For an up-to-date description of environmental policy, institutions, and behavior major requirements, courses, and course sequences please refer to the program webpage at
Contemporary Challenges (6 credits) Two courses, one in each of the Contemporary Challenges areas: Diversities and Social Inequalities [CC-D] and Our Common Future [CC-O]
Experiential Learning (3 credits) Students must participate in a certified experience that meets this goal [EL]
Natural Sciences (6 credits) Students must take two courses, one each in two of the following areas: physical, biological, or environmental sciences [NS]
Historical Analysis (3 credits) Students must take one course [HST]
Social Analysis (6 credits) SEBS students must complete two courses, one in either social/cultural analysis or economic analysis, and one in governmental and regulatory analysis [SCL]
Arts and Humanities (3 credits) Students must complete one course [AH]
Writing and Communication (6 credits) Students must take 01:355:101 or its equivalent [WC] and one course that fulfills the learning goal, communicate effectively in modes appropriate to a discipline or area of inquiry [WCD].
Quantitative and Formal Reasoning (6 credits) Students must take two courses [QQ; QR]
Major Requirements for All Students Regardless of Matriculation Date
V8: Foundation courses (15 credits)
11:374:101 Introduction to Human Ecology
11:374:279 Politics of Environmental Issues
11:374:305 Globalization, Development, and Environment
11:374:312 Environmental History
11:374:460 Environmental Law and Policy
Requirement V9: Methods (9 credits)
Statistics (choose one):
01:960:211 Statistics I
01:960:401 Basic Statistics for Research
10:762:205 Basic Statistical Methods for Policy, Planning, and Health
11:374:302 Data Analysis in Human Ecology
11:374:110 Theories and Reasoning in Human Ecology
11:374:201 Research Methods
Requirement V10: Math Proficiency
Notes: All students must place in Precalculus or higher or complete
Intermediate Algebra (01:640:026)
Requirement V11: Skills (9 credits)
11:374:220 Environmental Solutions
11:374:280 Careers in EPIB
Communication, choose one:
11:374:225 Environment in Society and Mass Media
11:374:227 Agriculture in Society and Mass Media
11:374:240 Visualizing Information: Storytelling with Data
11:374:311 Environmental Writing
11:374:325 Environmental Communication
11:374:435 Advanced Communication in the Sciences
Requirement V12: Experiential Learning Requirement (3 credits)
Choose one:
11:374:399 Practicum in Sustainability
11:374:481 Raritan Scholars
11:374:482 Climate Action Internship
11:374:490 Readings and Practicum in Human Ecology
11:374:492 Environmental Studies Internship
Requirement V13: Policy, Governance, and Management Cluster (3 credits)
11:374:175 Energy and Society
11:374:115 Water and Society
11:374:313 U.S. Environmental Policy
11:374:314 Natural Resource Policy
11:374:428 Marine Fisheries Policy
11:374:462 International Environmental Law
Requirement V14: Food, Health, and Disease Cluster (3
Choose one:
11:374:141 Health and Society
11:374:430 Risk, Health, and Safety
11:374:436 Segregation and Health
11:374:437 Culture and Health
11:374:438 Health in the Latino Community
Requirement V15: Globalization, Development, and Sustainability
Cluster (3 credits)
Choose one:
11:374:289 Sustainable Food: Politics, Policy, and Ethics
11:374:299 Introduction to Sustainability
11:374:426 Climate Change Policy
11:374:429 Agrarian Landscapes
Requirement V16: People, Communities, and the Environment Cluster (3 credits)
Choose one:
11:374:223 Urban Society and Environment
11:374:322 Environmental Behavior
11:374:335 Communities and Environmental Change
11:374:440 Race and the Environment
11:374:416 Environmental Education
11:374:433 Environmental Justice
Requirement V17: Upper-Level Classes (6 credits)
Choose two additional 374 courses at the 300-400 level that are not being
counted to fulfill other requirements. Please note: 11:374:490,
11:374:491, and 11:374:492 cannot count toward this requirement.
Requirement V18: Capstone (3 credits)
Choose one:
11:374:499 Capstone in Human Ecology
11:015:497 George H. Cook Honors
11:015:498 George H. Cook Honors
11:374:491 Capstone Independent Study
Unspecified Electives
addition to courses meeting the above requirements, students can take
other courses offered by the university, for which they meet the course
eligibility requirements, to bring their total number of credits to the
minimum of 120 (matriculated 2018 or later) or 128 (matriculated prior
to 2018) required for graduation.