Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650 Degree Programs Offered: Master of Engineering, Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor Hae Chang Gea, B226A Engineering Building, Busch Campus (848-445-0108)
Prosenjit Bagchi, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana) Computational fluid dynamics;
multiphase flow; particulate flow; turbulence; biofluid mechanics
Haim Baruh, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Structural dynamics; control systems; smart structures
Haym Benaroya, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Probabilistic mechanics; structural
dynamics; aerospace/space structures; lunar development
William J. Bottega, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Yale
Composite structures; delamination and fracture; dynamics and stability of solids
and structures; mechanics of the retina
Kimberley Cook-Chennault, Assistant Professor of Mechanical
and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Michigan Design of hybrid energy systems for energy
scavenging, generation, and storage
Alberto Cuitiño, Chair and Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Brown Computational solid mechanics
Mitsunori Denda, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Harvard Fracture mechanics; computational solid
Javier Díez-Garias, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D.,
Experimental thermal and fluid
sciences; microfluidics; sprays; flow diagnostics; turbulence; combustion
Ellis H. Dill, University Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Continuum mechanics; computational mechanics; finite element methods
German Drazer, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Cuyo and Instituto Balseiro (Argentina) Transport phenomena; fluid mechanics and statistical physics; stochastic processes
Thomas N. Farris, Dean of the School of Engineering and Professor of
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D.,
Northwestern Aerospace structures and
materials; tribology; manufacturing processes; fatigue and fracture
Hae Chang Gea, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Michigan
Design and structural optimization; finite element
Guo, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE;
Polytechnic Heat transfer; laser-material (tissue) interactions; bioimaging and sensing; microscale
phenomena; numerical modeling
Yogesh Jaluria, Board of Governors Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Cornell
Convection; numerical methods in heat transfer; materials processing
Mukund V. Karwe, Professor of Food Science, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers Extrusion; high-pressure processing; effects of processing on
health value of foods; mathematical modeling and numerical simulation
Doyle D. Knight, Mary Raisler Distinguished Professor of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California Institute of Technology
Compressible fluid mechanics; turbulence; computational fluid dynamics;
automated optimal design; high-performance computing; aerodynamics
Joachim B. Kohn, Professor of Chemistry, SAS; Ph.D., Weizmann (Israel)
Interaction of living cells with artificial surfaces
Noshir A. Langrana, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Cornell
Computer-aided design; biomechanics; artificial intelligence in design
Lin, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE;
Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Micro- and nanoscale science
and engineering; micro- and nanofluidic devices; biofluid mechanics
Adrian Mann, Associate Professor of Materials
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Oxford Biomaterials; atomic force microscopy
Aaron Mazzeo, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Micro- and nanomanufacturing; energy harvesting; soft materials; flexible electronics; robotics; design; control; modeling; mechatronics; metrology; combustion
Michael R. Muller, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Brown
Fluid mechanics, waves; rotating flows; fluidized beds
Andrew N. Norris, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
SE; Ph.D.,
Northwestern Acoustics; elasticity; dynamics
of composite materials
A. Pelegri, Professor
of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Georgia Institute of
Technology Experimental
mechanics; fractures; smart structures; tissue characterization and modeling Constantine E. Polymeropoulos, Professor Emeritus of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D.,
Cornell Combustion; heat transfer
Kyung T. Rhee, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Internal combustion engines; flame propagation
Jerry Shan, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California Institute of
Technology Experimental
fluid mechanics; scalar transport and mixing; micro- and nanoscale
flows; turbulence; laser diagnostics
Shahab Shojaei-Zadeh, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and
Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Carnegie-Mellon
Micro- and nanofluidics; interfacial phenomena;
soft condensed matter
Georgiy Stenchikov,
Professor of Environmental Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Moscow Institute of
Physics and
Technology Fluid dynamics; numerical methods; atmospheric physics; climate
modeling; radiation transport
Silvina Tomassone, Associate Professor of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, SE; Ph.D.,
Northeastern Molecular dynamics; thermodynamics and statistical mechanics of fluids;
nanoparticles; nanotribology; self assembly and dynamics of
surfactants; spreading of fluids
Stephen D. Tse, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Microgravity; combustion; gas-phase synthesis of nanomaterials
George J. Weng, Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Yale
Micromechanics plasticity and creep of polycrystals; micro-macro transition; mechanics of composite materials
Jingang Yi, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SOE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Autonomous robotic systems; dynamic systems and control; mechatronics; automation science and engineering
Norman J. Zabusky, State of New Jersey Professor Emeritus of
Computational Fluid Dynamics, SE; Ph.D., California Institute of
Technology Fluid dynamics:
computational and analytical; nonlinear dynamical systems
Mona Zebarjadi, Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SE; Ph.D., California (Santa Cruz) Simulation, modeling, fabrication, and characterization of micro- and nanosystems for energy conversion and heat management systems
Qingze Zou, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, SE; Ph.D., Washington
Precision positioning; inversion-based
control theory; scanning probe microscopy; nanofabrication
Associate Member of Graduate Faculty
Keivan Esfarjani, Research Associate Professor
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, SOE; Ph.D., Delaware
Atomistic simulation of electronic structure calculations to
predict properties of materials