Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Undergraduate-New Brunswick
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Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick
General Information
Academic Policies and Procedures
Degree Requirements
Credits and Residency
Programs of Study: Majors and Minors
RBS Concentrations
136 Business Analytics Concentration
382 Entrepreneurship Concentration
390 Finance Concentration
620 Global Business Concentration
623 Management Information Systems Concentration
625 Leadership Skills Concentration
631 Sales Concentration
851 Real Estate Concentration
Course Listing
Administration and Faculty
School of Communication and Information
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Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy
School of Management and Labor Relations
Honors College of Rutgers University-New Brunswick
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New Brunswick Undergraduate Catalog 2022-2024 Rutgers Business School: Undergraduate-New Brunswick Degree Requirements RBS Concentrations 851 Real Estate Concentration  

851 Real Estate Concentration

Current undergraduate business school students pursuing a concentration in real estate will take four courses (12 credits). Students in this program will be taught by top-notch real estate experts and be exposed to relevant coursework and industry-leading guest speakers. But more importantly, by enrolling in either of these programs, students will have unparalleled access to the more than 70 industry leaders who advise the Rutgers Center for Real Estate. Further, the center will provide scholarships, mentoring, internships, and career opportunities for students enrolled in the program.

Concentration Requirements

The concentration consists of four courses (12 credits) in addition to satisfaction of the core undergraduate business requirements. There are two paths to completion of the concentration--one path for finance majors andanother for students in RBS majors in areas other than finance.

Requirements for Nonfinance Majors

Satisfactory completion of Financial Management for nonfinance majors (33:390:300) is a prerequisite for Essentials of Real Estate Finance (33:851:380).

Required courses (12 credits)

Real Estate Law 33:851:350 (3)
Essentials of Real Estate Finance 33:851:380 (3)
Commercial Debt Markets 33:851:470 (3)
Development 33:851:432 (3)

Requirements for Finance Majors

Real Estate Finance and Mortgage-Backed Securities (33:390:435) satisfies the concentration's real estate finance requirement. Students taking 33:390:435 are waived from the requirement to take Essentials of Real Estate Finance (33:851:380).

Satisfactory completion of Financial Management for Finance Majors (33:390:310) is a prerequisite for Real Estate Finance and Mortgage-Backed Securities (33:390:435).

Required courses (12 credits)

Real Estate Law 33:851:350 (3)
Real Estate Finance and Mortgage-Backed Securities* 33:390:435 (3)
Commercial Debt Markets 33:851:470 (3)
Development 33:851:432 (3)

*Course credit counts simultaneously as both a requirement for the concentration and as an elective for finance majors.

You cannot 'double count' or overlap any courses between RBS-NB majors and RBS-NB concentrations. All concentration courses must be fulfilled by courses not required by an RBS-NB major. Degree Navigator will not remove the double counted courses and it is the student's responsibility to monitor this manually.

For additional information, contact RU-info at 848-445-info (4636) .
Comments and corrections to: One Stop Student Services Center.

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