(F) Introduction to Music Research (3)
Survey of bibliographic materials for research in music.
Current Issues in Musicology (3)
Discussion of musicological issues from across the historical and methodological spectra.
Offered in alternate years.
(S) Current Issues in Music Theory (3)
Issues and debates within the field of music theory via the examination of recently published books and journal articles. Offered in alternate years.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Sound Synthesis and Computer-Assisted Composition (3,3)
Analysis of sound and timbre. Use of the computer for musical composition.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
The History of Musical Style (3)
Aspects of convention and innovation in composers' approaches to sonority, harmony, melody, rhythm, and form in representative vocal and instrumental compositions from different historical periods, ca. 1600-1950.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Proseminar in Musicology (3,3)
Intensive study of selected areas in the history of music, with guided research leading to oral and written reports.
Prerequisites: 16:700:501.
Canon and Fugue (3)
Exercises in polyphonic technique based on practices from the Renaissance to the tonal period.
Studies in Music Analysis (3,3)
Study of styles and structures in compositions from the Middle Ages to the present and their relationship to ideas on composition held by composers and theorists.
Studies in Opera (3)
Study of selected operas. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Studies in Choral Literature (3)
Study of selected works for chorus and vocal ensemble from the 16th century to the present. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Studies in Instrumental Ensemble: Ensemble Literature (3)
Study of selected chamber and orchestral works from the 17th century to the present. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Studies in Keyboard Literature (3)
Study of selected works for keyboard instruments. Historical background, sources, editions, textual criticism, analysis, and performance practice.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Proseminar in Composition (3,3)
Practice in the techniques of creative composition. Includes participation in the Composer Forum.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Special Topics in Music Theory: Theory and Analysis (3,3)
Study of selected musical repertories and styles from a variety of theoretical perspectives.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Proseminar in Performance: Performance Practice (3,3)
Problems of performance technique and interpretation from the Renaissance to the present.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
Schenkerian Analysis (3,3)
Premises, terminology, and analytical procedures derived from Heinrich Schenker's theory of linear structure, with emphasis on verification of analysis through critical listening.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Twentieth-Century Theory (3,3)
Analysis of selected compositions from ca. 1910 to the present. Theoretical strategies and perspectives.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Independent Study (BA)
For those specializing in musicology: individual research leading to an essay demonstrating command of the techniques of historical or analytical research. For those specializing in music composition: individual research leading to a composition of substantial size demonstrating command of the techniques of composition.
Master's Project (BA)
Completion of the essay or composition required for the M.A. degree.
Prerequisite: 16:700:601.
Seminar in Musicology (3,3)
Individual research in selected areas of music history and musicology.
For students pursuing the doctoral program.
Seminar in Composition (3,3)
Advanced study in the techniques of creative composition. Includes participation in the Composer Forum.
For students pursuing the doctoral program.
History of Music Notation (3)
Intensive study of medieval and Renaissance notational systems, with exercises in transcription from selected representative sources.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Topics in the History of Music Theory (3)
Close examination of selected theoretical writings from antiquity to the 20th century, with emphasis on the study of tuning systems, modes, tonality, and acoustics.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Offered in alternate years.
Research in Music (BA,BA)
Individual research leading either to a musical composition, to an extended essay in an area of music history or theory, or toward completion of the Ph.D. degree.