Prerequisites for political science courses:
Course 21:790:201 is prerequisite for all advanced American politics courses. Some courses carry additional prerequisites.
American National Government (3)
Concepts and theory regarding the U.S. policy making process. Topics include political ideas; constitutional development and law; institutions of government; political parties, elections, and voting behavior; the significance of interest groups divided along race, gender, class, or other lines; and the role of the media and public opinion. Comparisons with other political systems are applied to several policy issues.
America and the World (3)
Basics of international relations (sources of national power, sovereignty, security, international law and organization, and international economics), and factors (historical, political, economic, social, and governmental) in the formation of American foreign policy, with emphasis on current problems.
Introduction to Comparative Politics (3)
Domestic politics and government structures examined comparatively across countries located in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America. Special emphasis on government-citizen relations, ethnic identities, and socioeconomic and political formations.
Western European Politics (3)
Comparative study of the governments and politics of France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and other European countries. Emphasis on electoral systems, constitutional orders, political parties, interest groups, ethnicity, and nationalism.
Politics of the European Union (3)
Analysis of the development of European integration from the immediate postwar period through the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty; emphasis on economic integration and monetary union; legal integration; and the question of sovereignty, intergovernmental cooperation regarding interior and justice affairs, common foreign policy, and defense.
Introduction to Law and Legal Research (3)
The nature and function of law, the process of legal growth, the roles of judges and lawyers, and the decision-making process; the use and retrieval of law-related materials.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
American State and Local Governments (3)
Organization, functions, and administration of state and local governments in the United States; analysis of state constitutions and city charters; the political, administrative, and judicial processes; examination of various types of intergovernmental relationships.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Politics and Literature (3)
Political elements in novels, plays, and other literary works;
consideration of works might include The Octopus, In Dubious Battle, All the
King's Men, Brave New World, and 1984 and many others.
Public Policy Analysis (3)
Perspectives utilized in the analysis and evaluation of public policy making and policy results; topics include the public interest, cost-benefit allocations, normative constraints, uncertainty, and the political implications of systematic policy analysis.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Politics of Policy Making (3)
Examine the stages of the policy process in the United States from problem identification, agenda-setting, policy design, and policy implementation with special emphasis on the federal government.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Science, Technology, and Public Policy (3)
Study of political issues that involve science and technology such as arms control, energy resources, environmental pollution, public health, occupational safety, and technology transfer.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor. This course fulfills the technology course requirement in the teacher certification program.
Government and Politics of Latin America (3)
The political process in Latin America; emphasis on the role of political parties, social sectors, and special groups such as the military, labor, and students; specific problems of Latin American political development; and government economic and social policy making in an era of globalization.
Governments and Politics of the Far East (3)
Domestic and international politics of the Far East, with particular emphasis on China and Japan, including examination of political culture, party systems, political development, economics, social change, foreign policies, and the role of the region in world politics.
International Political Economy (3)
The interdependence of political and economic structures and processes in the development and management of the modern world economy.
Government and Politics of Africa (3)
Major political systems in Africa; the development of states and the modification of social and political systems; general survey of the area and focus on selected countries.
World Politics (3)
A historical approach to theories and practice of world
politics, focusing on nation-states, nongovernmental organizations,
international organizations, global corporations, war, trade, globalization,
human rights, and transnational terrorism.
International Politics of Russia (3)
Aims and methods of Russian foreign policy and its ideological and practical determinants as applied to the Western world, underdeveloped countries, former Soviet republics and communist bloc, and international organizations.
Eastern European Governments and Politics (3)
Politics and governments of Eastern Europe; policy as the outcome of ideological and situational influences on the political needs of the regimes and the basic human needs of the people.
Politics of International Migration (3)
Explores challenges to and benefits of migration policies that affect and change societies, with focus on Europe and the United States.
Governments and Politics of the Middle East (3)
Political, social, economic, and cultural elements of the Middle East
as a region and in selected individual countries; the area's relations with European powers, developing areas, and its own internal and
historical situation.
Gender and Politics in the Middle East (3)
Survey different images of the Middle Eastern woman with special attention to how constructed images are used to justify political projects and discourses and the role that women have played in either shaping or challenging these images. The course facilitates making bridges between academic theory and everyday life.
Governments and Politics of Southeast Asia (3)
Contemporary government, politics, social and economic forces, and foreign relations of the states in Southeast Asia.
Public Administration (3,3)
Structure and organization of administration machinery; fiscal and personnel management; methods of law enforcement; responsibility of administrators to voters, legislatures, and the courts.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Political Parties in the United States (3)
The development of American political parties; party functions, organization, and methods; the nominating process, campaigns, and elections; money and politics.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Politics, Elections, and Public Policy (3)
Elections and voting behavior; political attitudes and opinions; the role of parties and interest groups in policy making and government; party reform.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Sex, Law, and Public Policy (3)
Political issues in the United States related to gender differentiation; sex-based discrimination in law and public policy; differences in political participation according to gender; ideological justifications for such differences; and political movements designed to rectify discrimination.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Public Opinion (3)
The formation of public opinion, opinion measurement, opinion change, and the relationships between public opinion and public policy; fieldwork in which students prepare their own survey and conduct an opinion poll; processing and analysis of data.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Government and Politics of New Jersey (3)
The institutions of N.J. government, including the governorship, legislature, court system, and bureaucracy. Current policy debates will be explored in relation to the state's history, political culture, state identity, and natural resources.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Urban Politics and Public Policy (3)
Analysis of urban policy issues; municipal public policy areas: poverty, unemployment, education, housing, health, crime, transportation, and the environment; policy as an instrument of social change.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Politics of Inequality (3)
Examines the causes of poverty in the United States and the origins and consequences of public antipoverty policies, with special focus on welfare, welfare reform, and urban poverty.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
American Federalism: Nation, State, and City (3)
Constitutional, political, and institutional relationships among federal, state, and local governments in the United States; grants-in-aid, revenue sharing, interstate compacts, and intergovernmental cooperation.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Race and Ethnicity in U.S. Politics (3)
Tactics, goals, and impact of organized minorities in the American political arena; groups studied include African Americans, Chicanos, various other
ethnic groups, and selected third-party
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Jurisprudence and Legal Theory (3)
Major traditions in jurisprudence, including positivism, natural law, and legal realism; analysis of selected theoretical questions that arise within the framework of law and law enforcement, including justice, punishment, civil disobedience, human rights, the rule of law, the enforcement of morals; definition of law and of a legal system; the relationship between law and morality; and the notion of legalism as an ideology.
Democracy and Citizenship (3)
Contemporary practice of democracy at the local level. Meet and work with community leaders who are trying to act on their values to make life better and more democratic for everyone in Jersey City.
Gender and Politics (3)
Examines an array of feminist theories of politics in order to equip students to analyze political issues from a variety of different and sometimes contending feminist perspectives.
Early Political Theory (3)
Selected writers and doctrines in the tradition of Western thought on politics and society, from Greece through the Reformation.
Prerequisite: Open to juniors and seniors, and to others with instructor's permission.
Modern Political Theory (3)
Selected writers and doctrines in the tradition of Western thought on politics and society, from Hobbes through Marx.
Prerequisite: Open to juniors and seniors, and to others with instructor's permission.
American Political Theory (3,3)
Leading American political thinkers, their ideas, and their contributions to the development of the American political system. First semester: political ideas from colonial times to the 1880s. Second semester: political thoughts in America since the Civil War.
Ideology, Discourse, and Politics (3)
Major ideas and ideologies involved in the political conflicts of the 20th and 21st centuries; topics include mass movements, fascism, Marxism, nationalism, liberalism, feminism, globalization, and democratic theory.
LGBT Politics (3)
Examines LGBT political movements in the United States and globally
and locates them within historical contexts and with reference to theories
about intersecting identities such as gender, race, class, and sexuality.
Government/Politics of Russia and the Former Soviet Union (3)
Politics and governments of the Russian Empire, the U.S.S.R., and the post-Soviet states from the 19th century to today; the impact of empire, war, revolution, genocide, democracy, and the market.
Planetary Politics (3)
Examination of the environmental movement and the politics of specific issues, from air and water pollution to biodiversity and global warming. American policy is assessed from a comparative perspective.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Religion, Politics, and Public Policy (3)
The influence of religious activities on politics and public policy. The influence of conservative evangelicals and fundamentalists, concerns of Muslims and Jews, efforts of religious groups to shape public policy, constitutional issues of religious liberty and church-state separation, and global fundamentalism.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
International Law (3)
Basic principles and practices governing legal relations among states; relations of law to politics explored to highlight the strengths and shortcomings of international law in dealing with contemporary world problems.
Human Rights (3)
With a focus on the struggle for the protection of human rights both within the United States and across the globe, students examine how human rights are enforced and considers whether human rights are universal or culturally relative.
Politics of Global Development (3)
Analysis of multilateral institutions, issues concerning developing countries; and explore conceptual frameworks for analyzing North-South relations.
Politics of Resistance (3)
Focus on how struggles to achieve justice interact with efforts to strengthen the accountability of states and the rule of law.
Contemporary American Foreign Policy (3)
Analysis of the formulation and administration of American foreign policy; political, economic, and social forces influencing the decision-making process; the history, alternatives, and principal issues since World War II.
Washington Internship (BA)
The Washington Center-Washington, D.C.
Permission of department chair or internship director.
American Constitutional Law and Politics (3,3)
The decision-making and policy-making roles of the Supreme Court in selected areas, including the executive and legislative branches, federal-state relations, the economy, reapportionment, welfare, civil liberties, and civil rights.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Seminar in Political Philosophy (3)
Joint discussion and analysis of selected readings in the literature of political philosophy.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Law and Public Policy (3)
Impact of law on the political process and public policy in selected areas such as legislation, civil rights, civil liberties, and constitutional interpretation; the use of law as an instrument of social change.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Seminar in Political Development (3)
Problems encountered by developing nations as they seek to become viable, independent societies; problems of political and social modernization.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Problems in International Relations (3)
Focus on specific issues in global politics of current interest and importance.
Seminar in International Relations (3)
Analysis, research, and writing on selected topics of enduring and/or contemporary interest in the field of international relations. Students normally explore the utility of theory as a tool for the analysis of foreign policy making or the evolution of particular international issues.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Marxism and Critical Theory (3)
Transformation of Marxist theory due to the practical exigencies of
sociopolitical conditions; analysis of Marx's writings and selected
theorists of the Second and Third Internationals; relations between
Leninism and Stalinism; Marxism today.
The American Presidency (3)
The dynamics of the presidency: the president's powers and how they are
used; the executive's relations with Congress, the courts, and the
public; presidents' conceptions of their role.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Legislatures and the Legislative Process (3)
Survey of the organization of the legislative power; principles, procedures, and problems of statute making; the legislature as arbiter of conflicting interests; the relationship between the legislature and the executive.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Civil Liberties (3)
How the U.S. political system balances individual liberty against the necessity to maintain a stable society; consideration of such topics as censorship, racial equality, and church and state; role of the federal courts.
Prerequisite: 21:790:201 or permission of instructor.
Comparative Political Parties (3)
Comparative study of political parties and interest groups in Canada, Great Britain, and the United States; evaluation of different approaches to comparative analysis.
Prerequisites: 21:790:201, 301, or permission of instructor.
Seminar in Law and Social Change (3)
Analysis of topics relating to law and social and political change drawn from legal history, jurisprudence, legal systems and institutions, law and public policy, and law and politics.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Seminar in Problems of American Government (3)
Selected problems of American government with respect to labor, business, agriculture, social welfare, and governmental reform.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Seminar in Political Parties (3)
Selected problems of political parties and political behavior in the United States.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Seminar in Problems of Municipal Government (3)
Problems of municipal government, including the various functional activities and intergovernmental relationships of present concern.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Topics in Political Science (3,3)
Advanced study and research on a political problem that either is not covered in the curriculum or deserves more in-depth treatment than is possible in a general course.
Open only to juniors and seniors.
Topics in Political Science (3 each)
Advanced study and research on a political problem that either is not covered in the curriculum or deserves more in-depth treatment than is possible in a general course. Open only to juniors and seniors.
Psychology and Politics (3)
The psychological roots of political behavior; theoretical formulations and applied studies; analyses of leaders, mass movements, and political implications of personality theories.
Research Methods in Political Science (3)
A hands-on exploration of the building blocks of theory:
concepts; definitions; truth claims; causes and effects; necessary, sufficient,
and facilitating conditions; agency/structural approaches; case studies;
comparative theorizing. An introduction to methodological approaches that could include quantitative and qualitative methods, survey construction and analysis, and content analysis.
Washington Research (6)
Internship in Political Science (3,3)
in a government, advocacy, or other politically focused
organization for 10-12 hours per week; biweekly blog entries reflecting on work
experience; brief readings on workplace politics; and biweekly internship
support class.
Prerequisites: 21:790:201, 6 additional credits in political science, junior or senior standing, departmental approval, and acceptance by an employing agency.
Individual Study of Government (BA)
Individual study and research on selected problems in political science.
Prerequisites: Permission of department chair and instructor.