Yana Bromberg, Assistant
Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology, SEBS; Ph.D.; New York
Bioinformatics approaches to
protein function prediction and genome variation analysisAndrew
Brooks, Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine,
UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rochester
Proteomics, genomics, and biomarkers and
their application to toxicology
Brian Buckley,
Administrative Director of Laboratories, EOHSI; Ph.D., North Carolina
Analytical chemistry of environmental samples
Joanna Burger, Professor of Biology, SAS; Ph.D., Minnesota
Heavy metal dynamics in estuarine ecosystems
Suzie Chen, Professor of Chemical Biology, EMSP; Ph.D., Einstein
Mouse model of melanoma; regulation of cell signaling by
G-protein-coupled receptor
Allan H. Conney, New Jersey Professor of Pharmacology, EMSP; Ph.D., Wisconsin
Experimental therapeutics and drug metabolism
Keith R. Cooper, Professor of Microbiology, SEBS; Ph.D., Rhode Island
Xenobiotic metabolism in aquatic animals; animal models
Emanuel M. DiCicco-Bloom,
Professor of Neuroscience and Cell Biology/Pediatrics,
UMDNJ-RWJMS; M.D., Cornell
Pediatric neurology; neurogenesis
L. Fielder, Professor of Environmental and Occupational
Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Bowling Green
Neurobehavioral and health
effects in human exposure to hazardous substances
Michael A. Gallo, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Albany Medical College
Food additives; phototoxins; dermatotoxicology; dioxin; molecular biology of estrogen receptors
Donald R.
Gerecke, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, EMSP;
Ph.D., Harvard
Molecular biology of the extracellular matrix in skin
Peter J. Gillies, Professor
of Nutritional Sciences, SEBS; Director, Institute for Food, Nutrition, and Health; Ph.D., McMaster (Canada)
Nutrigenomics and the relationships between nutrition and metabolic syndrome disorders
Gochfeld, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine,
UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., CUNY (Queens); M.D., Albert Einstein College of
Environmental toxicology; behavioral development and occupational medicine
Marion K.
Gordon, Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology,
EMSP; Ph.D., Rutgers/UMDNJ
Gene expression of extracellular matrix
molecules during development
Andrew Gow, Associate
Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., Temple
mechanisms of nitric oxide control of pathophysiological processes
Grace L. Guo, Associate Professor
of Pharmacology and Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., Kansas
Roles of nuclear receptors in chemical metabolismMichael M. Iba, Associate Professor of Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., Illinois
Metabolic and molecular basis of arylamine carcinogenesis; developmental toxicology
Howard Kipen,
Associate Professor of Environmental and
Occupational Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; M.D., California (San Francisco)
Occupational health
Ah-Ng Tony Kong, Professor of Pharmaceutics, EMSP; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Pharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, and drug metabolism
Kusnecov, Associate Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Newcastle
Neuroimmune interactions; behavioral impact of inflammatory
processes; neurotoxicology
Debra L. Laskin, Chair and Professor of Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., Medical College of Virginia
Immunology; immunotoxicology; monoclonal antibodies; flow cytometry
Jeffrey D.
Laskin, Professor of Environmental and Community Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS;
Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo)
Carcinogenesis and differentiation in cell culture
Robert Laumbach, Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; M.D., UMDNJ-RWJMS
Respiratory and cardiovascular effects of human exposure to air pollutants
Paul J. Lioy, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Air pollution exposure, measurement, and assessment
P. McGann, Assistant Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Yale
of smell; optical imaging; cellular/systems/behavioral
Gary F. Merrill, Professor of
Cell Biology and Neuroscience, SAS; Ph.D., Michigan State
Ischemic heart disease; hypoxia
and reoxygenation; metabolic control of coronary circulationChristopher J. Molloy, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology and Dean, EMSP; Ph.D., Rutgers
Drug discovery involving the molecular mechanisms of inflammation and carcinogenesis
Kenneth R. Reuhl, Professor of
Pharmacology and Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., Wisconsin
neuropathology and neurotoxicology
Jason Richardson,
Assistant Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine,
UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Mississippi State
neurotoxicology; Parkinson's disease; ADHD
Richfield, Associate Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine,
UMDNJ-RWJMS; M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Michigan
Neuropathology; neurotoxicology; Parkinson's disease
David J. Riley, Professor of Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; M.D., Maryland
Respiratory physiology; respiratory toxicology; effects of oxidants on tissue metabolism and molecular biology
Mark Robson, Professor of Entomology and Director of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, SEBS; Ph.D., Rutgers
Public health; agrochemical toxicology
Dipak K. Sarkar, Professor of Animal Sciences, SEBS; Director, Endocrine Program and Director, Biomedical Division, CAS; Ph.D., Calcutta; D.Phil., Oxford
Cellular and molecular neuroendocrinology
Robert Snyder, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., SUNY Upstate Medical Center
Benzene; bone marrow disease; drug metabolism; carcinogenesis
K. Sonsalla, Associate Professor of Neurology, Psychiatry, and
Pharmacology, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., Utah
Neurotoxicology; monoamines;
CNS function
Paul E. Thomas, Professor of Chemical Biology and Pharmacognosy, EMSP; Ph.D., Ohio State
Antibody probes of the regulation and membrane topology of cytochrome P-450
Jay A. Tischfield, Professor of Genetics, SAS; Ph.D., Yale
Uzumcu, Associate Professor of Animal Sciences, SEBS; Ph.D., Ohio State
Reproductive endocrinology and toxicology; ovary and testis
development; endocrine disruptors in gonadal development
George Wagner, Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Chicago
Neural and behavioral toxicology
Lori A. White, Associate
Professor of Biochemistry and Microbiology, SEBS; Ph.D., Dartmouth
Molecular mechanisms of xenobiotic-induced
pathologiesGisela Witz, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, UMDNJ-RWJMS; Ph.D., New York
Benzene metabolism; tumor promotion; oxygen radical toxicity
Chung S. Yang, Professor of Pharmacognosy, EMSP; Ph.D., Cornell
Nitrosamines; carcinogenesis; molecular biology of cytochrome P-450
Zarbl, Professor of Environmental and Occupational Medicine,
UMDNJ-RWJMS/EOSHI; Ph.D., McGill (Canada)
Cancer biology and genetics; genomics; toxicogenomics and toxicology
Renping Zhou,
Associate Professor of Chemical Biology, EMSP; Ph.D., California
Development of the brain: function of growth factors and
their receptors
Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty
R. Gardner, Research Associate Professor of Pharmacology and
Toxicology, EMSP; Ph.D., Texas
Woman's immunotoxicology;
immunology; radiation biology
Peter C. Kahn, Professor of Biochemistry, SEBS; Ph.D., Columbia
Carcinogens; Agent Orange