The intention of this concentration is to allow students not majoring in business analytics and information technology (BAIT) to add a field of secondary expertise to their transcripts, complementing their major area of study, without having to take the full complement of seven extra courses required to double-major in BAIT. Such
students are advised to select one of the two concentrations (business
analytics [BA] or management information systems [MIS]); selecting both concentrations requires six additional courses, in which case it is recommended that the student take one further course and thus qualify for a major or double-major in BAIT.
Concentration Requirements (9 credits total)
Required Courses (6 credits)
Students are required to take the following two courses:
Business Data Management 33:136:470 (3) (prerequisite: 33:136:370)
Foundations of Business Programming 33:136:388 (3)
Elective Courses (3 credits)
Students can choose one of the following courses as an elective:
Data Mining for Business Intelligence 33:136:494 (3)
Enterprise Architecture 33:136:465 (3) (prerequisite: 33:136:370)
Information System Security 33:136:471 (3) (prerequisite: 33:136:370)
Investment Modeling with 'R' 33:136:450 (3) (prerequisite: 33:136:370)
You cannot 'double count' or
overlap any courses between RBS-NB majors and RBS-NB concentrations. All
concentration courses must be fulfilled by courses not required by an RBS-NB
major. Degree Navigator will not remove the double counted courses and it is
the student's responsibility to monitor this manually.