Certification programs exist in the following teaching areas (K-12): English, foreign language (French, German, Italian, Latin, Russian, Spanish), mathematics, music, physical science and biological science, social studies, and special education. A certification program in elementary education (K-8) also is available. Most of these programs are offered directly by the Graduate School of Education (GSE), but some are offered by other units of the university in cooperation with GSE.
The certification program in music education is a four- year program. The teacher preparation programs sponsored by GSE (elementary, English, foreign language, mathematics, physical science and biological science, social studies, and special education) are five-year programs. In these programs, the baccalaureate degree is awarded by one of the undergraduate liberal arts colleges, and the master`s degree is awarded by GSE and a recommendation is made to the state of New Jersey for a certificate of eligibility with advanced standing as a teacher. Students are admitted to these programs during the second term of the junior year; the study of professional education begins during the junior or senior year and continues with an internship and advanced professional studies in the fifth year. Program graduates are eligible for provisional certification with advanced standing. For permanent certification, graduates must participate in the state induction-year program and successfully teach for one year.