Honors Criteria
a 3.600 Major GPA or a 3.400 Major GPA + Honors Research Seminar + Honors
High Honors:
Either a 3.800 Major GPA or a 3.600 Major GPA + Honors Research Seminar + Honors
Highest Honors:
3.800 GPA
+ Honors Research Seminar + Honors Research
Honors Research Program
qualify for the departmental honors research program, a student must have
attained, by the end of the first semester of their junior year, a cumulative
overall grade-point average of at least 3.40 and a grade-point average of at
least 3.40 in courses in the option they have selected within the major. By the end of the first semester of the
junior year, the student must formally apply to the director of the honors research program for admittance to the program. Accepted candidates must complete the
Honors Research Seminar (01:377:480) during the spring semester of their junior
year when, under the guidance of the seminar instructor, an honors research
project is designed and developed. During the fall semester of their senior year, each student approved by the
instructor must register for 01:377:481 Honors Research in Exercise Science,
be assigned to an individual faculty member, and carry out the research project
originally designed in the Honors Research Seminar. Both semesters must be successfully completed and the minimum
honors grade-point average must be maintained for a student to receive
departmental honors recognition.