Introduction to Social Justice (3)
Through case studies of pressing social justice issues,
examines dynamics of oppression, linking competing theories of social justice
to hierarchies grounded in race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, class, and
sexuality, and to particular strategies for social transformation.
Practicing Social Justice (3)
Introduces students to diverse practices of social justice
activism including grassroots organizing, labor organizing, political
organizing, and transnational organizing. Readings about social change
efforts are combined with student
participation in community mobilizations, labor organizing efforts, political
campaigns, and transnational social movement and nongovernmental organization (NGO) activism.
Topics in Social Justice (1.5,1.5)
Intensive investigation of particular social justice issues
such as environmental justice, outsourcing of reproductive labor, the informal
economy, the prison-industrial complex. Topic varies each semester. Designed for social justice
living-learning communities.
Social Justice Internship (1.5-3,1.5-3)
Interns work in social justice organizations. Supervision by assigned staff at the
placement site. Seminar, student
journal, paper, and assessment of work experience required.
Prerequisites: 01:904:201 and 202. Designed for social justice minors. Permission of social justice faculty adviser required.
Social Justice Capstone Seminar (3,3)
In-depth exploration of a
particular social justice issue such as globalizing inequality, gendered
migration, war and displacement, refugee camps, militarization, the color of
AIDS, asylum seeking, the prison-industrial complex. Topic varies with instructor. See website for details.
Social Justice Independent Study (3,3)
Supervised individual study of selected topics of interest
with extensive reading and a research paper.
Reserved for social justice minors.