All courses in Group I are required of each student minoring in
science, technology, and society. Science majors must take two courses
from Group II. Nonscience majors must take two courses from Group
Group I
21&62:512:395,396 History of Science or Hist 385-386 History of Technology (at NJIT)
21&62:790:310 Science, Technology, and Public Policy
STS 308 Technology and Global Development: Introduction to STS
STS 310 Technology and Human Values
Group II
21&62:050:403,404 Technology and Culture in America
21&62:730:225 Philosophy of Science
21&62:880:331,332 Topics in Science, Technology, and Society
STS 304 Writing about Science, Technology, and Society
STS 316 Mass Communications, Technology, and Culture
Group III
21&62:120:204 Economic Botany
21&62:120:205 Environmental Issues
21&62:160:101-102 World of Chemistry
21&62:750:202 Physics as a Liberal Art
21&62:880:331,332 Topics in Science, Technology, and Society