Degree Program Offered: Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor Marija Dalbello, School of Communication and Information, 4 Huntington Street, College Avenue Campus
(848-932-8785; Fax: 732-932-6916)
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Mark Aakhus, Associate Professor of Communication, SC&I;
Ph.D., Arizona
Collaboration and conflict processes; communication-information
technology; discourse and organizations; corporate social responsibility;
Nicholas J. Belkin, Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., London
Information science; information retrieval theory;
interactive information retrieval; people's interactions with information;
human-computer interaction in information systems
Galina Bolden, Associate Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Conversation analysis in English and Russian; communication
across linguistic and cultural barriers; nonverbal communication
Jack Bratich, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana)
Popular culture; social and political theory; media and
democracy; technology and society
Marija Dalbello, Associate Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Toronto
Theory and history of information; social history of
knowledge; visual epistemology, history of the book; digital humanities
Marya Doerfel, Associate Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Organizational communication; organizational
culture; network analysis; semantic network analysis
Jennifer Gibbs, Associate Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Southern California
Organizational communication; mediated communication; global
virtual teams
Ellen P. Goodman, Professor of Law, SL-C; J.D., Harvard
Information technology policy; regulation through communication
Carol Gordon, Associate Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Boston
Concept formation and information search in young people
David Greenberg, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Columbia
American political and cultural history; politics and media
Kathryn Greene, Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Georgia
Health-message design targeting; adolescent risk taking;
disclosure of health issues
Keith N. Hampton, Associate Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Toronto
New media; social network analysis; social capital; research
methods; social isolation; urban and community theory
Paul B. Kantor, Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Princeton
Networked information and decision systems; collaborative/social
systems; digital libraries; sensors and detectors; image retrieval systems;
behavioral economics
James E. Katz, Professor of Communication, SC&I; Ph.D.,
Social aspects and consequences of new media and social media, especially mobile phones
Vikki Sara Katz, Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Southern California
Community-based health interventions; immigrant family
dynamics; children's information seeking/translating; ethnic media;
communication ecologies
Susan Keith, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Traditional and new media journalistic practice; media
ethics; mass communication law
Montague Kern, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
Media and politics; digital media and democracy; media and
elections; media convergence; media and war; news framing; documentary film
Robert W. Kubey, Professor of Journalism and Media Studies,
SC&I; Ph.D., Chicago
Mass communication theory and effects; psychology and
politics of media; media literacy; sociology of culture; content analysis; research
Deepa Kumar, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Critical media studies; globalization; class; gender; imperialism;
war; Middle East; Islam; Orientalism
Michael E. Lesk, Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Harvard
Digital libraries; digital preservation and the economics of
digital information
Laurie Lewis, Professor of Communication, SC&I; Ph.D.,
California (Santa Barbara)
Organizational communication; stakeholder communication; organizational
change; nonprofits; interorganizational collaboration
Ya-Ling Lu, Assistant Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Children's literature; children's services; information use,
need, and seeking
Jennifer S. Mandelbaum, Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
Interpersonal communication; conversational analysis
Regina Marchi, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., California (San Diego)
Race, class, gender and media; social movements and news; community
media; Latino popular culture
Claire McInerney, Associate Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., SUNY (Albany)
Knowledge management; information ethics; virtual
organizations; community informatics and health; gender and technology
Hartmut B. Mokros, Professor of Communication, SC&I;
Ph.D., Chicago
Language and social interaction; communication and identity;
psychopathology and wellness; research methodology
Smaranda Muresan, Assistant Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Columbia
Digital libraries; computational approaches for language
learning and understanding; machine translation; relational learning
Mor Naaman, Assistant Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Stanford
Social media; interactive multimedia systems; mobile and
ubiquitous information systems; location-aware computing
Daniel O. O'Connor, Associate Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Syracuse
Research methods; library science
John V. Pavlik, Professor of Journalism and Media Studies,
SC&I; Ph.D., Minnesota
Journalism technology and new media technologies;
Spanish-language media; journalism and media ethics
Marie L. Radford, Associate Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Rutgers
Interpersonal and nonverbal communication; librarian-user
interactions; media stereotypes; cultural studies; qualitative methods
Barbara Reed, Associate Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Ohio
History and contemporary studies of ethnic press and
Brent D. Ruben, Professor of Communication, SC&I; Ph.D.,
Communication theory; organizational quality; health and
medical communication; communication and information systems; communication
Joe Sanchez, Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D. Texas (Austin)
Collaboration and user experience in virtual worlds; social
informatics; LIS pedagogy
Jorge Reina Schement, Professor of Communication and Dean,
SC&I; Ph.D., Stanford
Information policy; global telecommunications; Spanish-language
media; information-consumer behavior
Craig R. Scott, Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Arizona State
Organizational communication; new communication
technologies; issues of identification and anonymity; communication theory
Chirag Shah, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Information seeking/retrieval/behavior; social media; human computer interaction
Aram Sinnreich, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Mass Media, SC&I; Ph.D., Southern California
Digital culture; music; critical theory; games; copyright; IP; free speech
Lea P. Stewart, Professor of Communication, SC&I; Ph.D.,
Organizational communication; diversity; gender; sexual
harassment; health communication
Jennifer Theiss, Associate Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Interpersonal communication; romantic relationship
Ross J. Todd, Associate Professor of Library and Information
Science; SC&I; Ph.D., Sydney
Human information behavior; adolescents' information seeking
and utilization; school librarianship; knowledge management
Nina Wacholder, Associate Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., CUNY
Organization of information; information access;
computational linguistics
Jennifer Warren, Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Health communication; underserved identities; health
disparities; tobacco use; targeted e-health interventions; community-based
participatory research
Todd Wolfson, Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Role of new information and communication technologies in
global social movements
Itzhak Yanovitzky, Assistant Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Health communication; persuasion; communication and social
changes; research methodology
Xiaomu Zhou, Assistant Professor of Library and Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Health informatics; human computer interaction; computer-supported cooperative work
Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty
Caron Chess, Associate Professor of Human Ecology, SEBS;
Ph.D., SUNY (CESF) Environmental communication; risk communication; public
Christina Dunbar-Hester, Assistant Professor of Journalism
and Media Studies; SC&I, Ph.D., Cornell
Social studies of technology; media activism; gender;
Ingrid Erickson, Assistant Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Stanford
Convergence of mobile technology, the urban environment, and
social organization
Bernadette Gailliard, Assistant Professor of Communication, SC&I; Ph.D., California (Santa Barbara)
Organizational communication; identity; race, gender, and class intersections
Rebecca Reynolds, Assistant Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Syracuse
Computer-supported collaborative learning among youth in
constructionist design-oriented environments
Chirag Shah, Assistant Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Information seeking/retrieval behavior; social media;
digital libraries
Aram Sinnreich, Assistant Professor of Journalism and Media
Studies, SC&I; Ph.D., Southern California
Digital culture; music; critical theory; games; copyright;
intellectual property; free speech
Matthew Weber, Assistant Professor of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Southern California
Organizations and technology; media
Xiaomu Zhou, Assistant Professor of Library and Information
Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Michigan
Health informatics; human-computer interaction;
computer-supported cooperative work
Adjunct Members of the Graduate Faculty
Jerome Aumente, Professor Emeritus of Journalism and Mass
Media, SC&I; Director, Journalism Resources Institute; M.S., Columbia
Communication and information technology
Michael J. Bzdak, Visiting Part-Time Lecturer in
Communication, SC&I; Ph.D., Rutgers
Organizational communication; corporate social
responsibility; CSR theory and practice
Gustav W. Friedrich, Professor Emeritus of Communication,
SC&I; Ph.D., Kansas
Communication theory; instructional communication; applied
Jon L. Oliver, Assistant Dean for Network and Information
Technology, SC&I; M.S., Rutgers
Information retrieval and dissemination in distance education
Gary Radford, Professor of Communication, Fairleigh
Dickinson; Ph.D., Rutgers
Communication theory and philosophy; semiotics;
interpersonal communication
Doug Riecken, IBM TJ Watson Laboratories; Ph.D., Rutgers
Human-computer interaction; information personalization;
intelligent user interfaces and agents
Tefko Saracevic, Professor Emeritus of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve
Information science; information education; information
seeking and retrieving
Anselm Spoerri, Lecturer/Assistant Professor of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Information visualization; information appliances
Betty J. Turock, Professor Emerita of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Rutgers
Management; information services; information policy
Jana Varlejs, Associate Professor Emerita of Library and
Information Science, SC&I; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Library education; continuing professional education
Leonard T. Vercellotti, Assistant Research Professor,
Eagleton Institute of Politics, Ph.D., North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Public opinion; ethnic media; political communication