Degree Programs Offered: Master of Arts, Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor William Firestone, 10 Seminary Place, College Avenue Campus (732-932-7496, ext. 8104)
Members of the Graduate Faculty
Bruce D. Baker, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ed.D., Teachers College State school finance policy; teacher labor markets and the economics of education
W. Steven Barnett, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Michigan Economics of education; educational policy; evaluation
Dan Battey, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles)
Professional development; elementary mathematics; equity; racialization
Alisa A. Belzer, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Adult-literacy education, professional development, and policy
Boling, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D.,
Michigan State Teacher learning; technology in teaching and learning
Clark A. Chinn, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Educational psychology
S. Clauss-Ehlers, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE;
Ph.D., Columbia Cross-cultural psychology with children and families;
bilingualism in psychotherapy; resilience and public education through
the media
Amy Cohen-Corwin, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Mathematics
Mary Elizabeth Curran, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Wisconsin Issues in language education; multicultural education
de la Torre, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D.,
Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Psychological and educational testing and
Richard De Lisi, Dean and Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Catholic Developmental psychology
Renda Abu El-Haj, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy,
and Administration, GSE; Ph.D.,
Pennsylvania Immigration; citizenship education; educational equity;
race and gender
Epstein, Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Columbia
Student engagement while learning conceptually challenging mathematics
Eugenia Etkina, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Moscow State Pedagogical (Russia) Mathematics and science education
Richard S. Falk, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell Applied mathematics; numerical analysis
William A. Firestone, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Chicago Educational policy; policy implementation; qualitative methods
Nydia Flores, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching
and Spanish, GSE/SAS; Ph.D., CUNY Sociolinguistics; bilingualism
Gelman, Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science, SAS; Ph.D.,
California (Los Angeles) Causal and quantitative reasoning; constraints
on concept acquisition; the role of informal environments
James M. Giarelli, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Florida Educational philosophy and policy; ethics and education; civic education
Drew Gitomer, Rose and Nicholas DeMarzo Chair of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Pittsburgh Assessment and evaluation of teaching quality
Martin Gliserman, Associate Professor of English, SAS; Ph.D., Indiana Psychoanalysis/literature (narrative)
Susan L. Golbeck, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State Cognitive development
Gerald A. Goldin, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Princeton Mathematics education; theoretical physics
Florence A. Hamrick, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Indiana Higher education; college student affairs; student veterans; women in STEM
Sandra L. Harris, Professor Emerita of Psychology, SAS/GSAPP; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo) Education of autistic children
E. Hmelo-Silver, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE;
Ph.D., Vanderbilt Cognitive and instructional strategies
Nora Hyland, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign)
Race, class, gender, and sexuality within the sociocultural context of schools
Lee Jussim, Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Michigan Social perception; interpersonal expectations; stereotypes
Justice, Associate Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and
Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Stanford Religion and public education;
social and civic education; education in nation building
Barbara A. Lee, Professor of Human Resource
Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Ohio State Policy management industrial
relations and human resources
Michael L. Lewis, Professor of Psychology, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Developmental psychology
Carrie Lobman, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia
Teacher education; performatory approaches to learning and teaching; early childhood education
Barbara Louis, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers Nature of intelligence; giftedness
A. Lugg, Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and
Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Education policy/politics
Carolyn A. Maher, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ed.D., Rutgers Mathematics education
Matthew J.
Mayer, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE;
Ph.D., Maryland (College Park)
School violence prevention, taking a
transdisciplinary approach
Lorraine D. McCune, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ed.D., Rutgers Developmental psychology
E. Miller, Professor of English, SAS; Ph.D., Pittsburgh Pedagogy;
composition theory; history of educational reform
Naftaly Minsky, Professor of Computer Science, SAS; Ph.D., Hebrew (Israel) Computer science
Lesley M. Morrow, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Fordham Literacy development
Joseph Naus, Professor of Statistics, SAS; Ph.D., Harvard Statistics and probability
Angela M. O'Donnell, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Texas Christian Educational psychology
A. Penfield, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D.,
California (Berkeley) Educational statistics and measurement
B. Powell, Associate Professor of Education and Academic
Foundations, FAS-N; Ph.D., Rutgers Role of language processes in
learning mathematics; development of students' mathematical ideas and
forms of reasoning
Wallis Reid, Associate Professor Emeritus of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia Linguistics
Fred S. Roberts, Professor of Mathematics, SAS/DIMACS; Ph.D., Stanford Discrete mathematical models; graph theory; decision making; measurement theory
Mark G. Robson, Professor of Entomology and Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Horticulture; public health
Joseph Rosenstein, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Cornell Mathematics education
Alan Rosenthal, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Princeton Political science
Rubin, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D.,
California (Berkeley) Educational equity in U.S. high schools
Sharon K. Ryan, Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia Early childhood education
Sadovnik, Professor of Education and Sociology, FAS-N; Ph.D., New York State takeover of school districts in New Jersey; school choice
policies nationally and in New Jersey; charter schools in Newark
Saks, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Theory of computation; external set theory; partially
ordered sets; graph theory
Lawrence Scanlon, Associate
Professor of English, SAS; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins Medieval studies
theory; pedagogy; humanities computing
Roberta Schorr,
Associate Professor of Education and Academic Foundations, FAS-N;
Ed.D., Rutgers Teaching and learning of mathematics
Dorothy Strickland, State of New Jersey Professor Emerita of Reading, GSE; Ph.D., New York Literacy; reading and writing development
Daniel Tanner, Professor Emeritus of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Ohio State Curriculum policy at federal, state, and local levels
Tomlinson-Clarke, Associate Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE;
Ph.D., Florida State Multicultural, psychosocial development
Carl Van Horn, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Ohio State Employment policy and public policy
Stanley Vitello, Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Columbia Special education law and policy
Keith H. Weber, Associate Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE;
Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon Processes used in formal mathematical reasoning
Robert Wilson, Professor of Mathematics, SAS; Ph.D., Yale Mathematics
Wolff, Professor of Urban Studies and Community Health,
EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Iowa Methodology; costing methods; program evaluation
Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty
Roland V. Anglin, Director, Initiative for Regional and Community Transformation, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Chicago Role of education in community and economic development
Chia-Yi Chiu, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) Cognitive diagnosis modeling with focus on profile classifications
Susan Dougherty, Assistant Professor of Literacy Education, GSE; Ph.D., Boston Explanatory talk; fathers as literacy mentors; literacy teacher training
Golan Duncan, Associate Professor of Learning
and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D.,
Learning; curriculum design; teacher preparation in science
Ariana Mangual Figueroa, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Language use and learning in Latino communities; effects of citizenship status and educational policies
Ebelia Hernández, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Indiana Latino college student experience; student development theory
Toni M. Kempler, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., Michigan Motivation and instruction
Melinda Mangin, Assistant Professor of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Rutgers Instructional leadership; teacher leadership; education policy
Cheryl A. McLean, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Georgia Adolescent literacy; narrative inquiry; and teacher education
Juan Pablo Mejía-Ramos, Assistant Professor of Learning and Teaching, GSE; Ph.D., Warwick
Mathematical reasoning, argumentation, and proof
Tanja Carmel Sargent, Assistant Professor of Educational Theory, Policy, and Administration, GSE; Ph.D., Pennsylvania Sociology of education; comparative and international education; China
Youngsuk Suh, Assistant Professor of Education, GSE; Ph.D., Wisconsin (Madison) Theory and application of psychometric methods in education and psychology
Lisa B. Warner, Senior Math Specialist in Urban Education, FAS-N; Ph.D., Rutgers Development of students' mathematical ideas; teacher actions and engagement
Sheila Witherspoon, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology, GSE; Ph.D., South Carolina Effectiveness of pipeline programs
Timothy D. Zimmerman, Assistant Professor of Science Education, GSE/IMCS; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) In/out-of-school ocean/environmental science learning via computer devices