01:160:110Frontiers of Chemistry (1.5) For the nonscientist, topics currently at the forefront of chemical
research and their social implications. Presented by experts in
layperson's terms. Recombinant DNA, chemistry of planets, chemical
approaches to the harnessing of solar energy, chemical basis of
disease, and drug action.
01:160:111Chemistry of Drugs (1.5) For nonscientists, a nontechnical chemical approach to the drug phenomenon in our world. Topics include oral contraceptives, psychedelics, stimulants, and depressants.
01:160:127Impact of Chemistry (3) Relation of chemistry to human life, culture, and everyday decisions. Case studies used to illustrate chemical principles and examine issues of current concern, such as global warming, drug testing, ozone depletion, and heavy-metal poisoning. Intended primarily for students majoring in social sciences or humanities.
01:160:128Chemistry of Life (3) Topics chosen from fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry including proteins, DNA, RNA, and chemical origins of life. Emphasis given to the nature of chemical and biochemical discoveries and the social responsibility of scientists. Does not make a sequence with 01:160:161.
01:160:133Preparation for General Chemistry (2) Beginning after five weeks of the semester for students who start General Chemistry and encounter serious difficulties. Fall semester only. Prerequisites: 01:640:026 or equivalent, and permission of instructor.
01:160:134Introduction to Chemistry (3) For students who are advised that they are not ready to undertake General Chemistry. Students who have taken higher-level chemistry courses for science majors are not eligible. Fall semester only. Corequisite: 01:640:111 or 115, or appropriate performance on the placement test in mathematics.
01:160:140The Greenhouse Effect (3) The physical and chemical bases of the "greenhouse effect" and its global impact: biological, climatic, economic, and political. Reducing the emission of "greenhouse" gases; nuclear energy and other alternative energy sources. Lec. 2 hrs., lab. 1.5 hrs. For nonscience majors; not for major credit in science or engineering. Credit not given for both this course and 01:450:140, 01:556:140, or 01:750:140.
01:160:159-160General Chemistry for Engineers (3,3) Introduction to chemical principles and their application. Includes stoichiometry, states of matter, atomic and molecular structure, solutions, thermodynamics, equilibrium, oxidation-reduction, kinetics, nonmetals, metals and coordination compounds, and nuclear chemistry. Lec. 2 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Prerequisite for 159: 01:640:026 or equivalent. Pre- or corequisite for 160: 01:160:171. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:161-162 or 163-164.
01:160:161-162General Chemistry (4,4) Introduction to chemical principles and their application. Topics
include stoichiometry, states of matter, atomic and molecular
structure, solutions, thermodynamics, equilibrium, oxidation-reduction,
kinetics, nonmetals, metals and coordination compounds, and
nuclear chemistry.Lec. 3 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Pre- or corequisite for 161: 01:640:111 or 115, or appropriate performance on the placement test for mathematics. Pre- or corequisite for 162: 01:160:171. Prerequisite for 162: 01:640:111 or 115 or equivalent. For science majors. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:159-160 or 163-164.
01:160:163-164Honors General Chemistry (4,4) Covers topics of 01:160:161-162 in more depth. Material related to current research topics and other fields of scientific interest. Prerequisite: One year of high school chemistry. Corequisite for 163: 01:640:151 or permission of instructor. Pre- or corequisites for 164: 01:640:152 and 01:160:171, or permission of instructor. For students with a strong interest in chemistry and/or those considering majoring in a science or engineering discipline requiring a strong background in chemistry. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:159-160 or 161-162.
01:160:171Introduction to Experimentation (1) Laboratory illustrating basic chemical methods. Lab fee required. Lab. 3 hrs. Pre- or corequisite: 01:160:159, 161, or 163.
01:160:192Topics in Chemistry (1.5) Seminar on current applications of chemistry to real-world problems and issues. Practice in use of computational tools and the internet in chemical applications. Pre- or corequisites: 01:160:161 or 163 or advanced placement, and permission of department. Enrollment limited to 20 students. Intended primarily for first-year students with a strong interest in chemistry.
01:160:209Elementary Organic Chemistry (3) Carbon compounds, including biologically and nutritionally interesting compounds, and textile polymers. Prerequisites: 01:160:127 and 128, 162, or 164. Not for major credit. Credit not given for both this course and 01:160:307-308.
01:160:211Elementary Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1) Synthesis and analysis of organic compounds. Lab fee required. Lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:160:171. Pre- or corequisite: 01:160:209.
01:160:251Analytical Chemistry (3) Quantitative applications of gravimetric, volumetric, and instrumental methods of analysis to samples of environmental significance. Offered fall and spring semesters. Lab fee required. Lec. 1.5 hr., lab. 4.5 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:160:171 and 160, 162, or 164.
01:160:305-306Organic Chemistry (3,3) Basic theory. Survey of structure, properties, and reactivity of main classes of compounds, including a number of biological interest. Lec. 3 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:160:160, 162, or 164. Note: 01:160:305 does not substitute for 01:160:209. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:307-308 or 315-316.
01:160:307-308Organic Chemistry (4,4) Basic theory. Survey of structure, properties, and reactivity of main classes of compounds, including a number of biological interest. Lec. 3 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Prerequisite: 01:160:160, 162, or 164. 01:160:307 does not substitute for 01:160:209. Credit not given for both 01:160:307-308 and 305-306 or 315-316.
01:160:309-310Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2.5,2.5)Develops proficiency in preparation and manipulation. Hands-on use of
modern spectroscopic and chromatographic instrumentation (FT-NMR,
FT-IR, GC, GCMS). Lab fee required. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 4.5 hrs. Prerequisite for 309: 01:160:171. Pre- or corequisite for 309: 01:160:308 or 316. Prerequisites for 310: 01:160:309, and 308 or 316. Open only to students majoring in chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, and molecular biology and biochemistry, or by permission of instructor.
01:160:311Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2)Develops facility in both preparation and manipulation and applies
chromatographic and spectroscopic techniques to solutions of problems. Lab fee required. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 4.5 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:160:171 and 307.
01:160:313-314Organic Chemistry Laboratory (1,1)Develops proficiency in preparation and manipulation. Chromatographic
and spectroscopic techniques applied to solutions of problems.
Qualitative organic analysis. Lab. 3 hrs. Prerequisites for 313: 01:160:171; 01:160:160, 162, or 164. Prerequisites for 314: 01:160:305 or 307 or 315, and 313. Pre- or corequisite for 313: 01:160:305 or 307 or 315. Pre- or corequisite for 314: 001:160:306, 308, or 316. 01:160:313-314 is equivalent to 01:160:311. Offered in summer only.
01:160:315-316Principles of Organic Chemistry (4,4)Survey of structure, properties, and reactivity of main classes of
organic compounds with a focus on qualitative molecular orbital theory,
reaction mechanisms, and synthesis. Lec. 3 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Prerequisite: 01:160:160, 162, or 164. Corequisite for 316: 01:160:309. 01:160:209 does not substitute for 01:160:315. Credit not given for both 01:160:315-316 and 305-306 or 307-308. Recommended for students planning to pursue graduate work in chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, or medicine.
01:160:323-324Physical Chemistry (3,3) Fundamental principles of physical chemistry. Quantum theory, spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Prerequisites: 01:160:160, 162, or 164; 01:640:251; 01:750:203-204, or 227 and 228. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:327-328 or 341-342.
01:160:327-328Physical Chemistry (4,4) Fundamental principles of physical chemistry. Quantum theory, spectroscopy, statistical mechanics, thermodynamics, and kinetics. Lec. 3 hrs., rec. 1 hr. Prerequisites: 01:160:160, 162, or 164; 01:640:251; 01:750:203-204, or 227 and 228. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:323-324 or 341-342. Equivalent to 01:160:323-324 but includes a recitation.
01:160:329Experimental Physical Chemistry (2.5) Experiments in physical chemistry illustrating principles and techniques. Use of computers to process experimental data. Lec. 1 hr., lab. 4.5 hrs. Prerequisites: 01:160:251 and 323, 327, or 341.
01:160:341-342Physical Chemistry: Biochemical Systems (3,3) Fundamental principles of physical chemistry: thermodynamics, ideal and nonideal solutions, chemical dynamics, catalysis, electrochemistry, and phase equilibria. Biologically relevant examples and applications stressed. Prerequisites: 01:160:160, 162, or 164; 01:640:251; 01:750:203-204, or 227 and 228. Credit not given for both these courses and 01:160:323-324 or 327-328.
01:160:344Introduction to Molecular Biophysics Research (3) Basic principles and methods of research, followed by a research project involving preparation of biopolymer analogs, X-ray crystallography, spectroscopy, calorimetry, computer simulation, and other relevant physical techniques. Description of research opportunities at the university available to undergraduates. Prerequisites: 01:160:309 and 323, 327, or 341, and permission of instructor.
01:160:348Instrumental Analysis (3) Theory and practice of instrumental analysis, including electrochemistry, separations, and spectroscopy. Lec. 80 mins., lab 5 hrs. Prerequisite: 01:160:251. Intended for chemistry majors.
01:160:361Chemical Bonding (1.5)Theories of ionic and covalent bonding. Elementary molecular orbital theory applied to simple molecules. Prerequisites: 01:160:305, 307, or 315 and 01:640:152 or equivalent.
01:160:371Inorganic Chemistry (3)Introduction to the bonding, electronic structure, and chemical
properties of transition metal and main group inorganic compounds. Prerequisites: 01:160:308 and 361, or permission of instructor.
01:160:391-392Independent Study in Chemistry (1-3,1-3)
Research on an original problem under the direction of a member
of the department. Written report and one oral or poster presentation required.Prerequisite: Permission of department. Not open to seniors.
01:160:409Organic Chemistry of High Polymers (3)Introduction to the synthesis and reactions of macromolecules,
free-radical polymerization, stereospecific polymerization, and
stepwise polymerization. Prerequisites: 01:160:308 and 324, 328, or 342.
01:160:410Introduction to Molecular Modeling (3) Introduction to computer-assisted molecular modeling techniques for the study of chemical problems. Lectures on theoretical principles. Instruction in use of modern modeling programs. Computer projects involving solution of chemical problems. Prerequisites: 01:160:307-308 and 323-324 or equivalent.
01:160:411-412Advanced Organic Chemistry (3,3) Advanced survey of organic chemistry; structure and stereochemistry of organic molecules, chemistry of reactive intermediates, structure-reactivity relationships, molecular rearrangements, molecular orbital theory, and orbital symmetry correlations. Prerequisites: 01:160:308 and 324, 328, or 342.
01:160:415Theory and Interpretation of Organic Spectra (3) Theory and interpretation of nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, ultraviolet, and mass spectra. Prerequisites: 01:160:308 and 324, 328, or 342.
01:160:418Bioorganic Mechanisms (3) Catalysis of organic reactions that are model systems for enzymatic processes. Emphasis on mechanisms of enzyme catalyzed reactions. Prerequisites: 01:160:308 and 324, 328, or 342.
01:160:421Atomic and Molecular Structure (3) Introduction to quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. Elementary solutions of the Schrödinger wave equation; valence bond and molecular orbital theory; Boltzmann distribution; partition functions. Prerequisites: 01:160:324, 328, or 342; 01:640:250 and 251 or equivalent.
01:160:422Statistical Mechanics (3) Basic concepts and methods of equilibrium statistical mechanics. Applications to systems and phenomena of chemical interest, including ideal and real gases, chemical equilibria, phase transitions, classical liquids, and polymer solutions. Use of Monte-Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations to solve problems of current interest. Prerequisites: 01:160:324, 328, or 342; 01:640:250 and 251 or equivalent.
01:160:425Thermodynamics I (3) Principles of classical and statistical thermodynamics, treated in an integral manner; interrelations of molecular properties with the energy and entropy of macroscopic systems. Applications include phase changes and chemical reactions. Prerequisites: 01:160:327-328 or equivalent.
01:160:426Thermodynamics II (3) Application of thermodynamics to solutions of nonelectrolytes and electrolytes. Prerequisite: 01:160:425.
01:160:433Chemical Application of Group Theory (3) Aspects and consequences of molecular symmetry; point groups and character tables; group theory and quantum mechanics; symmetry aspects of the electronic structure in organic and inorganic molecules; selection rules for electronic and vibrational spectroscopy; ligand field theory. Prerequisite: 01:160:421 or permission of instructor.
01:160:434Kinetics (3) Chemical reaction rates in homogeneous systems and at interfaces. Experimental and mathematical methods of elucidating reaction mechanisms. Photochemical and ultrafast reactions. Prerequisite: 01:160:324, 328, or 342 or equivalent.
01:160:437Physical Chemistry of Biological Systems (3) Introduction to the physical chemistry of proteins, nucleic acids, and their complexes. Forces that determine biopolymer structure. Principles of protein and nucleic acid structure. Transitions and interactions of biopolymers. Prerequisite: 01:160:324, 328, or 342 or equivalent. Recommended: 11:115:403,404 or 01:694:407,408 previously or concurrently.
01:160:438Introduction to Computational Chemistry (3) Solution of chemical problems using computer and graphics equipment. Applications to molecular structure and reactivity, conformational analysis, molecular interactions, and dynamics. Prerequisite: 01:160:324, 328, or 342 or permission of instructor.
01:160:439Physical Chemistry of the Environment (3) Application of physical chemical principles to environmental problems. Prerequisite: 01:160:324 or 328 or equivalent.
01:160:446Chemical Separations (3) The principles of chemical separations by various chromatographic techniques. Prerequisite: 01:160:324 or 328 or equivalent.
01:160:451Analytical Spectroscopy (3) Theory of spectroscopy and spectrophotometry, including the analytical applications of spectrochemical methods. Prerequisites: 01:160:324 or 328, and a course in analytical chemistry.
01:160:471Advanced Inorganic Chemistry (3) Advanced treatment of bonding, electronic-spectral, magnetic, and chemical properties of transition metal complexes. Prerequisites: 01:160:371 and 421, or equivalent.
01:160:475Organometallic Chemistry (3) A detailed survey of the mechanisms of organometallic reactions. Prerequisites: 01:160:308, 324 or 328, 371.
01:160:476Bioinorganic Chemistry (3) Spectroscopic, chemical, and other properties of metal-containing biological systems such as hemoglobin, vitamin B12, carboxypeptidase, etc. Prerequisite: 01:160:371 or equivalent.
01:160:487,488Special Topics in Chemistry (3,3) Study of selected areas in chemistry. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.
01:160:491-492Seminar in Chemistry (1,1) Development of communication skills needed by professionals in chemistry and related fields. Oral reports, discussions of topics of current interest, journal club, and poster sessions. Introduction to the chemical research literature. Open only to seniors.
01:160:493-494Internship in Chemistry (1,1) Work in chemistry with a designated community partner; an appropriately designed academic project resulting in a written and/or oral report. Corequisites: 01:160:491-492. Open only to seniors. Graded Pass/No Credit.
01:160:495-496Senior Research Project: Chemistry (1-6,1-6) Research on an original problem under the direction of a member of the department. Written report and one oral or poster presentation required. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Open only to seniors.
01:160:497-498Honors Research in Chemistry (3-6,3-6) Research on an original problem under the direction of a member of the department. Written report and one oral presentation required. Prerequisite: Permission of department. Open only to senior honors students.