Degree Programs Offered: Master of Science, Master of Science for Teachers, Master of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor Ronald Gilman, Physics and Astronomy Building, Busch Campus (848-445-8775 or 8765)
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Eva Y. Andrei, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Natan Andrei, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Theoretical condensed-matter and particle physics
Andrew Baker, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Observational astrophysics
Thomas Banks, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Theoretical elementary particle physics
Robert A. Bartynski, Chair and Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Philip Edward Batson, Research Professor of
Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Gyan Bhanot, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Cornell
Biological physics
Girsh Blumberg, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Stanford
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Alyson M. Brooks, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Washington
Galaxy structure and evolution; galactic chemistry; cosmology simulations
Matthew Buckley, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Search strategies at Large Hadron Collider; particle physics of dark matter
David A. Case, Professor of
Chemistry and Chemical Biology, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Computational aspects of biomolecular NMR; electrostatic
interactions in proteins and nucleic acids; electronic structure
aspects of metalloenzymes
Jak Chakalian, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., British Columbia (Canada)
Artificial quantum and topological matter with strongly correlated electrons
Premala Chandra, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)
Condensed-matter theory Sang-Wook Cheong, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Experimental condensed-matter physics and materials science
John Paul Chou, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy,
SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Experimental high-energy physics
Jolie A. Cizewski, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., SUNY (Stony Brook)
Experimental nuclear physics
Morel Cohen, Distinguished Scientist, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Theoretical condensed-matter physics
Piers Coleman, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Theoretical condensed-matter physics
Mark C. Croft, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Rochester
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Duiliu-Emanuel Diaconescu, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Theoretical high-energy physics
Eugenia Etkina, Professor of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Moscow State Pedagogical
Physics education
Paul G. Falkowski, Distinguished Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences and Marine and Coastal Sciences, SAS/SEBS; Ph.D., British Columbia (Canada)
Biogeochemical cycles; evolution; astrobiology
Leonard C. Feldman, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS, and Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Rutgers
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Daniel Friedan, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Theoretical elementary particle physics
Eric Garfunkel, Professor of Chemistry, SAS, and Vice President of International and Global Affairs; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Experimental surface science
Eric Gawiser, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Observational astrophysics
E. Gershenson, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D.,
Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics (Moscow)
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Yuri Gershtein, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Moscow Institute for Physics and Technology
Experimental high-energy physics
Ronald Gilman, Associate Chair and Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Experimental nuclear physics
Goldin, Professor of Mathematics and Physics Education, GSE, Ph.D.,
Mathematical physics; secondary education
Sheldon Goldstein, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Yeshiva
Foundations of quantum mechanics; mathematical physics
Torgny Gustafsson, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; D.Sc., Chalmers (Sweden)
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Eva Halkiadakis, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Experimental elementary particle physics
Kristjan Haule, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Theoretical condensed-matter physics
B. Jane Hinch, Associate Professor of Chemistry, SAS; Ph.D., Cambridge
Surface studies using atomic and molecular scattering
John Hughes, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Columbia
Observational astrophysics
Lev Ioffe, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics (Moscow)
Condensed-matter theory
Saurabh Jha, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Observational cosmology
Charles R. Keeton, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Theoretical astrophysics
Hossein Khiabanian, Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, RWJMS/CINJ; Ph.D., Brown
Computational biology and cancer genomics
Valery Kiryukhin, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Willem M. Kloet, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Utrecht (Netherlands)
Theoretical nuclear physics
Haruo Kojima, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Noémie Koller, Professor Emerita of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Columbia
Experimental nuclear physics
B. Gabriel Kotliar, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Theoretical condensed-matter physics
Amitabh Lath, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Experimental high-energy physics
Joel L. Lebowitz, George William Hill Professor of Mathematics and Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Syracuse
Mathematical physics and statistical mechanics
Sang-Hyuk Lee, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., New York
Single-molecule biophysics with optical tweezers and super-resolution microscopy
Lukyanov, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D.,
Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics (Moscow)
Quantum field theory and statistical mechanics
Terry A. Matilsky, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Observational astrophysics
Aram Z. Mekjian, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Maryland
Theoretical nuclear physics
Gregory Moore, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Theoretical high-energy physics
Alexandre V. Morozov, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Washington
Biological physics
Daniel E. Murnick, Professor of Physics, FAS-N; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Experimental nuclear and atomic physics
Herbert Neuberger, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Tel Aviv
Theoretical elementary particle physics
Seongshik Oh, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Illinois
Experimental condensed-matter physics
K. Olson, Mary I. Bunting Professor of Chemistry, SAS; Ph.D., Stanford
Theoretical studies of nucleic acid structure and properties
Vitaly Podzorov, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Carlton P. Pryor, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Observational astrophysics
Karin Rabe, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Theoretical condensed-matter and surface physics
Ronald D. Ransome, Area Dean and Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Experimental nuclear physics
Sevil Salur, Assistant Professor of Physics and Astronomy,
SAS; Ph.D., Yale
Experimental nuclear physics
Stephen R. Schnetzer, Associate Chair and Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Experimental elementary particle physics
Jeremy Sellwood, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Manchester (UK)
Theoretical astrophysics
Anirvan M. Sengupta, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Bombay
Biological physics
Joel A. Shapiro, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell
Theoretical elementary particle physics
David C. Shih, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Theoretical particle physics
Troy Shinbrot, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Maryland
Computational bioengineering;
biomedical imaging
Avraham Soffer, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Tel Aviv
Theory of partial differential evolution equations; Schrödinger operators and scattering theory; general mathematical physics
Sunil Somalwar, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Chicago
Experimental particle physics
Rachel S. Somerville, Distinguished Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS;
Ph.D. California (Santa Cruz)
Theoretical astrophysics
Scott Thomas, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Theoretical elementary particle physics
David Vanderbilt, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Theoretical condensed-matter physics
Weida Wu, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Experimental condensed-matter physics
Emil Yuzbashyan, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Princeton
Theoretical condensed-matter physics
Larry Zamick, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Theoretical nuclear physics
Zamolodchikov, Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D.,
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics (Moscow)
Theoretical elementary particle physics
Frank M. Zimmermann, Associate Professor of Physics and Astronomy, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell
Experimental surface-science physics