Students must fulfill 22 credits for a minor in environmental sciences.
The required courses are as follows: 1. Laboratory Science (16 credits) 21:120:200 Concepts in Biology (4) 21:120/216:205/206 Foundations of Ecology and Evolution and Lab (4) 21:460:103/104 Planet Earth and Lab (4) 21:460:206/207 Environmental Geology and Lab (4)
2. Any two of the following (6 credits): 21:120/216:280 Ecology (3) 21:120/216:380 Field Ecology (3) 21:460:225 Introduction to Oceanography (3) or 21:460:230 Weather and Climate (3) or 21:460:331 Oceanography 21:460:311 Geological Field Methods (3) 21:460:325 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (3) 21:460:400 Introduction to Soil Science (3)