Women's Studies Program
Hill Hall (973/353-5817)
Program Director: Nancy G. Diaz
The major in women`s studies is offered at NCAS. The minor in women`s studies is offered at NCAS and UC-N.
Women`s history, with its distinctive culture, affects women`s present
status, education, and career development. New scholarship on the
historical and contemporary contributions of women has influenced
course offerings in many disciplines within the humanities, the social
sciences, and the natural sciences. The interdisciplinary women`s
studies program provides a framework for the study of gender and the
questions of culture, history, politics, and economics. The program
also is committed to integrating new scholarship on race, ethnicity,
and class together with perspectives on gender.
A variety of
courses, including 21&62:988:201,202 Introduction to Women`s
Studies and 21&62:988:389,390 Topics in Women`s Studies, are
available to students who wish to direct their future career plans,
studies, and research into fields requiring knowledge of the new
scholarship on women.
Students also are required to pursue a research project and/or an internship.
The Independent Research in Women`s Studies (21&62:988:401)
requires a substantial written project, while the Women`s Studies
Internship (21&62:988:425) involves ongoing organizational work in
the campus community or outside agencies.
Students are
encouraged to consider a double major that combines women`s studies
with a traditional discipline, such as history or psychology.