Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Graduate School New Brunswick
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Graduate Study at the University
Other Graduate Study at the University
Degree Programs Available
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Degree Requirements
Programs, Faculty, and Courses
Course Information
Actuarial Sciences
African Studies 016
Analytics: Discovery Informatics and Data Sciences
Anthropology 070
Applied Computing
Art History 082
Arts, Visual and Theater
Asian Studies 098
Atmospheric Science 107
Biochemistry 115
Biomedical Engineering 125
Biotechnology 126
Biotechnology and Genomics
Business and Science 137
Cell and Developmental Biology 148
Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology
Chemical and Biochemical Engineering 155
Chemistry and Chemical Biology 160
Chinese 165
Cinema Studies 175
Civil and Environmental Engineering 180
Classics 190
Cognitive Science 185
College Teaching 186
College and University Leadership 187
Communication, Information and Library Studies 194
Communication Studies
Comparative Literature 195
Computational and Data-Enabled Science and Engineering 199
Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics 118
Computer Science 198
Cultural Heritage and Preservation Studies (CHAPS)
Curatorial Studies
Drug Discovery and Development
East Asian Languages and Cultures 217
Ecology and Evolution 215
Economics 220
Education 300
Graduate Courses
Educational Psychology; Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration; Learning and Teaching
Electrical and Computer Engineering 332
Endocrinology and Animal Biosciences 340
Engineering Geophysics
Engineering Management
English, Literatures in (English 350, Composition Studies 352)
English as a Second Language 356
Entomology 370
Environmental Change, Human Dimensions of 378
Environmental Sciences 375
Financial Statistics and Risk Management
Food and Business Economics 395
Food Science 400
French 420
Geography 450
Geological Sciences 460
Geospatial Information Science 455
Geospatial Information Systems
German 470
Graduate Student Professional Development 486
Historic Preservation
History 510
Horticulture and Turfgrass Science
Human Resource Management
Industrial and Systems Engineering 540
Industrial Mathematics
Industrial Relations and Human Resources 545
Information Technology
Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program 554
International Agriculture
Italian 560
Jewish Studies 563
Kinesiology and Applied Physiology
Labor and Employment Relations
Landscape Architecture 550
Latin American Studies
Library Studies
Linguistics 615
Literature and Language 617
Literatures in English
Materials Science and Engineering 635
Mathematical Finance 643
Mathematics 640, 642, 644
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 650
Medicinal Chemistry 663
Medieval Studies 667
Microbial Biology 682
Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 681
Molecular Biophysics 696
Molecular Biosciences 695
Music 700
Neuroscience 710
Nutritional Sciences 709
Oceanography 712
Operations Research 711
Perceptual Science
Personal Care Science
Pharmaceutical Engineering
Pharmaceutical Science 720
Pharmaceuticals and Clinical Trials Management 725
Pharmacology, Cellular and Molecular 718
Philosophy 730
Physics and Astronomy 750
Physiology and Integrative Biology 761
Planning and Public Policy 762
Plant Biology 765
Political Science 790
Psychology 830
Psychology, Applied and Professional
Public Health 832
Public Policy
Quality and Reliability Engineering
Religious Studies 840
Quaternary Studies 841
Russian, Central and East European Studies 859
Science and Technology Management 885
Social Networking and Media
Social Work 910
Social Work: Administration, Policy and Planning, and Direct Practice
Sociology 920
Spanish 940
Financial Statistics and Risk Management 958
Statistics and Biostatistics 960
Theater Arts
Toxicology 963
Urban Environmental Analysis and Management
Urban Planning, City and Regional
User Experience Design (UXD)
Visual Arts
Women's and Gender Studies 988
Research Centers, Bureaus, and Institutes
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
  Graduate School-New Brunswick 2012-2014 Programs, Faculty, and Courses Education 300  

Education 300

Degree Programs Offered: Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy

Director of Graduate Program: Professor William Firestone, 10 Seminary Place, College Avenue Campus (732-932-7496, ext. 8104)

Members of the Graduate Faculty

Bruce D. Baker, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ed.D., Teachers College
State school finance policy; teacher labor markets and the economics of education

W. Steven Barnett, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Michigan
Economics of education; educational policy; evaluation

Dan Battey, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Professional development; elementary mathematics; equity; racialization

Alisa A. Belzer, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Adult-literacy education, professional development, and policy

Erica Boling, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Michigan State
Teacher learning; technology in teaching and learning

Clark A. Chinn, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Educational psychology

Caroline S. Clauss-Ehlers, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia
Cross-cultural psychology with children and families; bilingualism in psychotherapy; resilience and public education through the media

Amy Cohen-Corwin, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)

Mary Elizabeth Curran, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Issues in language education; multicultural education

Jimmy de la Torre, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Psychological and educational testing and measurement

Richard De Lisi, Dean and Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Catholic
Developmental psychology

Thea Renda Abu El-Haj, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Immigration; citizenship education; educational equity; race and gender studies

Yakov Epstein, Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Columbia
Student engagement while learning conceptually challenging mathematics

Eugenia Etkina, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Moscow State Pedagogical (Russia)
Mathematics and science education

Richard S. Falk, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell
Applied mathematics; numerical analysis

William A. Firestone, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Chicago
Educational policy; policy implementation; qualitative methods

Nydia Flores, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching and Spanish, GSE/SAS; Ph.D., CUNY
Sociolinguistics; bilingualism

Rochel Gelman, Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science, SAS; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Causal and quantitative reasoning; constraints on concept acquisition; the role of informal environments

James M. Giarelli, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Florida
Educational philosophy and policy; ethics and education; civic education

Drew Gitomer, Rose and Nicholas DeMarzo Chair of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Assessment and evaluation of teaching quality

Martin Gliserman, Associate Professor of English, SAS; Ph.D., Indiana
Psychoanalysis/literature (narrative)

Susan L. Golbeck, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Cognitive development

Gerald A. Goldin, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Princeton
Mathematics education; theoretical physics

Florence A. Hamrick, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Indiana
Higher education; college student affairs; student veterans; women in STEM

Sandra L. Harris, Professor Emerita of Psychology, SAS/GSAPP; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Education of autistic children

Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Vanderbilt
Cognitive and instructional strategies 

Nora Hyland, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Race, class, gender, and sexuality within the sociocultural context of schools

Lee Jussim, Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Michigan
Social perception; interpersonal expectations; stereotypes

Benjamin Justice, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Stanford
Religion and public education; social and civic education; education in nation building

Barbara A. Lee, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Ohio State
Policy management industrial relations and human resources

Michael L. Lewis, Professor of Psychology, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Developmental psychology

Carrie Lobman, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia
Teacher education; performatory approaches to learning and teaching; early childhood education

Barbara Louis, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Nature of intelligence; giftedness

Catherine A. Lugg, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Education policy/politics

Carolyn A. Maher, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ed.D., Rutgers
Mathematics education

Matthew J. Mayer, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)

School violence prevention, taking a transdisciplinary approach

Lorraine D. McCune, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ed.D., Rutgers
Developmental psychology

Richard E. Miller, Professor of English, SAS; Ph.D., Pittsburgh
Pedagogy; composition theory; history of educational reform

Naftaly Minsky, Professor of Computer Science, SAS; Ph.D., Hebrew (Israel)
Computer science

Lesley M. Morrow, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Fordham
Literacy development

Joseph Naus, Professor of Statistics, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard
Statistics and probability

Angela M. O'Donnell, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Texas Christian
Educational psychology

Douglas A. Penfield, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Educational statistics and measurement

Arthur B. Powell, Associate Professor of Education and Academic Foundations, FAS-N; Ph.D., Rutgers
Role of language processes in learning mathematics; development of students' mathematical ideas and forms of reasoning

Wallis Reid, Associate Professor Emeritus of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia

Fred S. Roberts, Professor of Mathematics, SAS/DIMACS; Ph.D., Stanford
Discrete mathematical models; graph theory; decision making; measurement theory 

Mark G. Robson, Professor of Entomology and Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers

Horticulture; public health

Joseph Rosenstein, Professor of Mathematics, SAS;  Ph.D., Cornell
Mathematics education

Alan Rosenthal, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Princeton
Political science

Beth Rubin, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Educational equity in U.S. high schools

Sharon K. Ryan, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia
Early childhood education

Alan Sadovnik, Professor of Education and Sociology, FAS-N; Ph.D., New York
State takeover of school districts in New Jersey; school choice policies nationally and in New Jersey; charter schools in Newark

Michael Saks, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Theory of computation; external set theory; partially ordered sets; graph theory

Lawrence Scanlon, Associate Professor of English, SAS; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins
Medieval studies theory; pedagogy; humanities computing

Roberta Schorr, Associate Professor of Education and Academic Foundations, FAS-N; Ed.D., Rutgers
Teaching and learning of mathematics 

Dorothy Strickland, State of New Jersey Professor Emerita of Reading, GSE; Ph.D., New York
Literacy; reading and writing development

Daniel Tanner, Professor Emeritus of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Ohio State
Curriculum policy at federal, state, and local levels

Saundra Tomlinson-Clarke, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Florida State
Multicultural, psychosocial development

Carl Van Horn, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Ohio State
Employment policy and public policy

Stanley Vitello, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia
Special education law and policy

Keith H. Weber, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon
Processes used in formal mathematical reasoning

Robert Wilson, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Yale

Nancy Wolff, Professor of Urban Studies and Community Health, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Iowa
Methodology; costing methods; program evaluation

Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty

Roland V. Anglin, Director, Initiative for Regional and Community Transformation, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Chicago
Role of education in community and economic development

Chia-Yi Chiu, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Cognitive diagnosis modeling with focus on profile classifications

Susan Dougherty, Assistant Professor of Literacy Education, GSE; Ph.D., Boston
Explanatory talk; fathers as literacy mentors; literacy teacher training

Ravit Golan Duncan, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Northwestern                                                                                                                  
Learning; curriculum design; teacher preparation in science education

Ariana Mangual Figueroa, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
Language use and learning in Latino communities; effects of citizenship status and educational policies

Ebelia Hernández, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Indiana
Latino college student experience; student development theory

Toni M. Kempler, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Michigan
Motivation and instruction

Melinda Mangin, Assistant Professor of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Rutgers
Instructional leadership; teacher leadership; education policy

Cheryl A. McLean, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Georgia
Adolescent literacy; narrative inquiry; and teacher education

Juan Pablo Mejía-Ramos, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Warwick
Mathematical reasoning, argumentation, and proof

Tanja Carmel Sargent, Assistant Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania
Sociology of education; comparative and international education; China

Youngsuk Suh, Assistant Professor of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison)
Theory and application of psychometric methods in education and psychology

Lisa B. Warner, Senior Math Specialist in Urban Education, FAS-N; Ph.D., Rutgers
Development of students' mathematical ideas; teacher actions and engagement

Sheila Witherspoon, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., South Carolina
Effectiveness of pipeline programs

Timothy D. Zimmerman, Assistant Professor of Science Education, GSE/IMCS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley)
In/out-of-school ocean/environmental science learning via computer devices

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