Grading System
A student receives a point grade in each course, except those evaluated on a pass/fail basis. No more than 9 credits may be graded pass/fail (including credits related to practicum but excluding dissertation research), can be applied to the M.P.H. and doctoral degree programs; and no more than 6 credits to the M.S. degree.
See the Academic Standing policy for more information about minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA), the minimum number of credits earned bearing less than a B, and performance in required courses.
Letter Grades
| Other Grades
| A =
| 4.00
| AU =
| Audit
| A- =
| 3.75
| INC* =
| Incomplete
| B+ =
| 3.50
| P =
| Pass
| B =
| 3.00
| F = | Fail
| B- =
| 2.75
| IP = | Incomplete Passing
| C+ =
| 2.50
| T = | Transfer Credit
| C =
| 2.00
| W = | Withdrawn
| F =
| 0.00
| NC = | No Credit/Not Graded