Core Courses
The core courses introduce students to the connections among
civilization, technology, and the global environment. Individual
core courses focus on historical and cultural foundations, basic ideas
and values, dominant institutions, environmental viewpoints, policy
developments, and sustainable development.
The senior seminar
and project is the capstone course for science, technology, and society
majors. Students work closely with the senior seminar director and a
faculty adviser to identify a topic, investigate it in depth, and
compose a senior thesis. Seniors also take the lead in monthly
faculty-student colloquia on major technological, scientific, and
environmental issues.
21&62:512:395,396 History of Science or Hist 485-486 History of Technology (at NJIT)
21&62:790:310 Science, Technology, and Public Policy
STS 308 Technology and Global Development: Introduction to STS
STS 310 Technology and Human Values
STS 490-491 Senior Seminar and Project