Case studies.
Prerequisite: Undergraduate engineering design.
(F) Biochemical Engineering (3)
Integration of the principles of chemical engineering,
biochemistry, and microbiology. Development and application of biochemical engineering
principles. Analysis of biochemical and microbial reactions.
Prerequisites: Degree or option in biochemical engineering, or (01:115:301 or 11:115:301) and 01:119:390, or equivalent.
(F) Topics in Biochemical Engineering (3)
Advanced course devoted to current topics of interest in
biochemical and enzyme engineering. Topics include production, isolation, and
purification of enzymes; downstream processing; design and analysis of
bioreactors; bioprocess economics; modeling, optimization; and scale-up of
biochemical systems. Content and format may vary from year to year.
Prerequisite: 16:155:531.
(S) Bioseparations (3)
Fundamental problems of separation processes
important to the recovery of products from biological processes. Topics include
membrane filtration centrifugation, chromatography, extraction, electrokinetic
methods. Emphasis on protein separations.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Pharmaceutical Materials Engineering (3)
Applications to designing and optimizing pharmaceutical
processes and products. Production, characterization, and usage of
pharmaceutical materials. The relationship between pharmaceutical materials and
pharmaceutical products.
Glasser. Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree in chemical engineering or permission of instructor.
Pharmaceutical Organic Nanotechnology--Drug Delivery (3)
An introduction to organic nanotechnology and its
application to engineering pharmaceutical delivery systems. Industrial and
emergent pharmaceutical examples, including nanoparticle and nanocomposite
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Pharmaceutical Process Design I: Synthesis, Separations, and Sterile Processing (3)
An introduction to synthesis, separations, and sterile
processing and their applications to designing and optimizing pharmaceutical
processes. Industrial pharmaceutical examples, including separation,
distillation, crystallization, filtration, lyophilization, and drying
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Pharmaceutical Process Design II: Unit Operations (3)
An introduction to the essential operations used in the
manufacture of pharmaceutical products. The pharmaceutical product life cycle, variability, and testing; and
specifications of pharmaceutical ingredients. Unit operations including
blending, granulation, fluidized bed operations, milling, capsule filling,
compaction, tablet coating, and other processes will be addressed. How the
output of one process is the input to the next process, and how deviations can
cascade along the production sequence until they cause process failures.
Design, scale-up, troubleshooting, and optimization.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Statistical Analysis and Design of Pharmaceutical Operations (3)
An introduction to statistical analysis and experimental design
methods and their applications to designing and optimizing pharmaceutical
processes. Classic statistical concepts and methods using pharmaceutical
examples including product/process development scenarios, routine in-process
and finished product testing, and failure investigations. Regulatory
requirements for test of samples, sampling plans, tablet and capsule assay,
content uniformity, hardness, friability, dissolution, and bioavailability
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Advanced Topics in Pharmaceutical Engineering (3)
Content and format may vary from year to year. Thermochemical
process safety; physiochemical methods at the bulk/dosage form interface; and
surface chemistry of crystallization, extraction, and adsorption.
Advanced Engineering Pharmaceutical Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Transport Processes (3)
Thermodynamics of pharmaceutical systems, phase diagram,
phase equilibrium, and chemical equilibrium; diffusive and convective transport
in pharmaceutical processes; chemical and pharmacokinetics and reaction
engineering of pharmaceutical systems.
Chiew. Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree in chemical engineering or permission of instructor.
Computational Methods for Pharmaceutical Nanomaterials (3)
An introduction to organic nanotechnology and its
application to manufacturing drug products, using industrial pharmaceutical
examples, including nanoparticle and nanocomposite synthesis.
Tomassone. Prerequisite: Undergraduate degree in chemical engineering or permission of instructor.
Polymer Science and Engineering I (3)
Physical and chemical structure of polymers; morphology of
polymer crystals; microscopic texture. Mechanical properties; influence of
orientation; effects of temperature and environment; engineering applications.
Polymer Science and Engineering II (3)
Emphasis on a modern treatment of polymers, including
statistical mechanics scaling concepts and polymer properties and
Prerequisite: 16:155:551.
Applied Surface Chemistry (3)
Phenomena and processes relevant to chemical engineering
characterized by large interfacial area relative to phase volume. Fundamental
principles of surface chemistry and physics, such as interfacial tension and pressure.
Study of colloidal state and colloidal particles. Theories of electrical double
layer and stability of suspensions. Application of theory to important
processes such as foaming, emulsification, detergency, adhesion, ore flotation,
and rate processes controlled at a phase interface, including nucleation and
Prerequisite: Undergraduate or graduate degree in chemical engineering or in the biological or physical sciences.
Sustainable, Renewable, and Clean Energy (3)
Engineering perspectives on conventional energy resources,
energy challenges, and efforts on the development of sustainable, clean, and
renewable energy sources. Fundamental energy science topics that are the bases
for various energy systems.
(F) Special Problems in Chemical Environmental Engineering (3,3)
Natural water bodies described by the techniques developed
for chemical and biochemical reactor analysis. Physical transport, interfacial
exchanges, and biochemical reactions. Examples drawn from reaeration processes,
surface water temperature and energy balances, and stochastic variations in
stream discharge.
Prerequisites: 16:155:501, 502, or equivalent.
Chemical Engineering Graduate Seminar (0,0)
Graduate students make a formal presentation on their
independent study and/or research. Outside speakers also are invited.
Topics in Advanced Biotechnology (1,1)
Oral presentations and discussions of current literature
in biotechnology. Topics selected from the following: tissue, genetic, and
protein engineering; growth control; receptor signaling; immunotechnology;
neurotechnology; and others.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Teaching in the Engineering Curriculum (N1,N1)
Training on learning style, effective teaching techniques,
presentation techniques, teamwork, and professional skills.
Research in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (BA,BA)