The Rutgers School of Environmental and Biological
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF) works to facilitate the academic, personal,
and career growth of students by offering services designed to promote lifelong
learning with service to local and global communities. EOF exists to ensure
access to quality higher education, especially for students who have
encountered economic and educational challenges.
The EOF office
administers several academic initiatives:
EOF S.T.A.R.T. U.P. Summer Institute
Solid GEMS Summer Institutes
Extended General Chemistry 165/166 (Solid GEMS Chemistry)
Academic Year Support Services
In addition to these
university-based initiatives, an ongoing partnership with Yale University serves
as the vehicle through which EOF students participate in a Summer Undergraduate
Research Fellowship (SURF) program upon completion of their sophomore year.
EOF is funded through the New Jersey Office
of the Secretary of Higher Education, Undergraduate Academic Affairs, and the
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Dean's Office.
In addition to administering the EOF grant allocation, EOF
a holistic approach to academic support and a
progressive network of programs and services to support student retention and
Inquiries about the
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)
at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
should be addressed to Jenice Sabb, Ed.D., Assistant Dean, Educational
Opportunity Fund (EOF), Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, 88 Lipman
Drive, New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8525 (848-932-3738).