Students who withdraw voluntarily from the Rutgers School of Public Health prior to the completion of courses during a semester must submit their request for withdrawal by submitting the Leave of Absence form to the campus associate dean. This withdrawal will become part of the student's permanent record. Once a withdrawal has been approved by the campus associate dean, the student will be notified in writing, and a copy of the notification will be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for any corresponding tuition adjustment. Mere absence from classes does not reduce a student's financial obligation or prevent the assignment of a final grade. Students who stop attending classes without officially withdrawing from the course will be liable for all corresponding tuition and fees, and will receive grades of F (fail) at the end of the semester. Students who do not register or request an official leave of absence by the last date to register for courses will be administratively withdrawn from the school. Students may return the following semester, but will be required to reapply. See the Administrative Withdrawal policy for more information.
Refund Policy All refunds for approved withdrawals follow the refund schedule established by the Rutgers School of Public Health. The refund dates throughout the withdrawal period and the corresponding amount of refund are published in the Course Narrative that is distributed each semester prior to registration. Refunds for withdrawals from courses and from the school follow the refund schedule as listed in the course narrative.