The Department of Cell Biology and
Neuroscience offers a program of study from which students can select
one of two options (tracks), depending upon particular interests and
career goals: option A (general track) and option B (honors research
track). Normally, each student would select a track in consultation
with a departmental adviser in the term that the major is declared. A
number of core courses are required of all students in the cell biology
and neuroscience major, regardless of the chosen option.
Required Core Courses (59 credits)
01:119:101-102 General Biology (4,4) *
01:146:245 Fundamentals of Neurobiology (3)
01:146:270 Fundamentals of Cell and Developmental Biology (3)
01:160:161-162 or 01:160:163-164 General Chemistry (4,4) *
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation (1) *
01:160:307-308 or 01:160: 315-316 Organic Chemistry (4,4) *
01:160:311 Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2) *
01:447:380 Genetics (4) *
01:640:135, 138** or 01:640: 151-152 Calculus (4,4) *
01:694:407-408 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (3,3) or one course in
biochemistry (3) plus one course in molecular biology (3)
01:750:203-204 General Physics (3,3) ***
01:750:205-206 General Physics Laboratory (1,1) ***