Communication Skills (N4.5)
This developmental course calls for intensive work in basic reading and writing, including systematic reviews of grammar. Students write and revise analytical, text-based essays, and emphasis is placed on effectively managing sentences, evaluating word choices, developing paragraphs, and maintaining coherence. The course also stresses reading with accuracy, recognizing main ideas, and drawing upon sources as a means of expressing and comprehending complex thinking.
Communications Skills (2, N2.5)
This course is designed to provide strong preparation for the work that will be expected of students in English Composition 101. Emphasis is placed on the development of critical reading strategies and analytical writing skills, including the effective incorporation of sources, the systematic organization of ideas in analytical essays, and the effective presentation of complex ideas and information to a defined audience in precise language. The course also stresses grammar and language skills.
Corequisite: 21:355:001.
Writing Workshop (N1)
The 100 Workshop is designed to support the instruction that students receive in their English Composition courses. Emphasis is placed on strengthening students' critical reading and analytical writing skills by providing instruction and practice in reading strategies and in the writing process.
English Composition (3)
English Composition 101 is the first writing course required of all nontransfer students and is usually taken in a student's first semester. Designed to introduce students to academic discourse, this course provides instruction in reading and thinking critically and in writing analytically in response to primarily nonfiction readings. Through a series of sequenced assignments, emphasis is placed on writing as a process, which includes drafting, revising, and editing writings. Instruction is provided in recognizing and assessing the argumentative and rhetorical strategies of other writers and in students effectively constructing well-informed, sophisticated, and logical essays, while maintaining an individual voice and synthesizing increasingly complex academic essays.
English Composition (3)
English Composition 102 is the second course in the sequence of writing courses required of nontransfer students and must be taken immediately following the successful completion of English Composition 101. This course builds on the critical reading, thinking, and writing skills developed in 101 and further prepares students for the types of intellectual inquiry as well as critical analysis and writing required in upper-level courses offered at the university. Students engage increasingly complex texts of different genres and from a variety of disciplinary orientations. Emphasis continues to be placed on writing as a process as students are required to conduct and to critically evaluate research as well as to maintain an independent voice as they negotiate multiple primary and secondary sources.
Honors English Composition (3,3)
These courses are offered to students who have been admitted to the Honors College as well as to students on the basis of their SAT scores and previous academic records. Students can also be recommended by their 101 instructors. These courses have the same goals as English Composition 101 and 102, but they are more rigorous and expect a higher level of sophistication in the thinking, reading, and writing skills and in the overall academic performance of students.
Note: 21:355:103-104 are taken in lieu of 21:355:101-102 and fulfill the English composition requirement.