(F) Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (3)
Covers p-deficient (pyridine type) and p-excessive (pyrrole type) heterocyclic compounds. Emphasis on synthesis, reactivity, rearrangements, utility (in general organic synthesis), and biological activity.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308, or equivalent.
(S) Modern Synthetic Organic Chemistry (3)
Survey of preparative methods in organic chemistry and their application to the synthesis of complex molecules.
Prerequisite: 16:160:511.
(S) Recent Advances in Organic Chemistry (3)
Selected newer topics discussed at an advanced level.
Prerequisite: 16:160:511.
Advanced Organic Synthesis (3)
The logic and art of complex natural products synthesis and of modern process synthesis.
Prerequisite: 16:160:503.
Organic Chemistry of High Polymers (3)
Introduction to the synthesis and reactions of macromolecules, free-radical polymerization, stereospecific polymerization, and stepwise polymerization.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308 and 327,328, or equivalent.
Introduction to Molecular Modeling (3)
Introduction to the use of computer-assisted molecular modeling techniques for the study of chemical problems; lectures on theoretical principles; instruction in use of modern modeling programs; computer projects involving solution of chemical problems.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308, 323,324; or equivalent.
Advanced Organic Chemistry I,II,III (3,3,3)
Advanced survey of organic chemistry; molecular orbital theory, orbital
symmetry correlations, structure and stereochemistry of organic
molecules, chemistry of reactive intermediates, structure-reactivity
relationships, molecular rearrangements.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308, or equivalent.
(F) Interpretation of Organic Spectra (3)
Use of nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy for the identification of organic compounds and the elucidation of organic reaction mechanisms.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308, or equivalent.
(S) Bioorganic Mechanisms (3)
Catalysis of organic reactions that are model systems for enzymatic processes. Emphasis on mechanisms of enzyme-catalyzed reactions.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308 and 327,328, or equivalent; 16:160:511.
(F) Mathematical Methods of Chemistry (3)
Selected aspects of infinite series, vectors and matrices, functions of a complex variable, differential equations, and integral transforms as used in chemistry.
(F) Atomic and Molecular Structure (3)
Introduction to the ideas of quantum chemistry and their application to the structure and properties of atoms and molecules.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
Statistical Mechanics (3)
Basic concepts and methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Applications to systems and phenomena of chemical interest, including ideal and real gases, chemical equilibria, phase transitions, classical liquids, and polymer solutions.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
(S) Chemical Thermodynamics (3)
Principles of classical and statistical thermodynamics and their application to the study of homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
Physical Chemistry of Solutions (3)
Thermodynamics and statistical thermodynamic properties of solutions; Brownian motion and diffusion; Debye-Huckel theory of electrolytes.
Prerequisite: 16:160:525.
Physical Chemistry of High Polymers (3,3)
Introduction to the physical chemistry of macromolecules aimed at understanding relations between molecular structure and physical properties of high polymers.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
Molecular Spectroscopy (3)
Principles of electronic and vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules. Emphasis on the quantum-mechanical basis of the spectra and the ways in which spectra yield information about molecular properties.
Prerequisite: 16:160:521. Pre- or corequisite: 16:160:532.
Photochemistry (3)
Absorption of light; formation of electronically excited states and their subsequent chemical reactions; fluorescence, phosphorescence, and quantum yields; applications of photochemistry to organic systems.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308 and 327,328, or equivalent.
Quantum Mechanics (3)
Introduction to the principles of quantum mechanics with emphasis on operator approaches and the angular momentum problem. Approximate methods and application to simple examples.
Prerequisites: 16:160:520, 521.
Chemical Applications of Group Theory (3)
Aspects and consequences of molecular symmetry; point groups and character tables; group theory and quantum mechanics; symmetry aspects of the electronic structure in organic and inorganic molecules; selection rules for electronic and vibrational spectroscopy; ligand field theory.
Prerequisite: 16:160:521 or equivalent.
(S) Chemical Kinetics (3)
Chemical reaction rates, theories of molecular transformations, and the elucidation of reaction mechanisms.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
Crystal and Molecular Structure I,II (3,3)
Symmetry of crystals; point and space groups. Determination of crystal structure by X-ray diffraction. Analysis of X-ray photographic and diffractometer data and its processing.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent. See also 16:635:564.
Biophysical Chemistry I (3)
Introduction to the physical chemistry of proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes. Forces that determine biopolymer structure. Principles of protein and nucleic acid structure. Transitions and interactions of biopolymers.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
Biophysical Chemistry II (3)
Introduction to biophysical techniques used in the study of structure and function. Theoretical methods of macromolecular analysis. Methods of macromolecular engineering and design.
Prerequisite: 16:160:537 or equivalent.
Protein Engineering and Design (3)
Protein structure. Protein structure-function relationships. Protein engineering methods. Protein engineering to modify the properties of existing useful proteins (e.g., ligand recognition, catalysis, allostery, stability) and to create new useful proteins. Catalytic antibodies. Semisynthetic proteins. Denovo protein design.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308 and 11:115:403,404, or equivalent, or permission of instructor; 16:160:537 strongly recommended.
Single-Crystal X-Ray Analysis Laboratory (1)
Laboratory course to accompany 16:160:536. Characterization of crystals and introduction to diffractometry.
Prerequisite: 16:160:535. Corequisite: 16:160:536.
Special Topics in Physical Chemistry (BA,BA)
Advanced topics of current interest.
Prerequisites: 01:160:327,328, or equivalent.
Special Topics in Biological Chemistry (1-3 BA,1-3 BA)
Advanced topics of current interest.
Prerequisites: 16:160:537,538, or equivalent.
Chemical Separations (3)
Principles of chemical separations by various chromatographic techniques.
Prerequisite: 01:160:348 or equivalent.
Special Analytical Methods (3)
Advanced topics in analytical chemistry.
Prerequisite: 01:160:348 or equivalent.
Electroanalytical Chemistry (3)
Application of electrochemical principles and techniques, including modern polarographic methods, voltammetry, potentiometry, and chronopotentiometry.
Prerequisite: 01:160:348 or equivalent.
Analytical Spectroscopy (3)
Theory of spectroscopy and spectrophotometry, including the analytical applications of spectrochemical methods.
Prerequisite: 01:160:348 or equivalent.
(F) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3)
Survey of bonding, electronic-structural, and magnetic properties of transition metal complexes, followed by a survey of the kinetics and mechanisms by which such materials undergo substitution, isomerization, and redox reactions.
Prerequisite: 01:160:371 or equivalent.
(S) Principles of Organometallic Chemistry (3)
Detailed survey of the mechanisms of organometallic reactions.
Prerequisites: 01:160:307,308, 371, or equivalent.
Bioinorganic Chemistry (3)
Spectroscopic, chemical, and other properties of metal-containing biological systems such as hemoglobin, vitamin B12, and carboxypeptidase.
Prerequisite: 01:160:371 or equivalent.
(S) Solid-State Chemistry (3)
Relation between crystal structure, bonding and physical properties of solids, imperfections in solids; nonstoichiometric compounds; electronic and magnetic properties of various types of solids; transformation in solids; solid-state reactions; crystal growth; solid-state electrochemistry.
Prerequisites: 01:160:371, 421, or equivalent.
Special Topics in Inorganic Chemistry (BA)
Advanced topics of current interest.
Prerequisite: 01:160:371 or equivalent.
Independent Studies in Chemistry (BA,BA)
Individualized instruction supervised by a faculty member.
Introduction to Research (1)
Introduction to doctoral and postdoctoral research in chemistry. Identification of research problems. Presentation of research results. Use of chemical literature. Research proposals and funding. Research ethics.
Enrollment restricted to first-year Ph.D. students in chemistry.
Laboratory Rotation in Chemistry I,II (1-3 BA,1-3 BA)
Introduction to the techniques of chemical research through participation in research projects of selected members of the graduate faculty.
Enrollment restricted to Ph.D. students in chemistry. No more than a total of 6 credits of laboratory rotation can be earned.
Research Colloquium in Chemistry (1,1)
Students attend weekly lectures by visiting scientists on current research in chemistry and chemical biology; a research paper is required on one or more of the topics covered.
Seminar in Chemistry (1,1)
Student seminars on topics of current interest in chemistry.
For second- and third-year Ph.D. students.
Research in Chemistry (BA,BA)