21&62:470:101-102Elementary German (3,3) Training in pronunciation and grammar, easy composition, and reading of simple prose. A minimum total of 10 hours of language laboratory work per term is required in NCAS elementary language courses. Intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of German. Both terms must be completed to receive credit. |
21&62:470:125Scientific German (3,3) Review and drill as in 21&62:470:131,132; reading and vocabulary work is chosen in accordance with the needs of students in the natural sciences. Prerequisite: 21&62:470:102 or equivalent. |
21&62:470:131,132Intermediate German (3,3) Review of grammar, readings in literature, and other cultural areas. Prerequisite: 21&62:470:102 or equivalent as determined by a placement examination. |
21&62:470:133German for Business and Industry (3,3) Introduction to practical German business terminology and phraseology pertinent to commercial correspondence, trade, banking, production, marketing, and management. Cultural differences discussed. Prerequisite: 21&62:470:102 or equivalent. |
21&62:470:203,204Conversation and Composition (3,3) Intensive practice in oral and written use of German. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. |
21&62:470:205,206Introduction to German Literature (3,3) Readings in German literature selected to illustrate various literary forms and periods. Prerequisite: 21&62:470:132 or equivalent. |
21&62:470:327Germanic Mythology and Folklore (3) Major pre-Christian myths and legends of the Germanic peoples as exemplified primarily in the Eddas and the Icelandic sagas; introduces the cultural scene of the Viking Age in northern Europe. |
21&62:470:337German Civilization (3) The relationships between German society, literature, art, and music in selected historical periods. |
21&62:470:353,354Individual Study in German (3,3) Individual study or research in German language or literature. Prerequisite: Permission of department chairperson or instructor. |
21&62:470:367,368German Literature in English Translation (3,3) Literary examination of representative works of German literature, with emphasis on the 20th century; Goethe, Fontane, Mann, Kafka, Frisch, Böll, Grass, Brecht, Dürrenmatt, and Weiss. Open to nonmajors. Prerequisite: 21&62:350:102. |