Degree Programs Offered: Master of Science, Doctor of Philosophy
Director of Graduate Program: Professor Douglas Kruse, Janice Levin Building, Livingston Campus (848-445-5991)
Members of the Graduate Faculty
John R. Aiello, Professor of Psychology, SAS; Ph.D., Michigan State Industrial and organizational psychology; environmental stress; nonverbal communication
Clayton P. Alderfer, Professor of Psychology, GSAPP; Ph.D., Yale Organizational behavior and organizational change
Richard W. Beatty, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Washington Human resource systems and planning; performance appraisal; compensation
David Bensman, Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Columbia Labor history; contemporary collective-bargaining issues; schools and education
Joseph Blasi, Professor of Human Resource Management and Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ed.D., Harvard Employee ownership; employee participation in management and governance
Dana Britton, Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations,
SMLR; Ph.D., Texas (Austin)
work and occupations; social control
John F. Burton, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, SMLR; Ph.D., Michigan Workers compensation; public-sector collective bargaining
Caligiuri, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR;
Ph.D., Pennsylvania State International human resources; selection
Tracy F.H. Chang, Associate Extension Specialist in Labor
Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Iowa
Union building; globalization and strategic
international alliances; economics and politics
Cary Cherniss, Professor of Psychology, GSAPP; Ph.D., Yale Job stress and burnout; careers; organizational change; supervision
Sue Cobble, Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Stanford Women and work; labor history; union leadership
Niki Dickerson, Associate Professor of Labor Studies and
Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Michigan Labor market demographics; economic sociology; survey
research and design
Steven M. Director, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Northwestern Human resource policy, planning, and evaluation; financial analysis of human resources and labor relations decisions
Adrienne E. Eaton, Professor of Labor and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Wisconsin Collective bargaining; worker and union participation in management; union organizing
Charles H. Fay, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Washington Compensation; performance appraisal; human resource information systems
Fine, Associate Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations,
SMLR; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Low-wage work; African-American and immigrant workers; organizing
Finegold, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR, and Rutgers Senior Vice President for Lifelong Learning and Strategic Growth Initiatives;
D.Phil., Oxford Workforce development; corporate
governance; evolving employment relationship
Ingrid S.
Fulmer, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D.,
Vanderbilt Compensation; strategic human resource management; interpersonal
behavior; ethical decision making
Rebecca Givan, Associate Professor of Labor Studies and
Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Northwestern
employment relations; collective bargaining; health care work
Stan M. Gully, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Michigan State Leadership and team effectiveness; training and development; multilevel theory and analysis
Charles Heckscher, Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Harvard Workplace transformation; new forms of employment representation
Mark Huselid, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., SUNY (Buffalo) Strategic human resource management
Susan E. Jackson, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Strategic human resource management; work teams; workforce diversity; stress and burnout
Jeffrey H. Keefe, Associate Professor of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, SMLR; Ph.D., Cornell Work restructuring and
technology; collective bargaining; telecommunications; labor relations
Rebecca Kehoe, Assistant Professor of Human Resource
Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Cornell
Strategic human resource management; social capital;
organizational renewal; innovation; knowledge management
Mark R. Killingsworth, Professor of Economics, SAS; D.Phil., Oxford Labor and human resources; discrimination
L. Kruse, Professor of Human Resource Management and Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR;
Ph.D., Harvard Profit sharing; employee ownership;
disability and employment
Michael Kukenberger, Assistant Professor of Human Resource
Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Connecticut
Team leadership; team effectiveness; multilevel theory
Barbara A. Lee, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Ohio State Employment law; employee relations
David Lepak, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State
Strategic human resource management
Mingwei Liu, Assistant Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D., Cornell
International and comparative employment relations; labor relations and HRM in China; high-performance work systems
Patrick McKay, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Akron Organizational diversity
Jessica Methot, Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Florida
Overlap of formal and informal work
relationships; social networks; voluntary turnover; team interaction and
processes; organizational stress
Phillips, Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR;
Ph.D., Michigan State Leadership; teams; learning
organizations; job search/recruitment
William Rodgers, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP;
Ph.D., Harvard Business cycle and job growth; labor markets discrimination;
logistics chains
Patricia A. Roos, Professor
of Sociology, SAS; Ph.D., California (Los Angeles) Stratification; work; gender
Saul Rubinstein,
Associate Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR;
Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology Work systems; organizational transformation
Randall S. Schuler, Professor of Human Resource Management, SMLR; Ph.D., Michigan State Strategic and international human resource management
Schulze-Cleven, Assistant Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations,
SMLR; Ph.D. California (Berkeley) Comparative employment relations; labor
market reform; European political economy
Schur, Associate Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations,
SMLR; J.D., Northwestern; Ph.D., California (Berkeley) Labor law and employment law; work and disability
Susan Schurman, Dean, SMLR; Ph.D., Michigan Labor and adult education; action research
Carl Edward Van Horn, Professor of Public Policy, EJBSPPP; Ph.D., Ohio State American political institutions; public policy
Voos, Professor of Labor Studies and Employment Relations, SMLR; Ph.D.,
Harvard Collective bargaining; labor markets
John D. Worrall, Professor of Economics, FAS-C; Ph.D., Rutgers Worker's compensation; property-casualty insurance; labor economics
Associate Member of the Graduate Faculty
Claudia G. Meer, Associate Extension Specialist, SMLR; Ed.D., Rutgers Education in industry; training and development; adult learning