This program is intended to expand career options for any major. Employment opportunities include human services, community development, youth programs in public, private, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations, and teaching opportunities in a variety of environmental education/science centers and non-school setting (see below for major specific careers).
Below there are special options for:
- Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior
- Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources
- Community Nutrition
The minor is administered
through the Program in Science Learning in the School of
Environmental and Biological Sciences. For further information, contact Rebecca
Jordan, 104 Waller Hall, 848-932-9164, rcjordan@rci.rutgers.edu.
Program Website: http://rci.rutgers.edu/~scilearn/pod_minor.html
Please note that the same course cannot be used to fulfill two different requirements.
All students enrolling in this program will take a minimum of:
1 Course of Foundation Courses 15:300:101 Introduction to Professional Youth Work (1) 05:300:200 Introduction to Education (3)
3 Credits of Management Courses 11:300:336 Administration and Management of Youth Agencies (3) 11:300:438 Practicum in Professional Youth Work (3)
3 Credits of Psychology Courses 01:377:301 Psychology of Sport and Exercise (3) 01:830:333 Adolescent Development (3) 05:300:306 Educational Psychology: Principles of Classroom Learning (3) 01:830:271 Principles of Developmental Psychology (3)
3 Credits of Writing Courses 01:355:201 Research in the Discipline (3) 01:355:302 Scientific and Technical Writing (3) 01:355:303 Writing for Business and the Professions (3) 01:355:315 Writing Grant Proposals (3)
3 Credits of Field Experience Courses 11:300:438 Practicum in Professional Youth Work (3) 01:099:320 Peer Instructor Education (3) (NOTE: SPIN or other independent studies within majors could be used with the approval of the program director.)
6 Credits from Electives 01:185:201 Cognitive Science: A Multidisciplinary Introduction (3) 01:202:201 Introduction to Criminal Justice (3) 01:202:322 Juvenile Justice (3) 01:377:226 Coaching Theory and Technique (3) 01:377:301 Psychology of Sport and Exercise (3) 01:713:202 Introduction to Organizational Leadership (3) 01:713:308 Leadership in a Diverse Workplace (3) 01:730:105 Current Moral and Social Issues (3) 01:730:107 Introduction to Ethics (3) 01:730:251 Ethics and Business (3) 01:830:201 Principles of Cognitive Science (3) 01:830:321 Social Psychology (3) 01:830:333 Adolescent Development (3) 01:830:372 Psychological Approaches to Social Problems (3) 01:904:202 Practicing Social Justice (3) 01:920:108 Minority Groups in American Society (3) 01:920:218 Sociology of Education (3) 01:920:272 Sociology of the Family (3) 05:300:319 Community-Based Learning in Urban Environments (3) 09:910:476 Child Welfare Services and Practices (3) 10:762:101 Introduction to Planning, Policy, and Health (3) 11:015:224 Individual, Marriage, and the Family (3) 11:300:416 Environmental Education (3) 11:374:201 Research Methods in Human Ecology (3) 11:628:307 Topics in Marine and Coastal Sciences (1,2,3) 11:709:226 Nutrition and the Young Child (3) 11:709:226 Nutrition for the Developing Child (3) 11:709:323 Child, Family, and Community (3)
Professional Outreach and Development Minor for Exercise Science and Outreach Majors
This strand is for students who wish to explore courses and careers in sports/health consulting, sports communication, and informal outreach with youth and adults.
Methods Courses: If you pursue your Exercise Science Internship in combination with education, we can substitute that course for this requirement (e.g., Internship in Sport Management 01:377:490, Internship in Exercise Science 01:377:493, Internship in Exercise Physiology 01:377:494/495).
Research Analysis Courses: The 3-credit requirement for is waived for Exercise Science students and is replaced with an additional 3 credits of Disciplinary Focus Elective courses.
Disciplinary Focus Elective Courses: Exercise Science students must take 6 credits.
Professional Outreach and Development Minor for Community Nutrition and Human Ecology
This option addresses the growing need for nutrition professionals to work with youth in structured organizations at the local, state, and national level such as WIC, Head Start, 4-H, cooperative extension, after-school care, day care, environmental education, and programs for homeless children and families. With some additional courses, students are eligible for the certificate in Professional Youth Work.
Education/Communication/Group Dynamics Elective Courses: Community Nutrition must take 6 credits in this area.
Disciplinary Focus Elective Courses: This requirement for is waived for Community Nutrition students and is replaced with an additional 3 credits of Group Dynamics Elective courses.
Professional Outreach and Development Minor for Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior and Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources Majors
This minor offers insight and training toward opportunities that include human services; nutrition and wellness programs; community development; youth programs in public, private, nonprofit, and for-profit organizations; and teaching opportunities in a variety of environmental education/science centers and nonschool settings.