Graduate School of Education
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Dean: Richard De Lisi
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Warren D. Crown
Director of Teacher Education: Amy Wollock
W. Steven Barnett, B.A., Kenyon College; M.A., Ph.D., Michigan
Harold W. Beder, B.S., Rochester; Ed.M., Colgate; Ed.D., Columbia
Gregory Camilli, B.A., Ph.D., Colorado
Kenneth D. Carlson, B.S., M.S., Ed.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Warren D. Crown, B.S., Carnegie Mellon; Ph.D., Chicago
Richard De Lisi, B.A., SUNY (Buffalo); M.A., Ph.D., Catholic
Richard Duschl, B.S., Maryland; M.A.T., Michigan State; Ph.D., Maryland
William A. Firestone, B.A., Antioch College; M.A., Ph.D., Chicago
James M. Giarelli, B.A., Northwestern; M.Ed., Ph.D., Florida
Gerald Goldin, B.A., Harvard; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton
Ronald Terry Hyman, A.B., Miami; M.A.T., Vanderbilt; Ed.D., Columbia; J.D., Rutgers
Carolyn J. Maher, B.A., Rutgers (Douglass College); Ed.M., Ed.D., Rutgers
Lorraine McCune, B.A., Georgian Court; Ed.M., Ed.D., Rutgers
Lesley Mandel Morrow, B.S., Syracuse; M.A., Jersey City State College; Ph.D., Fordham
Angela O`Donnell, B.Ed., Carysfort; M.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., Texas Christian
Douglas A. Penfield, B.S., M.S., SUNY (Albany); Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Jeffrey K. Smith, B.A., Princeton; Ph.D., Chicago
Dorothy S. Strickland, New Jersey Professor of Reading; B.S., Newark State (Kean); M.A., Ph.D., New York
Daniel Tanner, B.S., M.S., Michigan State; Ph.D., Ohio State
Stanley John Vitello, B.A., M.Ed., Temple; Ed.S., George Peabody
College for Teachers (Vanderbilt); Ph.D., Connecticut; M.S.L., Yale Law
Carol Weinstein, A.B., Clark; Ed.M., Ed.D., Harvard
Associate Professors:
James Bliss, B.A., Cornell; M.S.Ed., Syracuse; Ph.D., Cornell
Clark A. Chinn, B.A., M.A., Kansas; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Eugenia Etkina, B.S., M.Sc., Ph.D., Moscow State Pedagogical (Russia)
C. William Garner, B.S., M.Ed., D.Ed., Pennsylvania State
Susan Golbeck, A.B., Clark; M.A., Rochester; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, B.S., M.S., SUNY (Stony Brook); M.S., Ph.D., Vanderbilt
Catherine Lugg, B.Mus., Pennsylvania; M.Mus., Drake; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
David J. Muschinske, B.S., M.S., Wisconsin; Ed.D., Boston
Wallis H. Reid, B.A., Oberlin College; M.S., Ph.D., Columbia
Helane Rosenberg, B.F.A., Boston; Ph.D., Florida State
Annell Simcoe, B.S., M.A., Texas Woman`s; Ph.D., Ohio State
Saundra M. Tomlinson-Clarke, B.A., Boston; M.A., Atlanta; Ph.D., Florida State
John Young, B.A., New York; Ed.M., Harvard; M.S., Ph.D., Stanford
Assistant Professors:
Thea Abu-EL-Haj, B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., Bryn Mawr College; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Lara Alcock, B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D., Warwick (Britain)
Alisa Belzer, B.A., Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Erica Boling, B.A., Clemson; M.A., Maryland; Ph.D., Michigan State
Katrina Bulkley, B.A., Wesleyan; M.A., North Carolina (Chapel Hill); Ph.D., Stanford
Julie Cheville, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Iowa
Caroline Clauss-Ehlers, B.A., Oberlin College; M.A., Ed.M., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia
Mary Curran, B.A., Edgewood College; M.A., Illinois (Chicago); M.A., Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Jimmy de la Torre, B.S., Master of Statistics, Philippines-Diliman; M.S., M.A., Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Nydia Flores, B.A. Puerto Rico; M.A., Temple; Ph.D., CUNY
Jennifer Goeke, B.A., New York; Ed.M., Rutgers; Ph.D., SUNY (Albany)
Nora Hyland, B.S., Fordham; M.A., New York; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Benjamin Justice, B.A., Yale; Ph.D., Stanford
Melanie Kuhn, B.A., Boston College; Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of Education; M.Phil., Cambridge; Ph.D., Georgia
Carrie Lobman, B.S., Vassar College; M.S., Hunter College; Ed.D., Columbia
Edward Liu, B.A Yale; A.M., M.B.A., Stanford; Ed.D., Harvard
Mickey Melendez, B.S., Ed.M., Boston; Ph.D., Michigan State
Kristen Ritchey, B.A., College of Notre Dame; M.S., Johns Hopkins; Ph.D., Maryland
Beth Rubin, B.A., Oberlin College; M.A.T., Brown; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Sharon Ryan, B.Ed., South Australian College of Advanced Education; M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D., Columbia (Teachers College)
Manya Sundström, B.A., M.A.T., Chicago; M.A., Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Keith H. Weber, B.S., M.A., M.S., Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
R. Fox Vernon, B.A., Stanford; Ph.D., Southern California