Students for whom there is documentation of at least average, but preferably above average, work in a course, and under unusual circumstances, e.g., illness, may receive a grade of INC (incomplete). Mere absence from class does not
constitute an incomplete. An incomplete will be given when, in the opinion of the instructor, the nature of the course is such that the educational
opportunity can be completed within one year.
An INC grade requires a Request for Incomplete Grade form to be filled out by the student and the instructor that specifies the tasks required to complete the course. Forms are available at the school's website or from the registrar's office.
Students who stop attending classes without officially withdrawing from the course will be liable for all corresponding tuition and fees, and will receive a grade of F (fail) at the end of the semester.
A grade of incomplete must be replaced with a passing grade within one year of having received the incomplete (i.e., a year from the end of the semester in which the grade of incomplete was received), or the incomplete grade will be automatically changed to a grade of F (fail).
Appeals may be made to the associate dean for student affairs no later than four weeks before the end of the one-year extension. If an appeal is approved, up to an additional year may be granted.
See the Incomplete Grade policy for more information.