An independent study is an educational activity supervised by a Rutgers School of Public Health faculty member on a topic that is either (a) not offered in the school's curriculum, or (b) offered but which the student wishes to study in greater depth and/or breadth.
Students shall stand for an examination upon completion of independent study or shall provide written reports/papers and other evidence (e.g., attendance records, logs, annotated bibliography) as requested by the faculty member responsible for evaluation. Each student should be prepared to show work equivalent to 60 hours per independent study credit awarded. (A regular 1-credit course usually requires 15 hours of in-class and 45 hours of out-of-class work time.)
Independent study credits may normally not exceed 6 elective credits for a student's specific concentration. The signature of the department chair/concentration director is required to exceed the 6-credit maximum.
The Contract for Independent Study form will be reviewed and evaluated by the supervising faculty member and department chair/concentration director for appropriateness of content and will be signed, if approved. A copy of the signed form will be sent to the student, the supervising faculty member, and the department chair/concentration director. The original will be kept by the Office of the Registrar. Students interested in an independent study must have the form approved by an adviser to ensure that the project can be accepted as an elective. Forms are available on the school's website.