21&62:512:201,202History of the United States (3,3) Political, economic, and social phases of American history that have influenced or determined the development of the United States from 1607 to the present. |
21&62:512:303Topics in the History of Newark (3) Major economic, social, and political developments in Newark from 1830 to the present; focus on late 19th- and 20th-century trends in demography, housing, and community development. |
21&62:512:309,310A History of American Thought (3,3) Origins and developments in American thinking on social, economic, and political questions and in the fields of the arts and sciences, religion, and philosophy. |
21&62:512:311Colonial America (3) The colonial origins of the United States and divergence from England; relations with the Indians; slavery; Puritanism and the waning and revival of religion; family and gender roles; role of the colonies in the British empire; and the transformation of colonial political culture, leading to the Revolution. |
21&62:512:315U.S. History in Fiction and Fact (3) Explores critical events and problems in U.S. history by juxtaposing closely related works of history, biography, memoir, and fiction. Topics include Lincoln and Gettysburg; the legacy of slavery and reconstruction; Huey Long and the Great Depression. |
21&62:512:318Labor History (3) The impact of industrialization on the workforce in the United States; examines economic pressures; technological developments; immigration patterns; entrepreneurial policies; ethnic and black subcultures; the emergence of urban institutions as they relate to the working class and class consciousness. |
21&62:512:330History of American Immigration (3) The central role of immigration in American history; English migration in the 17th century, involuntary African migration in the 18th century, Irish migration in the mid-19th century, southern and eastern European migrations, Asian migration, and the more recent Mexican, Cuban, Puerto Rican, and West Indian migrations; comparisons and contrasts of experiences; the tensions of cultural assimilation and separatism and the concept of American national identity. |
21&62:512:333,334Afro-American History (3,3) The black American's role in the United States from the 17th century to the present. |
21&62:512:337History of the Family in the United States (3) The changing nature of the American family; the Puritan family; the Victorian family and the cult of true womanhood; the black family; childhood, marriage, and old age. |
21&62:512:343The Creation of the American Republic (3) The history of the United States from 1776 to 1820. The Revolutionary War, the writing of the Constitution, establishment of political parties, and contrasting philosophies of Jefferson and Hamilton. Emphasis on changes in religion, gender roles, race relations, social structure, and political thought. |
21&62:512:344The Democratic Age in American History: 1820-1880 (3) Development of democracy in America and its trial in the Civil War. Jacksonian democracy, revivalism and reform, slavery, abolitionism, the cult of true womanhood, and the growth of sectionalism. The origins, course, and consequences of the Civil War through the end of Reconstruction. |
21&62:512:350The Civil War and Reconstruction: The Unfinished Revolution (3) Making liberal use of computer technology and resources, this course explores the political, economic, legal and social causes of the American Civil War and its aftermath. Although not required, a prior college course in American history--such as the survey--is highly recommended. |
21&62:512:357,358American Economic and Business History (3,3) Survey of the economic development of the United States from colonial times to the present; the nation's westward march; relationships between the American economy and the economies of other nations; the changing emphasis and growing complexity of American economic life. |
21&62:512:361,362Urban History of the United States (3,3) The history of the American city and its role in American social, economic, and political development. |
21&62:512:364Military within the United States: 1800-2000 (3)Examines
seven historical episodes involving civilian interplay with the
military, and how such interplay affected both the military itself as
well as the external civilian society from which, increasingly, it has
been drawn and ultimately reflects. The topics include (1) the
establishment of the U.S. Military Academy in 1804; (2) war against law
in the War of 1812; (3) due process at sea in 1841; (4) the Civil
War politics, military, and the role of law, 1861 to 1866; (5) World War
I, a brief civil war within the Army, 1917-1919; (6) World War II and
two examples dealing with the civilian politics of involvement with
military justice, 1942-1951; (7) Vietnam and the political crisis of defeat, 1968-1974.
21&62:512:365,366American Legal History (3,3) The interaction between political and economic forces and the role of law in American history; readings from the fields of history, political science, and Constitutional development. |
21&62:512:367The Progressive Era (3) Survey of American history from 1880-1920, focusing on economic and societal transformation and the populist and progressive response. Industrialization, the rise of modern corporate power, and social and intellectual currents. |
21&62:512:368Modern America (3) Survey of the history of the United States between 1890 and 1945, with emphasis on immigration, migration, and battles waged over labor, leisure, and definitions of American identity. |
21&62:512:371Contemporary America (3) Survey of the history of the United States from 1945 to the present, with emphasis on corporate liberalism, McCarthyism, the rise of suburbia, the Vietnam War, the counterculture of the 1960s, and the "Reagan Revolution." |
21&62:512:373,374History of Women in the United States (3,3) The role of women in American life from colonial times to the present;
the nature of men and women and their relations; women's roles in
social change; the organizational mechanisms by which their influence
has been exerted. |
21&62:512:379U.S. History in the Courtroom (3) Explores modern U.S. history through the lens of a number of celebrated court cases and the controversies surrounding them. |
21&62:512:383Culture and the Cold War (3) Examines the Cold War as an ideological contest waged within the United
States as well as between the United States and USSR. Focuses on that
competition's cultural dimensions, analyzing the ways in which Cold War
politics informed American popular culture; assesses the promotion of
"the American way of life" overseas as a means to win adherents to the
Western bloc. The course involves the close study of primary sources,
including films as well as official documents. |
21&62:512:385,386History of American Politics (3,3) The formation and development of politics in the United States; function and history of political parties in America; changes in elections, campaigns, voting behavior, and the American party system; the rise of bossism and machine politics; periodic attempts to reform American politics. |
21&62:512:387,388History of Race and Ethnicity (3,3) An introduction to the history of race and ethnicity in the United States. The first term covers the period up to ca.1865. First term: topics include European-Indian relations, the origins of slavery and racism, the crusade against slavery, sex across the color line, and race relations in both the North and South. Second term: topics include the abolition of slavery; segregation and the response to it; and race and ethnic relations in the 20th century. Both terms explore the construction of race and ethnicity. |
21&62:512:389The 1960s in America (3) Survey of the issues and events of the 1960s, including the civil
rights movement, the Vietnam War, the antiwar movement, the new left,
the youth counterculture, the women's rights movement, and the gay- and
lesbian-rights movement. |
21&62:512:395,396History of Science (3,3) History of science in the United States from colonial times to the mid-20th century. |
21&62:512:397,398American Foreign Affairs (3,3) Analysis of American foreign policy from the colonial period to the present; emphasis on power politics, geopolitics, world trade, public opinion, and the interrelation between domestic and foreign affairs. |
21&62:512:402Topics in American Intellectual History (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:403Topics in American Political History (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:404Topics in American Business and Economic History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:405Topics in the History of Science (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:408Topics in American Social and Cultural History (3) Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:410Topics in the History of American Foreign Policy and Diplomacy (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:438Internship: Administration of Historical Manuscripts (3) Basic principles and techniques of modern archives administration with emphasis on accession, appraisal, arrangement, description, and conservation. The practicum for this course may entail the full processing of a historical manuscript collection; requires approximately 70 hours. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson. |
21&62:512:452Topics in Legal History (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:462Topics in Recent American History (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:472Topics in Afro-American History (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:473Topics in Women's History (3)
Prerequisites: 21&62:512:201,202 or permission of instructor. |
21&62:512:499Readings in American History (3) Designed for the history major who desires to undertake extensive reading in a particular historical area, selected in consultation with a member of the department. Limited to students whose grade-point average within the department is 2.0 or higher. Only one reading course may be taken during a term, and no more than 9 credits in reading courses may be applied toward the history major. Prerequisites: Written permission of department chairperson and instructor. |