Sound academic principles require that
students be required to maintain standards of satisfactory academic progress.
In addition, federal regulations require the Rutgers School of Public Health to establish satisfactory academic progress standards for students who are awarded federal financial aid funds. The following standards
apply to all matriculated students, whether they are financial aid recipients
or not, as well as only those nonmatriculated students who are receiving
financial aid. Students who fail to
maintain satisfactory academic progress during any semester may be placed on
probation or suspension or may be dismissed,
in accordance with the policies of the school.
The standards of satisfactory academic progress measure a student's performance in three areas:
- completion rate;
- cumulative grade-point average (GPA); and
- maximum time frame.
The RBHS Office of Financial Aid shall evaluate each student's academic progress
annually after the conclusion of the spring semester.
Academic progress for both part-time and
full-time students will be evaluated under the same criteria.
Please visit the School of Public Health's Academic Policies and Procedures webpage for detailed information about the criteria for measuring a student's performance in the above three areas as well as other relevant information.