(F) Analytical Methods in Civil Engineering (3)
Review of series solutions of differential equations; perturbation methods, applications in civil engineering; derivations of well-posed partial differential equations for engineering problems and their classical solutions; Fourier analysis; applications of probability and statistics to model loads and responses of engineering systems.
(S) Composite Materials in Civil Engineering (3)
Fundamental aspects of composites and their practical applications; design guidelines and methodologies for structural shapes and for reinforcement of concrete, steel, and timber structures. FRP rebars, bonded plates, bonded fabrics, and fiber wraps. Application exercises for conventional products that combine material fabrication and design concepts.
Balaguru, Najm. Prerequisite: 14:180:243.
(F) Structural Analysis (3)
Principle of superposition as applied to statically indeterminate structures; energy methods; approximate methods for the analysis of trusses and frames; failure theories; plastic analysis; introduction to matrix methods for structural analysis; analysis of composite structures.
(S) Advanced Structural Design I (3)
Topics include elastic and inelastic column and plate buckling; plate girder design; bracing design; structural modeling and analysis; bridge design; composite design; connections.
(F) Structural Dynamics (3)
Analysis of structural members and systems subjected to dynamic loads; single-degree-of-freedom and multi-degree-of-freedom analytical models of civil engineering structures; free vibrations, harmonic and transient excitation, foundation motion, response spectrum, Lagrange's equation; modal superposition and direct integration methods; response by a general purpose dynamic computer code.
(F) Design for Lateral Loads (3)
Fundamentals of seismic analysis and design of buildings and bridges; earthquake ground motion, earthquake characterization response spectra, time history, inelastic response of structures, and ductility demands; modeling and analysis of structures, structural systems, performance-based design, and seismic design codes; design of shear walls, moment connections, bracings, deep foundations, and isolation bearings; seismic detailing; seismic retrofit and earthquake protection systems; introduction to wind load design.
Najm. Prerequisites: 16:180:517, 14:180:413, or equivalent.
(F) Advanced Structural Analysis (3)
Rigorous matrix formulation of the stiffness and flexibility methods of structural analysis applied to skeletal structures. Development of computer programs for the analysis of space and plane trusses and frames.
(S) Finite Element Methods in Civil Engineering (3)
General finite element formulation of two- and three-dimensional boundary-value problems; advanced finite element techniques; finite element formulation problems in continuum mechanics; applications in civil engineering problems; use of a general purpose finite element software package; introduction to the boundary element method.
Yong. Prerequisite: 14:180:402 or 16:180:515.
(S) Structural Optimization (3)
Developments in optimal structural design. Optimality criteria methods. Formulation of structural design problems as optimization problems using special techniques, linear and nonlinear optimization methods. Fully stressed design versus optimal design.
Prerequisite: 16:180:519.
(S) Bridge Design I (3)
History, development, and classification of bridges; use of LRFD-AASHTO specifications for the design of basic straight-girder type bridges, including composite and noncomposite I and box girders; simple and continuous spans; substructure design; field testing and monitoring; and repair and rehabilitation.
Nassif. Prerequisites: 14:180:413, 426.
Structural Reliability (3)
Elements of probability theory and its application to structural engineering, statistical distributions of load, probable strength of structural elements, safety analysis and reliability prediction of structural systems, and reliability-based design codes.
Structural Stability (3)
Elastic and inelastic buckling of members under pure compression, pure moment, and combined compression and moment; local buckling; buckling of frames, plates, and shells.
Prerequisite: 16:180:515.
Bridge Design II (3)
Advanced bridge-analysis methods, such as the grillage analogy, semicontinuum method, and orthotropic-plate method; design of cable-stayed bridges; dynamic analysis of bridges; bridge testing, monitoring, and instrumentation techniques; nondestructive testing of bridges; bridge inspection and rehabilitation.
(S) Public Transportation Systems (3)
Characteristics of public transportation services; planning and analysis of point-to-point systems, corridors, and networks; user and agency costs; fixed-route and demand-responsive systems; management of vehicle fleet, staffing, operations, and coordination.
(F) Maritime Transportation (3)
Supply-demand; liner shipping industry; management and operation of the port sector, environmental aspects, including dredged material management, and ship-generated marine pollution; security problems and initiatives in maritime transportation.
Traffic Engineering (3)
Techniques and hardware used for real-time traffic-data collection, sources of errors and sample-size determination; design parameters, including economic and human factors, as well as environmental constraints; experiment design for model-development and transportation-operations analyses; deterministic and stochastic models of traffic processes including queuing theory, headway distributions, and gap acceptance; stream-flow characteristics including car-following and multilane models, bottleneck, fuel consumption, and noise models; models for automatic vehicle control; network operations; models for modes of traffic; traffic control, short-term planning, and system evaluation.
Transportation Planning (3)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects in the United States, Europe, and Japan; advanced traveler-information systems; advanced traffic-management systems; automated highway systems; commercial vehicle operations; operational field tests; system architecture; human factors; safety; institutional and legal issues; multimodal ITS applications; modeling ITS as hybrid systems; evaluation and selection of candidate ITS.
Traffic Operations (3)
Real-time transportation operations; transportation-system evaluation; demand modeling; time-sensitive transportation problems including real-time traffic control and networkwide feedback control; linear and nonlinear network optimization; deterministic and stochastic queuing models of the control of rush-hour traffic, traffic-signal timing, and ramp metering; incident management; operations; strategic versus tactical transportation infrastructure planning; operation of parking facilities; congestion management strategies; automatic vehicle control.
Design of Transportation Facilities (3)
Software and hardware to design, test, and evaluate transportation systems; field studies, development and use of computer models, and instrumentation of small- and full-scale hardware models; geographic-information systems, artificial intelligence, and computer graphics for design and evaluation; optimization software for vehicle scheduling and routing and traffic assignment; visual-simulation development tools for rapid prototyping of selected transportation systems; simulated life-cycle analysis and validation techniques; data acquisition and control; advanced data-visualization tools to test and evaluate developed models.
(F) Mechanistic Pavement Design (3)
Pavement design principles for new and rehabilitated pavements. Material characterization, flexible and rigid pavement design, laboratory and field data collection and analysis, pavement-management practices. Deflection back calculation and pavement-design software.
Intelligent Transportation Systems (3)
Focuses on Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) and advanced traffic-management components of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). Students also learn about Commercial Vehicle Operations (CVO), Advanced Vehicle Control Systems (AVCS), and Advanced Rural Transportation Systems (ARTS).
(S) Advanced Transportation Economics and Modeling (3)
Applications of economic theory to such topics as transport demand analysis, transport pricing, welfare considerations, and transport policy evaluation.
Prerequisites: 14:540:343; 14:180:364 or equivalent.
(F) Advanced Reinforced Concrete I (3)
Ultimate load theories in flexure, shear, diagonal tension, and torsion of symmetrical and nonsymmetrical members; behavior of compression members in uniaxial and biaxial compression, stability of long columns; first-order and second-order solutions and the P-³ effects; serviceability behavior and theories for deflection and cracking of one- and two-dimensional members; wind analysis and continuity in floor systems and frames; failure mechanisms in two-way slabs and plates; energy-design solutions; seismic design of concrete structures.
(S) Advanced Reinforced Concrete II (3)
High-strength, high-performance concretes and composites; long-term effects; performance characteristics; biaxial and triaxial confinement; micro- and macromechanics of concrete; fracture-mechanics theory; shear transfer in multilayered systems; limit theory at failure of indeterminate concrete frames and continuous beams; moment redistribution and ductility of joints; plastic hinging and rotational capacities of confined-concrete members and structural systems; membrane and bending theories for the design and analysis of concrete shells and folded plates, including buckling behavior.
(S) Prestressed Concrete (3)
Theory of prestressed concrete; partial loss in prestressing and long-term effects due to creep, shrinkage, and relaxation; service-load and ultimate-load evaluation of pretensioned and posttensioned elements in flexure, shear, and torsion; camber, deflection, and crack control; two-way prestressed concrete-floor systems; prestressed portal frames; posttensioned liquid- and gas-retaining circular tanks; prestressed shells and dome roofs for circular tanks.
(F) Advanced Construction Engineering Management I (3)
Advanced techniques for financial and management control of construction projects; construction company financial control and accounting; project cost control; estimating and bid preparation; equipment management; computer and expert-system applications to construction financial control.
Balaguru, Williams. Prerequisites: 14:180:406, 407 or equivalent.
(S) Advanced Construction Engineering Management II (3)
Analytical techniques for control of construction operations; network-scheduling techniques (CPM and PERT); computerized scheduling; linear programming applied to construction; simulation of construction operations; decision and risk analysis.
Williams. Prerequisites: 14:180:406, 407 or equivalent.
(S) Pavement Management, Preservation, and Rehabilitation (3)
Pavement management and pavement management systems, pavement preservation concepts and treatments, and evaluation and design of pavement rehabilitation and reconstruction.
Prerequisite: 16:180:535.
(F) Advanced Pavement Material and Modeling (3)
Mechanical behavior of pavement materials, including laboratory characterization methods, constitutive models, and field testing and assessments. Modeling approaches used to predict pavement responses and performance under traffic and environmental loading.
(S) Building Information Modeling (3)
Model authoring, green building information modeling (BIM), energy simulation, sustainability study, structural design, collaborative design, model-based estimation, spatial coordination, 4-D simulation and sequencing, BIM execution planning, information modeling, interoperability, facility management, legal aspects.
(S) Theory and Analysis of Plates and Shells (3)
Review of elastic equations; Kirchoff-Love and Mindlin plate theories; classical and numerical solutions; theory and applications of shells; finite-element analysis of plate and shell structures.
Yong. Prerequisite: 16:180:501.
(F) Advanced Water Supply and Sewerage (3)
Development of sources of water supply; information analysis; design of collection, transmission, and distribution systems. Hydraulics and design of sewers.
(S) Design of Water and Wastewater Treatment (3)
Functional study of plant loadings in relation to degree of treatment desired; layout, analysis, and design of treatment process units; mechanical and thermal-energy requirements and equipment.
(F) Advanced Hydrology (3)
Hydrologic processes and modeling: evapotranspiration, infiltration, precipitation and snow melt, overland flow, subsurface and surface flow relations, channel and watershed routing; hydraulic flood routing, numerical methods; watershed modeling; stochastic processes in hydrology; flood and drought risks, flood plain analysis and management.
(S) Unit Processes in Environmental Engineering (3)
Theory and laboratory experiments demonstrating the design requirements associated with unit processes in water and sewage treatment. Advanced methods of analysis such as spectroscopy, potentiometry, polarography, conductivity, and chromatography.
(S) Biogeochemical Engineering (3)
Transformation of organic chemicals in sediments (marine, estuarine) and freshwater environments; roles of microorganisms highlighted in examples of biogeochemical processes occurring in environmental matrices. Chemical processes and physical environment in natural (unperturbed) and polluted systems along with the degradation of biogenic and anthropogenic organic compounds. Molecular tracers specific to biogeochemical process as part of contemporary case studies.
Mazurek. Prerequisites: 01:160:159-160, 161-162.
(F) Sediment Transport (3)
Erosion, transport, and deposition of sediment within a watershed and especially the fluvial network; flow resistance in natural channels; suspended load, bed load, and total load; noncohesive versus cohesive sediment; sedimentation; sediment transport as an index of pollutant movement; numerical modeling and field sampling.
(S) Analysis of Receiving Water Quality (3)
Introduction to mathematical modeling of water quality; well-mixed versus partially mixed water bodies; turbulent diffusion, velocity-induced dispersion; reaction kinetics; biological processes, growth kinetics, BOD, dissolved oxygen, and photosynthesis; development of water-quality models.
(S) Thermal Effects on Receiving Waters (3)
Modes of heat transfer, energy equation; heat balance in well-mixed water bodies; heat exchange between atmosphere and water body; temperature dynamics in well-mixed bodies; thermal stratification in streams and reservoirs; heat dispersion; thermal jets and plumes; cooling ponds; temperature effects on water-quality parameters.
(S) Environmental Informatics (3)
The use of sensor networks for understanding and managing large-scale environmental systems. Topics include environmental information systems, data-driven modeling, geostatistics, and real-time decision making.
Prerequisities: Familiarity with basic statistics and with Matlab or similar program.
(F) Advanced Soil Mechanics (3)
Elasticity and plasticity models; stress-strain relations for soils; failure criteria; elastic solutions for half-space and layered systems; one- and three-dimensional consolidation theory; computer applications.
(S) Soils Engineering (3)
Earth pressure theories; stability of natural slopes and open cuts; stability of built embankments, earthquake effects, rapid drawdown and seepage problems, and slope-stabilization techniques; retaining walls; computer application in slope stability.
(S) Groundwater Engineering I (3)
Porous media; fundamental equations of groundwater flow; confined flow; unconfined flow; hydraulics of wells; numerical methods; groundwater contamination; investigation; remediation and cleanup; monitoring; computer applications.
(S) Groundwater Engineering II (3)
Solute and particle transport; dissolution of nonaqueous phase liquids; aqueous geochemistry; chemical property estimation; numerical modeling and analysis; analytical and stochastic techniques; computer applications.
Prerequisite: 16:180:574.
(F) Advanced Foundation Engineering (3)
Subsurface investigations; site preparation and improvement; flexible retaining structures; caissons; drilled shafts; underground structures; pile foundations; foundations subjected to dynamic loads; marine structures; environmental effects of construction.
Lec. 2 hrs., design lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites: 16:180:571, 572.
(S) Soil Dynamics (3)
Review of basic vibration theories as applied to soil dynamics; elastic wave propagation in soils; elements of seismic soil explorations; dynamic soil properties; laboratory evaluation of dynamic soil properties; liquefaction; machine foundations; fundamentals of soil-structure interaction; earthquake engineering; computer applications.
(S) Physicochemical Properties and Stabilization of Soils (3)
Relationship between physical properties and selected chemical and mineralogical characteristics emphasizing fine-grained and colloidal fractions; problems affecting site use including weak, compressible soil; high shrink-swell potential and erodibility; stabilization techniques including compaction, earth reinforcement, drainage and erosion control, admixture stabilization, precompression, grouting.
(S) Earthquake Engineering: Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction (3)
Seismicity; size of earthquakes; estimation of ground motion parameters; seismic hazard analysis; site response analysis; design ground-motion building-code provisions; soil-structure interaction effects and formulation; simplified models; solutions in frequency and time domains.
(S) Advanced Fluid Mechanics (3)
Basic laws and equations of fluid flows; exact and approximate solutions; potential flows; boundary layer flows; turbulent flows in pipes and open channels; free turbulent jets and wakes; turbulence and transport phenomena; transient flows.
(S) Theory of Hydraulic Models (3)
Geometric, kinematic, and dynamic similarity between prototypes and models. Similarity laws; model techniques; undistorted and distorted models; models for hydraulic structures, free-surface flows, flows over erodible beds, and hydraulic machinery. Environmental applications.
(S) Coastal Engineering (3)
Generation and propagation of tides; salinity intrusion, pollutant flushing, and sedimentation in estuaries; circulation in the coastal ocean; coastal water-quality modeling; coastal wetlands; gravity waves; coastal erosion; coastal-structure design.
(F) Green Infrastructure for Water Management (3)
Green infrastructure using both natural and engineered systems to sustain ecological health, minimize environmental impacts, rescue energy consumption, and conserve resources for future generations. Stormwater management, low-impact development, wastewater management, sustainable water supply, minimizing disruption of the environment by built structures, and harnessing energy from existing water infrastructure.
Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering (BA,BA)
Selected topics of current interest in any specialized field of civil engineering.
Advanced Topics in Environmental Engineering (BA,BA)
Selected topics of current interest in any specialized field of environmental engineering.
Seminar in Civil and Environmental Engineering (N0,N0)
Contemporary developments and special topics in research and engineering design in civil and environmental engineering presented and discussed by faculty, students, and invited speakers.
Special Project (3,3)
Nonthesis study. Special project under the supervision of a professor. Requires a technical report.
Research in Civil and Environmental Engineering (BA,BA)
Thesis work for M.S. or Ph.D. degree.