Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
About the University
Undergraduate Education in New Brunswick
Programs of Study and Courses for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students
School of Arts and Sciences
School of Environmental and Biological Sciences
History and Aims
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Programs of Study
Agriculture and Food Systems 020
Animal Science 067
Biochemistry 115
Bioenvironmental Engineering 117
Biological Sciences 119
Biotechnology 126
Ecology, Evolution, and Natural Resources 216
Entomology 370
Environmental and Business Economics 373
Environmental Engineering 366
Environmental Planning 573
Environmental Policy, Institutions, and Behavior 374
Environmental Sciences 375
Exercise Science 377
Food Science 400
Landscape Architecture 550
Marine Sciences 628
Meteorology 670
Microbiology 680
Nutritional Sciences 709
Learning Goals
Entry Requirements for the Major
Graduation Requirements for the Major
Plant Biology 776
Public Health 832
Minors and Certificate Programs
Student to Professional Internship Network (SPIN)
Military Education
Honors Programs
Study Abroad Programs
Educational Opportunity Fund (EOF)
Preprofessional Programs
Combined Degree Programs
Course Listing
Administration, Centers, and Faculty
Mason Gross School of the Arts
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
School of Communication and Information
School of Engineering
Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
General Information
Divisions of the University
Camden Newark New Brunswick/Piscataway
New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 School of Environmental and Biological Sciences Programs of Study Nutritional Sciences 709 Graduation Requirements for the Major  

Graduation Requirements for the Major

For an up-to-date description of nutritional sciences major requirements, courses, and course sequences, please refer to the program webpage at


Contemporary Challenges (6 credits) Two courses, one in each of the Contemporary Challenges areas: Diversities and Social Inequalities [CC-D] and Our Common Future [CC-O]

Experiential Learning (3 credits) Students must participate in a certified experience that meets this goal [EL]

Natural Sciences (6 credits) Students must take two courses, one each in two of the following areas: physical, biological, or environmental sciences [NS]

Historical Analysis (3 credits) Students must take one course [HST]

Social Analysis
(6 credits) SEBS students must complete two courses, one in either social/cultural analysis or economic analysis, and one in governmental and regulatory analysis [SCL]

Arts and Humanities (3 credits) Students must complete one course [AH]

Writing and Communication
(6 credits) Students must take 01:355:101 or its equivalent [WC] and one course that fulfills the learning goal, communicate effectively in modes appropriate to a discipline or area of inquiry [WCD].

Quantitative and Formal Reasoning (6 credits) Students must take two courses [QQ; QR]

Graduation Requirements for the Major (64-88 credits)


  Students are required to have placed at the precalculus level or above to take the required biology and chemistry courses.
   01:119:115-116  General Biology I,II (4,4) [NS]
   01:119:117  General Biology Laboratory (2)
   01:160:161  General Chemistry I (4) [NS]
   01:160:162  General Chemistry II (4)
   01:160:171  Introduction to Experimentation (1)
   11:709:255  Nutrition and Health (3)
  Students must achieve a GPA of 2.5 or better across these courses to be admitted to the Nutrition; Dietetics; or Nutrition, Food, and Business options.  


  1. Dietetics (66)
11:709:102 Careers in Nutrition (1)
11:709:201 Culinary Nutrition (3)
11:709:202 Culinary Nutrition Lab (1)
11:709:255 Nutrition and Health (3)
11:709:301 Food Safety & Sanitation in Food Service (2)
11:709:345 Nutrition through the Lifespan (3)
11:373:341 Organizational Dynamics (3) or equivalent
11:709:400 Advanced Nutrition: Macronutrients (3)
11:709:401 Advanced Nutrition: Energy & Micronutrients (3)
11:709:402¿ Advanced Nutrition: Readings for Macronutrients (1)
11:709:403¿ Advanced Nutrition: Readings for Energy & Micronutrients (1)
11:709:404 Advanced Nutrition: Clinical Research Practicum (1)
11:709:410 Dietetics Professional Practice (3)
11:709:441 Community Nutrition (3)
11:709:442 Nutrition Education & Communication (3)
11:709:448 Food Production & Management (3)
11:709:449 Food Service Lab (1)
11:709:483 Medical Nutrition Therapy I (3)
11:709:484 Nutrition Therapy Lab (1)
11:709:485 Medical Nutrition Therapy II (3)
11:709:489 Experimental Foods (4) or
11:709:493/494 Research in Nutrition (BA)
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research or Equivalent (3)
01:119:103 Principles of Biology (4)
01:119:127 Anatomy and Physiology I (4)
01:119:128 Anatomy and Physiology II (4)
01:160:161 General Chemistry I (4)
01:160:162 General Chemistry II (4)
01:160:171 Introduction to Experimentation Lab (1)
01:160:209 Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
11:115:301 Introduction to Biochemistry (3) or 01:694:301 Introduction to Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3)

Many of the science courses have prerequisites. Please see catalog descriptions. Students must achieve a C or better in all required biological sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, and nutrition courses before taking 709:400, 401, and 498.

  2. Nutrition (54.5-57.5)
   11:709:352  Nutrition and Behavior (3) or 11:709:427  Obesity: Biology, Behavior, and  Management (3) or 11:709:443  Methods in Sensory Analysis (3) or 11:709:475  Nutrition and Fitness (3)
   11:709:400  Advanced Nutrition I (3)
   11:709:401  Advanced Nutrition II (3)
   11:709:481  Seminar in Nutrition (1.5)
   11:709:493 or 494  Research in Nutrition (3) [EBE]
   11:067:300  Integrative Physiology (4) or 01:146:356, 357  Systems Physiology, Lab (3,1)
   01:160:307-308, 311  Organic Chemistry, Lab (4,4,2)
   01:447:380  Genetics (4)
   01:640:135  Calculus I (4) or equivalent [QQ]
   11:115:301  Introductory Biochemistry (3) or 11:694:301  Introductory Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (3) or 11:115:403-404  General Biochemistry (4,4) or 01:694:407-408 Molecular Biology and Biochemistry (3,3)
   01:750:193-194  Physics for the Sciences (4,4) or 01:750:203-204  General Physics (3,3) and 01:750:205-206  General Physics Lab (1,1)
   01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research (3) or equivalent [QR]
   01:146 3xx/4xx or 01:447:3xx/4xx or 01:694::3xx/4xx or 11:126:3xx/4xx or 11:216:3xx/4xx Advanced Life Sciences course (3)

Many of the science courses have prerequisites. Please see catalog descriptions. Students must achieve a C or better in all required biological sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, and nutrition courses before taking 709:400, 401, and 498.

  3. Food Service Administration (42)

   11:709:201,202  Culinary Nutrition, Lab (3,1)
   11:709:344  Quantity Food Production (3) [EBE]
   11:709:444  Management of Food Service Systems (3)
   01:640:115  Precalculus or equivalent (4) (QQ)
   11:373:121  Principles and Applications of Microeconomics (3) or equivalent [SCL]
   11:373:121  Principles and Applications of Macroeconomics (3) or equivalent [SCL]
   33:010:272  Introduction to Financial Accounting (3)
   11:680:201,202  Introduction to Microbiology, Lab (3,1) or 01:119:131,132  Microbiology for the Health Sciences, Lab (3,1)
   11:373:341  Management: Human Systems Development (3) or 01:830:341  Organizational and Personnel Psychology (3)

   12 Credits selected from:
   11:709:352  Nutrition and Behavior (3)
   11:709:441  Community Nutrition (3)
   11:709:442  Nutrition Communication (3)
   11:709:443  Methods in Sensory Analysis (3)
   01:355:203  Business Writing Essentials (3) [WCD]
   11:373:231  Introduction to Marketing (3)
   11:373:331  Economics of Food Marketing Systems (3)
   11:373:241  Introduction to Management (3)
   11:373:371  Food, Health, and Safety Policy (3)
   11:375:403  Principles of Epidemiology (3)
   11:400:304  Food Analysis (4)
   11:400:412  Food Product Development (3)
   33:011:201  Introduction to Management for Nonbusiness Majors (3)
   33:011:202  Introduction to Marketing for Nonbusiness Majors (3)
   33:011:203  Introduction to Finance for Nonbusiness Majors (3)
   33:011:204  Principles of Business Law for Nonbusiness Majors (3)

  4. Community Nutrition (49)
   11:709:201,202  Culinary Nutrition, Lab (3,1)
   11:709:344  Quantity Food Production (3) (EBE])
   11:709:345  Nutrition through the Life Span (2)
   11:709:352  Nutrition and Behavior (3)
   11:709:441  Community Nutrition (3)
   11:709:442  Nutrition Communication (3)
   01:640:115  Precalculus (4) or equivalent [QR]
   01:355:315  Writing Grant Proposals (3) or 01:355:303  Writing for Business and the Professions (3) [WCD]
   04:567:215  Gender, Race, and Class in the Media (3)
   01:830:101  General Psychology (3) [SCL]
   10:832:201  Principles of Public Health (3) [QQ]
   10:832:212  Health Disparities (3)
   01:920:108  Minority Groups in American Society (3)
   Three Courses selected from:
   11:709:444  Management of Food Service Systems (3)
   11:709:363  World Food Customs and Nutrition (3)
   11:709:427  Obesity: Biology, Behavior, and Management (3)
   11:709:475  Nutrition and Fitness (3)
   11:193:413  Community Interventions in Obesity-Related Chronic Diseases (3)
   11:607:402  Building Community Partnerships (3)
   10:832:252  Health and Social Justice (3)
   01:377:377  Exercise and Aging (3)
   01:920:272  Sociology of the Family (3)    
   10:762/832:101  Introduction to Policy, Planning, and Health (3)
   10:762:304  Poverty in the United States (3)
   11:193:421  Wellness Behavior (3)
   11:374:341  Social and Ecological Aspects of Health and Disease (3)

  5. Nutrition, Food, and Business (60)

   11:709:201,202  Culinary Nutrition, Lab (3,1)
   11:709:344  Quantity Food Production (3)
   11:709:443  Methods in Sensory Analysis (3)
   11:709:444  Management of Food Service Systems (3)
   11:709:489  Experimental Foods (4)
   01:640:115  Precalculus (4) or equivalent [QQ]
   11:680:201,202  Introduction to Microbiology, Lab (3,1) or 01:119:131,132  Microbiology Health Science, Lab (3,1)
   01:160:209  Elementary Organic Chemistry (3)
   01:355:203  Business Writing Essentials (3) [WCD]
   01:830:101  General Psychology (3)
   01:960:401  Basic Statistics for Research (3) or equivalent [QR]
   11:020:442  Entrepreneurial Agriculture (3)
   11:373:121  Principles and Applications of Microeconomics (3) or equivalent [SCL]
   11:373:231  Introduction to Marketing (3)
   11:373:323  Public Policy Toward the Food Industry (3)    
   11:373:341  Management: Human Systems Development (3) or 01:830:373  Organizational and Personnel Psychology (3)
   11:400:301  Food Processing Technologies (4)
   11:400:304  Food Analysis (4)

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