who wish to pursue individualized majors in the liberal arts and
sciences other than those regularly available through the School of
Arts and Sciences (SAS) may make an application in writing to the SAS dean for undergraduate education. To be considered for
approval, applications must include a statement describing the
student's educational objectives, a proposed program of courses, and
the signatures of three faculty sponsors from at least two different
departments. Two of the three faculty sponsors must be faculty members
of the School of Arts and Sciences, and one must agree to serve as
major adviser.
An individualized major must consist of at
least 36 credits: ordinarily, at least two-thirds of these credits must
be taken in SAS courses; three-quarters must be at the 300 level or
above; and at least one course must be taken as an independent study in
the senior year under the direction of the faculty adviser, for the
purpose of integrating the work comprising the major.
forms for the individualized major can be obtained in the Office of
Academic Services of the School of Arts and Sciences.
Satisfactory completion of this major leads to a bachelor of arts degree.