Students must take and receive a passing score on the Quantitative Skills Assessment (QSA) before registering for two core courses,
Principles and Methods of Epidemiology (PHCO 0502) and Introduction to Biostatistics (PHCO 0504). Based
upon performance on the QSA, each student will be advised if he or she needs additional preparation prior to
registering for the course. Students admitted into master of science or Ph.D. degree programs are exempt from taking the test.
A. Attempts - If a student does not pass the QSA on the first attempt, he or she is allowed a second attempt,
which must be scheduled at least one week later. If a third attempt is required, it must be scheduled at least
one month after the second attempt. If a student passes the QSA before the first meeting of the courses, Principles and Methods of Epidemiology (PHCO 0502) or Introduction to Biostatistics (PHCO 0504), he or she
may register for the course (if seats are available); otherwise he or she will need to enroll in that course in a subsequent semester.
B. Failure to Pass Quantitative Skills Assessment - Students who fail to pass the QSA after three attempts
will be required to take and pass an entry-level college algebra course with a grade of B or better before
registering for the core courses, Principles and Methods of Epidemiology
(PHCO 0502) or Introduction to Biostatistics (PHCO 0504).
See the Quantitative Skills Assessment policy for more information.