East Asian Civilizations: Traditional Era (3)
Introduction to traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean civilizations, including governmental institutions, educational systems, belief systems, language, literature, art, and everyday life.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:214:241.
East Asian Civilizations: Modern Era (3)
Introduction to modern Chinese, Japanese, and Korean civilizations, including the impact of modernization, East-West contact, governmental institutions, belief systems, educational systems, language, literature, art, and everyday life.
Credit not given for both this course and 01:214:242.
Asian American Experience: Identity and Ethnicity (3)
Introduction to the historical and intercultural understanding of the social, political, and cultural dynamics of Asian immigrant communities and identity formation in America.
Interdisciplinary Topics in South Asia (3)
Interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures of South Asia: geographic foundations, extended family, village-centered society, agricultural systems, and confrontation of Hindu and Muslim traditions with Western technology.
Selected Interdisciplinary Topics in East Asia (3)
Interdisciplinary introduction to the cultures of East Asia: geographic foundations, extended family, village-centered society, agricultural systems, and confrontation of Chinese and Japanese traditions with Western technology.
Seminar on Asian Societies (3)
Comparative examination of major themes, problems, and patterns in Asian politics, economics, history, and/or culture. Research on aspects of a common topic examined in the seminar.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.